Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Tuesday 29/06/2021 - Acorn Cost Cutter - Paddocks

Getting the kit ready I tripped and bruised my ribs, so considered cancelling. However, the Special One was out with friends so went hoping I wouldn't draw the Island. Luckily Mike Chapman offered me an early draw without the island pegs which I accepted knowing that this would increase the chances of drawing a bloody Bridge peg, which I prefer not to fish. So I was handed peg 34!!

Went and had a look in the new Acorn tackle shop and met with Zoe and Mark (pictured right). I must say the shop is well stocked and with Zoe as head buyer will soon be bursting at the seams. The maggots looked in exceptional good condition. Well worth a visit.

Had a chat with Mark and he explained that finding a depth of 18 inches would be important. I knew this would be difficult on peg 34 unless I fished over, which wasn't going to happen.

Back to the peg and plumbed around and found the shallowest margin I could reach was around to my left but found it still nearly three foot deep with a tiny shallower area that was only three 3 inches wide, couldn't see that being any good. Mark was to be proved correct.

What followed is something I haven't experienced before. I started in the left hand margin LR's over GB and had a couple of 2 lb Skimmers fly off, one on to the bank! I landed two and a 2 lb Perch and a few Ronnie's. That said I was getting liners all the time from the Silvers and foul hooked some. I changed to a very light rig and 20 hook, but didn't really expect any change because the fish were just not feeding properly, which proved correct. More liners from Silvers which is very strange to experience as they look like bites so a lot of striking to no avail, just more fouling. It was the same with worm hook bait. As anticipated it was only the anglers fishing the pole over that was catching, but not that well. Before and during the match I set up at least eight different rigs. I did catch one Carp out in front over loose fed maggot. Everyone was struggling and banked on catching some better Carp late on to catch up, but due to the football starting at 5 pm the match started 30 minutes early so we would finish at 3:30 pm reducing Carp o clock to 30 minutes. In the last 45 minutes I went down the RH side margin catching four more Carp on double LR's over DR's but was foul hooking many. Come the all out I really wanted to fish on as I felt I hadn't exhausted all my options and wanted so sort this new experience out, but football and a couple or three beers was calling.

My Silvers weighed 6 lb 14 oz and my five Carp 12 lb for a nowhere weight of 18 lb 14 oz but did beat all those around plenty of some DNW's. Save to say it was many anglers suffered their lowest weights at the usually prolific venue, including me. But it was a good experience. On hindsight I should have focused more on the Silvers with the Ronnie rig.

Conclusion: The deeper the water the lower the oxygen levels, the fish preferring oxygen rather than feed today.

The match was won by Steve "John Boy" Howell (pictured) with 59 lb 7 oz from Island peg 1. Steve caught long using maggot hook bait over GB and maggot feed.

The Silvers was won by organiser Mike Chapman (picture) with an exceptional on the day weight of 23 lb from peg 10. Mike caught short on Chopped worm and caster.


England 2 Germany 0

1. Steve Howell 59-7-0 peg 1

2. Bob Smith 52-07-0 peg 13

3. John Hawkins 2-06-0 peg 38

4. Lee Waller 47-06-0 peg 40


1. Mike Chapman 23-0-0 peg 10

2. Martin Alexander 11-10-0 peg 7

2. G. Brinza 11-10-0 peg 19

Weigh Sheets:

Monday, 28 June 2021

Sunday 27/06/2021 - Tony Rixon's Short Pole - Chiltern Trinity - Woodlands

I had to cancel fishing this league this year due to family commitments. However, as Podge had just thrown the towel in on Tony's leagues I replaced him today and for the last match both at Woodlands. I had heard the venue was fishing poor as is most others at the moment most probably due to the low oxygen levels - we really need some sunshine.

Went to open the back gate this morning and found my path obstructed by a 2 1/2" beast of a Moth (pictured). My Granddaughter identified it as a Privet Hawk Moth.

It's strange the number of times I have drawn next the mate I have travelled with, which happened today with me picking peg 18 and Glenn peg 21. Neither of us were happy with our draws as we thought we were the wrong end both wanting to fish peg 2 which neither of us have - yet. 

My peg is in the top RH corner set back from the main part of the lake. I didn't think it would be any good for the Silvers, but would start after them in any case. Glenn would use - well paste.

I set up the long Ronnie rig a 4x18 Jolly with a triple bulk to fish the full permitted pole length of top-set plus three barrels, a 0.3 gram paste rig and a 4x12 Roob to fish corn full length down the LH side to a small tree.

Fed the long line with GB laced with casters and chopped worm. Some corm and micro down to the tree and started loose feeding the caster. Started on the Ronnie rig with single caster and had a few 2-3 oz Ronnie's, but with Glenn having three accidental Skimmers and with me not catching small fish quick enough I had a go over the Skimmer line with a whole worm on the hook it took a while to catch one but it was a decent one - almost a Bream. I had to 1 lb Skimmers before moving back on the Ronnie rig and foul hooked a Carp which came off. Time to try down to the tree where the margin was 4 foot and running deeper quite fast. I had a Carp first try, but couldn't catch another. So I decided to give up with the Silvers and focus on Carp. Converted the Ronnie line to paste by feeding a pot of micro and loose feeding hard 4's. No sign of Carp only shy nibblers - paste abandoned. Changed to a large worm and had another Carp whilst the worm was falling down the slope. Converted the corn line to Micro a worm hook bait and had three more quick Carp one was a right beast and took an age to land. With 20 minutes to go I hooked another large Carp which broke 0.2 GLine, on inspection it had broken on a shot., it happens. I felt this would cost me.

My Silvers weighed 10 lb and my five Carp 35 lb 14 oz for a third overall total of 45 lb 14 oz with the lost Carp costing me second spot. here seemed to be a reluctance for the fish to feed at full depth today.

The match was won by Lee Masey (pictured with the Silver winner) with 54 lb 6 oz from peg 2!! Lee caught on worm hook bait.

The Silvers was won by Ryan Shipp with 25 lb from peg 29. Ryan caught at full permitted length using worm hook bait over GB laced with Micro, worm and caster.

Happy double bubbler van going back home as Glenn picked up our section by double default. well done matey.


Weigh Sheet:

Friday, 25 June 2021

Thursday 24/06/2021 - Harescombe Cost Cutter - Match Lake

Due to all the Aerospace and MOD Engineers working from home I thought I would try going up the motorway via the ring road and arrived early, so went and had a scout for the new Silvers Lake which is under construction. Next turning on the left after the fishery turning and just pass the Equestrian centre. Picture right and very much work in progress. Guess it wont be used this year.

After one of Wendy's breakfast the rain started but had stopped by time we were given our pegs and stayed dry for the remainder. My peg for the day was 5. Wrong side wrong end again. At least we now have sections to fish for.

I set up the usual, but spent most of the match on the top set and after spending an hour proving that you cant use soft baits on this peg in summer, unless you want to catch micro Ronnie's, the life expectancy of a maggot is less than a second. A switch to corn to the left side margin and stayed there for the remaining four hours. I had a good run of small Carp 4 oz to 1lb and a couple of F1's. It was a bit disappointing that I couldn't catch any Skimmers though. I caught steady until the last hour and after losing a decent Carp and landing one I struggled and couldn't work out the reason, probably the feeding.

My Silvers weighed 6 lb and my Carp 22 lb 9 oz for a section winner total of 28 lb 9 oz.

The match was won by Tim Hadland (pictured right) with 47 lb 15 oz from a far bank peg. Tim caught shallow down the middle using banded 4's over loose fed 4's.


1. Tim Hadland 47-14-9 peg 21

2. Phil Auger 43-06-9 peg 8

3. Roy Liddle 35-11-0 peg 12


Section B Martin Hook 27-04-9 peg 17

Section A Mike Nicholls 28-09-0 peg 5

Section C Nigel Phillips 33-13-9 peg 23

Weigh Sheet:

Again a close match.

Back to the White Harte with Matey Pete Greenslade who was one out if the money.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Sunday 20/06/2021 - Tony Rixon Float Only - Round Two - Shiplate Fishery - Main, Westpool and Hawthorns

I missed the first match of this series, luckily matey Tim Ford stood in for me. However, I will miss another due to the Special One booking a weekend away. So only fishing for match day rewards.

Met Ryan Jordan in the car park who asked if I would try out some of his floats. If they work as good as they look they should be the business. I've not used a green tip as of yet. 

I was hoping to draw on the Main Lake to fish for the Silvers, but wasn't to be instead I drew peg Westpool 4. So no chance of picking up in the Silvers pool. So Carp it would be.

Found myself between Landsend regular Rod Wotton on peg 6 and Venue expert Steve Howell peg 3 Very cosy pegs. Steve said we were at the right end which is correct for some of the time but not all of the time!! I wasn't so sure as I have come to recognise the moods of this Pool and all the signs were that we would struggle. Clint on peg 1 had lots of Carp sucking around the recirculating water pipe.

Set up the usual paste rigs, one for out in front top set plus one barrel and one for both margins. Third rig was a 4x10 Roob to fish corn in either margin. After feeding the LH margin with maggot and the other corn I started positive with a full pot of micro on the longer paste line. No signs of  my quarry only a couple of nibbles from tiny fish. My worries were confirmed. Steve and Rod had caught one Carp each fishing long over, but were foul hooking loads. I tried the corn - nothing, then the paste over maggot - nothing. Every one was struggling around me, but looked like they were catching a few at the other end. After 90 minutes I was blanking, so got both short and long Ronnie rigs out starting on the short I started to catch micro Ronnie's over the maggot line. On the long Ronnie rig over a bit of GB and LR's I had a couple of small Skimmers. I had a visit from matey Podge who was on peg 7 and who was still blanking, it wasn't long before he said cheerio and was off to watch the footy. I had about 50 fish which would weigh next to nothing. I started to loose feed the line with LR's and noticed a swirl followed by the line dying. The Carp appeared to be taking the maggot on the drop. So went top set plus one barrel down the LH edge using the corn rig with triple LR's, kindering in a few LR's and soon had my first of seven Carp. However, I upped the feed near the end and started to foul so didn't feeding for a while. The bank on this peg is set back off the water which makes it very  difficult to net fish and cost me one which I had in the net once - bugger.

My Silvers weighed 4 lb 12 oz and my Carp 35 lb 14oz for a total of 40 lb 10 oz a face saving weight. I wished I had set up the waggler as with maggot on a slow drop might have caught some early Carp.

The match was won by Dan White (pictured) with 148 lb 10oz from Main Lake peg 13 which included 41 lb of Skimmers. Dan caught everything short on meat, just being patient as was too windy to do anything else. He had 2 carp late down the edge on maggots.

The Main Lake Silvers went nuts and produced a close affair where Dave Lewis (pictured right with his Skimmer catch) on peg 7 came out on top with 51 lb 6 oz. Dave caught on meat at 13 metres feeding about two small tins throughout. He caught a few short on my now redundant casters I gave him. Well done matey.  Runner up Tom Thick caught similarly catching 48 lb 12 oz of Skimmer.


1. Dan White 148-10-0 peg M13

2. Tom Mangnell 128-0-0 peg W13

3. Russ Peck 108-10-0 peg M14B


1. Dave Lewis 51-06-0 peg M7

2. Tom Thick 48-12-0 peg M6

Weigh Sheets:

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Saturday 12/06/2021 - 17/06/2021 - Viaductors Holiday 2021

This year we were back to our usual June Viaduct Holiday slot, which came round quick because we were there last September due to the Kung Flu. All the usual suspects plus this year Gary "Junior" Bowden, so eleven of us (pictured). Couldn't wish to socialise with a better bunch of lads, plus very knowledgeable anglers all having been through a tough apprenticeship through the early days on both canal and river, none of these new "manufactured" anglers here. A great thanks to Woody and Glenn for the organisation. Slot already booked for next year.

Martin Rayet brought some of his range of MR floats with him "only a few left" the new Topper? MR puts a lot of time into each float and is happy to make floats to your pattern, so if you can no longer get your favourite pattern contact him.

Once again Mandy at M&M café in the Somerton precinct did our breakfast to order and was on the table at 08:00 sharp. Highly recommended. We had dinner at the Unicorn the food was indifferent, however, they were accommodating for the after dinner dinking sessions. We had the usual Indian which is a must do every year and  was OK, but lacked some spices - luckily I was sat next to Lee. A visit to Weatherspoon's and a fight with their bloody App, hate the place everything is wrong about it, hope it's not the future. The best place we ate was the Globe, limited menu but good food and sociable service - recommended. The rest - well - what went on in Somerton stays in Somerton. Then there was three pairs of shoes stayed and one pair of trainers in the bin!!

Saturday 12/06/2021: Viaductors Open - 13 metres Pole Only - Campbell

Our first match and I was handed peg 125 which meant I would be in the hot sun all day. I found Tim Ford who was to have a torrid time with foul hookers and pole breakage on peg 124 and Stu White on peg 126. Had a chat with Stu and agreed that due to the far side pegs being shaded and a light wind blowing into it we were probably on the wrong side. Both of us would be fishing for Silvers Stu for the Skimmers long and me close in with the Ronnie rig and caster. As it happened we were wrong Stu won the the Silvers with 40lb 3oz. Perhaps Stu will give us a few words on how he approached his match. I was second with 24lb 15oz with my catch consisting of five Tench with three of them foul hooked, but did lose two hooked proper in the edge reeds.

The match was won by Glenn Bailey (pictured with the Silvers winner) with 137lb 7oz from peg 127. Glenn caught Carp with his two pots rig and paste.

Weigh Sheet:

Sunday 13/06/2021: Viaduct Open: Lodge Lake:

After the usual first night drinking madness I certainly was jaded found Glenn on the couch in the morning appeared to have ate (or drank) something that disagreed with him!

Matt long handed me peg 62 a peg I've have previously struggled on, but would be in the shade until late into the match. Peg 61 was occupied by Junior. I decided to have an easy day fishing the Ronnie rig with caster. I had a good first hour catching small Skimmers, Ronnie's and one Tench for about 10 lb, so all going well. The peg then completely died replaced with foul hooking Carp who appeared to like my GB. I scratched around the margins adding the odd silver and two Carp. With half hour to go and with the umbrella no longer shading me I was so hot I had to wave the white hanky and stand in the shade. I weighed 12lb of Silvers and 27lb 1 oz of Carp for second in the Silvers, but no pay day.

The match and the Silvers was won by Gary Bowden (pictured wrestling with a flipper) with 15ln 1 oz of Silvers and a total of 109lb. Gary caught mainly on paste at 13 metres and unfortunately for me had a couple of accidental Skimmers late on whilst fishing for Carp. well done matey. Double bubble.

Looks like another scorcher tomorrow.

Weigh Sheet:

Monday 14/06/2021: Viaductors Residents Match: Match Lake:

After a night of abstinence I felt good and was looking forward to fishing this Lake as I have not failed to enjoy the fishing albeit it being difficult at times due to it being a very shallow lake circa 3 foot. 

I was handed peg 43 a good F1 peg on the waggler or feeder. However, I was on holiday and decided against both in favour of fishing for Silvers short at either top set, top set plus one barrel or two barrels with maggot over loose GB. Started on the longer line and after feeding loose GB and a six maggots through the kinder pot got lots of fizzing and pestered by big Carp. I did have two small Skimmers before I relised I was on a hiding to nothing loosing a couple of rigs with one right beast of a Carp breaking the main line and the elastic hitting my arm which pissed me right off and my neighbours will testify - some anger management to follow. I fed the shorter line with the same and would watch for any "don't go there fizzing" whilst I fished the top set to the left, again with maggot and GB. I had a good run of Rudd and Ronnie's including another Tench. After catching a small Carp I switch to the short line where no fizzing was showing and had a a very enjoyable remainder of the match catching hand size Skimmers and one big Carp. My Silvers weighed 21lb 9oz for a Silvers win.

The match was won by Martyn "Woody" Woodington (pictured with the Silvers winner) with 105lb 7oz from next peg 42. Woody caught mainly long down to his RH margin with paste over soaked 4's. Well done matey nice to watch.

Weigh Sheet:

Tuesday 15/06/2021: Viaductors Open - Avalon -  Match Lake:

Vic Bush has done a lot of work adding parking behind the far bank pegs which was very welcome by match and pleasure anglers alike. A reasonable turn out for a Tuesday with 15 fishing. I had a plan to fish for Silvers worked out. However, when I drew far end peg 24 all plans went out the window as its really a Carp peg especially now that the tree has been removed and the bank modified to be like a beach with the bank sloping off for about 3 metres to full depth from the end bank. There was a lot of floating flotsam and jetsam along the end bank which Carp were slurping at. So one paste rig set up set to two foot deep to fish the margin pole at the full length of 9.5 metres. Th slope was such that that it necessitated at times some holding back the paste. The upshot was I lost three Carp hooked fairly losing one and a rig in a snag and two for bad rushing angling. Then there were al the foulers which I'm not discussing as it's the fishes fault for coming down the slope and not up!! The sun was again relentless with no shade whatsoever and nearly threw the towel in again. 

I weighed 58lb 10 oz for a match par.

The match was won by Lee Masey (pictured with the Silvers winner) with 75lb from peg 40. Lee caught primarily on the waggler and feeder with pellet.

Chris Ollis won the Silvers with 7lb 4 oz which comprised on two Skimmers (on meat) and 4 lb of whitebait and Motherless. Chris's shoes soles had melted in the car necessitating going to Wetherspoons in his wellies. Glenn as usual came to his rescue loaning him a pair, not that the wellies would be out of place in this establishment.

Back to the Lodges for a debrief and team talk by chip shop Martin "Boris" Rayet.

Weigh Sheet:

Wednesday 16/06/2021: Viaductors Short Pole Open - Viaduct -  Campbell:

This is match limited to top set plus three barrels. Matt long draws me peg 131, which has been winning recent matches on the lead towards the aerator. No concern about this as I would have only fished for Carp if I had drawn a corner peg. So Silvers it would be on the Ronnie rig with casters for the duration - nice and easy. Drawn next to Paul Faiers on 132 and Boris on 130 who would get Chip shopped again.

Caught on and off all match losing the only Tench I hooked. Only a few Skimmers in my net of mainly Ronnie's. very enjoyable for me. I did have a small Carp and a 19 lb Common on single caster which I landed eventually and was scale perfect and looked if it was rarely caught. My Silvers weighed 24lb 12oz for 3rd Silvers and the two Carp 23lb 1oz.

The match was won by Dave Willmott (pictured) with 235lb 5oz from corner peg 119. Dave caught from his RH margin using meat hook bait over potted meat. Dave fed about two tins.

Ryan Jordan (pictured) won the Silvers with 32lb 4oz from peg 111. Ryan caught on hard pellet both 6's and 4's over 4mm feed.

Weigh Sheet:

Thursday 17/06/2021: Viaductors Away Day - Todber Manor - Homegroundl:

A bad start for us all as the A303 was closed so flying by wire which meant arriving late for the draw so match pushed our for half hour. The match was limited to our group plus Tony Rixon and not just because he had the scales, draw cards and provide us a quick weigh in!!

We decided that all Silver fish would be returned so no Silvers pools and provides that extra keep net which will probably be needed. So a fish race it would be - not my cup of tea but OK for once a year.

Martin Rayet had been chip shopped all week and promised if he happened today he would give his tackle away, I had already made a list. So all would put extra effort in to today match, that is until he drew the best peg in Europe peg 90. For me it was 87. Happy enough with this as there was a bit of wind cover our side. I was sandwiched between Tim Ford and Glenn Bailey.

Two rigs both paste one at top set plus one Barrel set half way up the shelf and a margin rig set to between 12 and 18 inches deep.

Started on the one barrel over potted micro and wetted 4's and caught first put in after a few carp decided to come in on the top set to speed up the catch rate and stop the wetted 4's in favour of hard 4's feed because the Carp were coming up intercepting the particles coming of the wetted. Again caught well but did have a rig break due to pulling too hard and another the elastic pulling thought the stop bead because it slipped out of my wet hands banging on the top set a couple of times. Been lose feeding maggot and micro in the margin until I saw some tails waving at me. So went in there with the 25 elastic on the top set and basically I got caught by the Carp if I held the paste off bottom they would rip the elastic out. I had changed to potting maggots and micro and managed to get too many Carp in the margins which ended in too many liners/false bites. With 30 minutes to go I had enough but managed to hang on to the end playing fish after fish.

I weighed 275lb 14oz for second overall. This is not match fishing.

The match was won by Boris (pictured with some of his catch) with 384lb from peg 90. Martin caught on maggot feeding copious amounts of the same. However, he did have a slow start and after an hour he was looking worried when I started to passing his tackle list along the bank

A well done to Geoff Francis on a personal best of 166lb 9oz. I think he enjoyed himself.

Weigh Sheet:

And finally the picture of the week with all suspects present. It's debatable whether there were more cans of cider drank or fish caught.

Friday, 11 June 2021

Thursday 10/06/2021 - Ray's Rip Off - Windmill Fishery - Match Lake

Ray (pictured right who needs no introduction) is running matches every two weeks on Thursday starting on 08/07/21. He is also planning a Silvers winter league. Book early with Ray to save disappointment.

Ray threw the swim cards on the ground and I picked up the nearest - peg 12 was revealed. Happy with this one.

Arrived at the peg and although the light wind was blowing down towards my end bank my particular area was sheltered by the island, with the wind blowing down each leg as per picture left. I know this peg well and have won both the Silvers and overall from it before. However, there are usually Carp boshing around on the the end of the island, but today there was no signs of them, which put me off using the waggler. There were a few small Silvers on display. So only two rigs - The Ronnie rig and a 0.3 gram paste float for the LH margin late on.

Starting on the Ronnie rig over initially neat GB with loose fed maggot over the top I started to catch Ronnie's and Rudd and the odd hand size Skimmers with single LR on a 18 - Tubertini 808 hook. It was a bite a bung. I changed the feed to GB laced with DR's and some micro for the Skimmers which worked as I had four decent ones. I must say it was really enjoyable. I Had a visit from the Fishery Manager - Brad Nelson who has been devastated due to some of his fish being stolen and is putting in CCTV, lets hope he catches the cretins. Brad does have some clues for the Police to follow up. Another visitor lunch time from matey Tim Ford. I usually fish the last two hours for Carp but decided to stay with the Silvers as although it had slowed I was still catching and enjoying. Finally with an hour left and now suffering from Ronnie fatigue decided to sit the rest of the match out on the paste. This resulted in Ten Carp to 9lb.

My Silvers weighed 25lb 13oz for the Silvers win (some quality Silvers pictured right) and my Carp 47lb 15oz for a second overall weight of 73lb 12oz. On reflection I am gals I stayed with the silvers longer than usual as Pete Turner was close with 20lb 3oz. Pete must have got an hands free kit for his Mobile.

The match was won by Mike Chapman (pictured) with 75lb 15oz from peg 14. Mike caught from both margins on his top kit with maggot over maggot. Well done matey.

Back to the "Bells" with the usual suspects which rounded off another memorable days fishing. However, I got home and found I had left a keep net on the peg and went back early the next morning to find it and it wasn't there. Hopefully Brad found it.


1. Mike Chapman 75-15-0 peg 14

2. Mike Nicholls 73-12-0 peg 12

3. Alan Jones 43-11-0 peg 10


1. Mike Nicholls 25-13-0 peg 11

2. Pete Turner 20-03-0 peg 19

Weigh Sheet:

Monday, 7 June 2021

Sunday 06/06/2021 - Westerleigh Winter League - Round Eight - Final Round - Taylor's Pool and Shipp's Canal

Seemed like a long league with the false start in December 2020 due to Covids to now early June 2021. That said its been very enjoyable - great company and well organised by Bri Shanks.

Arrived early and I must say the fishery look great and well groomed even under the grey skies - all thanks to Mark Taylor. Mark over the past few years has really worked hard to turn this small fishery around. Now a very popular local pretty fishery.

My turn on Taylors Pool and was hoping for a decent draw as I was in contention for the league and the pairs. However, I picked up disc 15, the same peg my pairs partner struggled on last match. The peg has fished poor all through this league.

Found myself next to Lee who is a good on the long pole - peg 16 and Lynol - peg 14. As I had open water I set up the waggler for LR's over double LR's, a margin rig 4x10 on the top-set to the left and (which didn't see any action) a 4x14 to fish top set plus one in front. I had decided to initially focus on the silvers and keep testing the waggler for Carp.

I fed LR's on the waggler line, the margin with micro and the Silvers line with GB laced with smelly DP's, started on this line with single LR and started to catch small perch and Rudd with some falling off so set up the Ronnie rig which improved the capture rate. I had a few Skimmers but it didn't feel right as the bottom seemed to by uneven. After the first hour and two tests on the waggler to no avail I had a third test and had a small Carp. So decided to stay with it for the remaining fours hours and on and off kept a few Carp coming and started to catch up with those that were catching Carp from the off. The third hour was very productive which tailed off in the final hour and with all of us now struggling I knew I had won the Lake.

My Silvers weighed 6lb 8oz and my Carp 26lb 4oz for a Lake win weight of  32lb 12oz.

The Lake Silvers was won by Lynol (pictured with the Lake winner) with 11lb 2oz only 2 oz from being the heaviest league silver weight. Lynol caught at top-set plus one using corn hook bait over neat GB.

Ricky Mills (pictured with the Canal silvers winner) won Shipps Canal with the heaviest league catch of 67lb 4oz from peg 11. Ricky caught down his margin fishing a bunch of maggots over potted deads.

Both me and Martin managed to catch a few and see of our nearest rivals in the pairs - Steve Rogers and Tony Mears but only by 20 lb over the eight matches. Both of us shared the same winning points with Martin coming out on top with the higher weight - well done partner. Very close league, which is how it should be.

Looking forward to this years Winter League.

Back to the pub with the usual suspects - including my pairs partner Martin McMahon!!

Result on the day:

Taylors Pool:

1.Mike Nicholls 32-12-0 peg 15

2. Alan Jones 23-02-0 peg 18


Lynol 11-02-0 peg 14

Shipps Canal:

1. Ricky Mills 67-04-0 peg 11

2. Brian Shanks 50-01-0 peg 2


John Clarke 7-01-0 peg 4

Weigh Sheet:

Final Overall League (all pictured below):

1. Martin McMahon 12 points 203lb 5oz

2. Mike Nicholls 12 points 152lb 5oz

3. Tony Mears 14 points 159lb 5oz

4. Bela Bakos 16 points 212lb 6oz

5. Lee Waller 16 points 142lb 10oz


Martin McMahon/Mike Nicholls 355lb 10oz

Highest League Weights:

Highest overall weight: Ricky Mills 67ln 4oz

Highest silvers weight: Bela Bakos 11lb 10oz

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Thursday 03/06/2021 - Harescombe - Cost Cutter - Match Lake

I've not been to Harescombe for three years, during that time I've heard many rumours, so thought it time to return to a venue I really like and find out for myself. I had a chat with Andy Price - fishery manager (pictured right sorting the coin) Apparently, they have stocked it with small Carp and F1's to try and simulate the existing head of bigger f1's to feed. Andy also explained that they were building a Silver fish lake down the road - pass the Harescombe turning a few hundred yards and the next on the left. Thirty plus pegs and currently installing platforms, so won't be fished now until the winter. Worth a visit then I think. The fishing on the match lake has been very much up and down.

Andy's wife is now doing the breakfasts, definitely an improvement!

Met up with all the regulars, in this respect very little has changed, I was sadden to hear Gordon had passed away Christmas. Roy (Jock) Liddle doing his usual holding court, always a good laugh.

I was drawn peg 1, which I was told wasn't fishing that well. Terry Jones had it last match and had 16lb. I got to the peg and found I was hemmed in somewhat and although I had an empty peg to my right I couldn't fish to it unless I stood up - not doing that nonsense. Andy had made a right pigs ear of cutting the tree down to my right, but wasn't to affect me really. The stream was running really hard so decided to fish short, in any case there is no far bank boards to fish to. I also noticed fish spawning under the tree.

One 4x12 to fish the inside second shelf on both sides on the top-set and a 4x13 to fish top-set plus one barrel out in front - simples. Now for the difficult bit - which baits. Roy kept telling me they have been catching on allsorts!! So I decided to feed micro and use a variety of hook baits. The upshot was I could only catch to my right on the lighter rig with 6 mm expander which was initially getting ragged by Gudgeon and tiny Skimmers. I did catch a few Silvers on it though and was soon foul hooking F1's but landed a couple of decent ones hooked proper. The feeding was a nightmare to sort - which in reality I didn't. With the line completely drying up and with two of the five hours left I decided to chance my arm by going down under the tree with corn over corn which did produce a few small stockies, plus a couple more Skimmers and a few more foulers - of which I landed zero.

My catch weighed 21lb 4oz for a close fourth and a section win - didn't expect that.

The match was won by Phil Auger (pictured right collecting his coin) with 43lb 5oz from peg 6. Phil caught at 14 metres using banded caster over loose fed caster - sound familiar at the moment? Well done matey.


1. Phil Auger 43-05-0 peg 6

2. Mark Woodridge 25-07-0 peg 22

3. Martin Hook 21-14-0 peg 12

4. Mike Nicholls 21-11-0 peg 1 - section

5. Russ Baker 21-06-0 peg 25 - section

6. Tim Hadland 21-01-0 peg 16 - section

Weigh Sheet: