Into the draw and yep Geoff on 23 and me on 13!! There was some very cold wind blowing into peg 13 from the East but not enough I feared to entice the fish there. This series both Geoff and Me have drawn it twice each. Can be decent peg in the latter stages of the league, bet we are nowhere near it by then.
Just had Carp in mind today as the peg is shallow and doesn't hold enough silvers to target them. Two rigs a 4x12 Slim to fish down to the right into 3 foot, and a 4x14 to fish 3 inches deeper into the deepest line all fished at 10 metres and a bit. Started on the 4 mm expander over some micro at 2 o
clock hoping for a quick Carp. One Ronnie after 30 minutes everyone I could see was also struggling so if the better pegs like 1 & 2 were to I was in serious trouble. In a bit of panic set up the Ronnie rig (should have been the waggler on hindsight) and had a few silvers before that died. Spent a painful three hours freezing cold catching the odd silver from now four lines. Ten minutes to go had a surprise F1 quickly followed by a small Carp from two different lines. Both caught on double LR's over kindered DR's.Weighed 2 lb 3 oz of silvers and 4 lb of Carp for 6 lb 3 oz which got me 6 points. Needed another 14 lb to get better points that wasn't on the cards from 13. For some reason at the mo the silvers don't seem to want GB.
The match and Taylor's was won by Ricky Mills with 28 lb 10 oz from peg 20. Ricky caught in the deeper water with maggot.Shipp's seen a unusual draw between Steve Rogers peg 10 and Mark Taylor peg 2. Both catching 23 lb 8 oz using like most of us today maggot. Steve boosted his weight with a nice 7 lb of Roach on Pinkie fishing shallow over loose fed Pinkie. Both pictured. Well done to all three.
Back to the pub with the usual suspects and a warm up with plenty of piss taking. Apparently Bela gave Geoff a kick up the ass about his presentation and heeding his advise lead to catching a couple of decent Perch with him missing out on a silvers pick up by 1 oz, unlucky, blame Bela for not kicking ass earlier.
Arriving home the BBC were saying it was a very mild day today - NOT it was 4 degrees adding the wind chill 2 degrees or less, I suspect it was the same all over the UK.
Weigh Sheets: