I was tempted by Dave Willmott to go to Viaduct - Wish I had!! Instead chose Windmill Cost Cutter only because it was local. Arrived at the fishery gate and it took longer to negotiate all the potholes than it did to drive from home. The road is about 300 metres long and full of potholes (typically pictured right Road to Hell). Needs sorting. Good turn out with 14 fishing - probably because of the good weather forecast. Into the draw bag and out comes red milk bottle top peg 4. Reasonably happy with this as it's a good Silvers peg and can sometimes throw up the Carp. Hang on - redraw - not enough pegs - bugger. Back in to the draw bag and this time peg 6 - not so happy with this one in the winter - good summer peg though, but won't be here that long! The Lake was flat calm and with the bright sunshine expectations was low.
With peg 7 not in I set up the waggler to fish into the gap with maggot over maggot. A 4x14 to fish top-set plus four sections at 10 o'clock and last but not least the Ronnies rig. I fed the Ronnie line with GB and Pinkie. The longer pole line with micro and DR's and started to pult LR's into the gap. I started on the long line expecting an early Carp, alas not so picked up the Ronnie rig and was surprised to get a bite straight away an 1/2 oz Ronnie. I had a couple more then a 12 oz Skimmer before I foul hooked a Carp which came off and killed the peg. Re-fed as it was time for the banker waggler. The ducks were a nightmare as soon as I pulted they were there attacking the red float top. I persevered and hooked a decent Carp which broke the hook length. Rested the peg and tried the long line again with double DR on the hook over kindered DR's and micro and had a 8 oz Skimmer - out again and another bite and on the strike my pole broke on the sixth section, a quick recovery to find I had a decent Skimmer still attached which I lost at the net - double bugger. I got the spare section which proved to be a waste of time. Back on the waggler and I was soon playing another lump but we soon parted company when the line broke on the locking shot so lost the Carp and my current favourite waggler - now two double buggers. Time for the Banana walk to discover it was fishing extremely hard for most. I decided to give up on everything except the Ronnie rig and fish for the Silvers. This resulted in a few 1 oz Ronnies and another Skimmer.
I weighed 2 lb 8 oz for an unbelievable second in the Silver pick-up. The match was won by Nick Saunders (pictured right with his catch) with 44 lb 6 oz from you guessed it my first drawn peg 4!! Nick caught on 6mm meat over 6mm meat at 14.5 metres in 3 foot of water. The Silvers was won by Enigma with 3 lb 6 oz from peg 10. Result: 1. Nick Saunders 44-6-0 peg 4 2. Jeff Grant 38-08-0 peg 20 3. Paul Haines 28-10-0 peg 18 4. Ray Bazeley 25-08-0 peg 25 Silvers:
1. Steve Dawson 3-06-0 peg 10 2. Mike Nicholls 2-08-0 peg 6 2. Nick Saunders 2-08-0 peg 4 4. Gary Bowden 2-0-0 peg 8 Weigh Sheet:
I was thinking of going to Hillview again on Sunday and when Joe offered a lift to Todber Manor and after checking the weather forecast I decided to take up his offer. Later in the week we found out it was John's birthday and had choose to change the all winners qualifiers to anyone who brought him a pressy would qualify in the Silvers providing they caught 12 lb or more and likewise the Carp was 80 lb. So made the visit more attractive for me as I wanted to qualify for the Silvers again. I did think that the 12 lb was carefully worked out and wouldn't be that easy from any peg. Pickup on time at 06:45 arriving at the "Nine Items" Cafe by eight. Martin Rayet also travelled with us and thought it had changed to "Twelve Items Cafe"! Arrived at the fishery to see John smiling behind a pile of booze (pictured right). Into the draw bowl and out comes peg Ash 62. Umm the near end peg. Looking like a waste of a decent Carp peg then. Who was to turn up on next peg was Nick Chedzoy - so good company on the left! The wind was perfect for me with it off my right shoulder blowing into the far bank corner. The priority was to qualify for the Silvers, but was thinking I might be able to have a couple of hours on the waggler to catch some of the Carp boshing over in the far corner. I had previously decided to fish very negatively targeting small fish - mainly Ronnies. So other than the waggler which cast and sat well I went for the Ronnie rig and a 4x14 Winter Titan to fish at 10 meters at 10 o'clock. I fed the Ronnie line with a fishmeal mix of GB laced with Pinkie and the long line with natural GB with caster/DR's. Throughout I fed the waggler line with LR's if only to keep the Carp occupied elsewhere. I decided to count the weight backwards which proved to be more difficult than I thought. I soon started catch 1 oz Ronnies loose feeding Pinkie over the top of the GB. Whilst counting back arriving at 6 lb I realised I was counting a pound back from 12 oz so had to penalise myself by 1 lb!! I left the long line until I hooked my first Carp on the Ronnie rig and when I went over it with double LR's I was getting indications which proved to be very tiny Skimmers whose eyes weighed more than the rest of the body. As I half expected 12 lb was going to take the whole match especially to make sure I didn't over estimate. I didn't loose a fish on the Ronnie rig however, the long line was proving very different - in the last knockings I reckon I lost 4 Skimmers - about 4 lb in weight - with them coming off for no apparent reason. Even though I had the urge a few times to pick up the waggler it stayed in the holster all match.
Luckily I really didn't get bothered by Carp on the Silver lines catching only three for 6 lb 4 oz. My Silvers weighed 15 lb 4 oz so mission accomplished, but was left feeling that the 4 lb of lost Skimmers cost be money and "if only" I had caught some better Skimmers early I might have had chance of a double qualifier - that's fishing. The match was won from the inform peg 48 by Mark Wynne (pictured right) with 201 lb. Mark started long on the pellet and later down his edge on maggot over GB topping up after every fish. Well done matey. The Silvers was won by who else other than Ryan Shipp (pictured right) with 35 lb 8 oz of Skimmers. Ryan caught on two lines at 14 .5 metres using a mix of Thatchers Gold and F1 dark GB and maggot. Well done matey.
Happy birthday John hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did. Just wish the fishery was closer.
Hungry Horace's for Geoff and me - lovely breakfast. Arriving at the fishery I was surprised how cold it was. The day to try my heated jacket I think. We had a walk around and saw just one Ronnie being chased by a predator. A few years back when BAA said they would remove the Carp and take out the small Silvers and start adding Siltex every year many knowledgeable anglers said the water would go gin clear and the Silvers fish would be hard to catch especiacially in winter when the Comerants arrive. Well that day had arrived. The Lake was like tap water and as it was to prove the Silver fish were doing their best not to give their presence away to the predators. Last in the draw bag and out comes peg 29 - Umm - So my last six match draws have gone 30,30, 31,30 29 and 29! Hoping next match to have a change of scenery. The cold wind would be a bitch but was slightly off my right shoulder so I set up the waggler to fish to the end of the island, a 4x16 to fish at 10 metres in 8 foot of water, a 4x14 to fish short top-set plus one, the Ronnies rig and a 0.3 g to fish along the RH side in 3 foot of water for Carp. I wouldn't usually set this much up but guessing it would be hard - a new line and rig equals renewed optimism and hopefully these rigs would see me through the expected five hours of boredom. The upshot was as anticipated I didn't have a bite on anything other than the long line where I had fed GB laced with Pinkie, with Pinkie on the hook. I had six bites - 2 Skimmers, two Ronnies, one Perch and a lucky 7 lb Common Carp. During the last 45 minutes my concentration was being held by liners from another Carp, plenty of striking but unfortunately no contact. I weighed 9 lb 1 oz which got me fourth and last in the money. Plus my heated jacket did its job - heated boots next I think.
The match was won by Dave Gillard (pictured right with the Silvers winner - I think Wayne's feet were off the ground) with 19 lb 6 oz from peg 14. Dave caught mainly F1's fishing a method feeder over to the island with micro feed and double maggot on the hook. The Silvers was won by Wayne Storry with 8 lb 3 oz from peg 8, Wayne caught seven Skimmers on conventional GB feeder tactics with maggot hook baits. It was back to the pub with the usual suspects where it was politics word association - every word spoken, Ray Bazeley would use it to talk about how wonderful the Labour party are.
Result: 1. Dave Gillard 19-06-0 peg 14 2. Paul Haines 17-02-0 peg 17 3. John Smith 10-08-0 peg 28 4. Mike Nicholls 9-01-0 peg 29 Silvers: 1. Wayne Storry 8-03-0 peg 8 2. Tony Rixon 7-06-0 peg 1 3. Gary Bowden 6-09-0 peg 4 4. Steve Dawson 6-01-0 peg 6 Weigh Sheets:
On the way back home from Saturday's match I was still feeling unwell and left it with Bela that I would let him know first thing in the morning if I was going to the Silvers league next day. I went to bed early and managed a good night's sleep and felt 100% when I got up and couldn't wait to get back down Viaduct again. First stop Shipham for breakfast which went down better than last night supper. Again arrived in plenty of time for me to have a walk around. I thought I would try something different and go and stand on my peg of choice and lay down some scent and took this picture from it looking back to the lodge. Was it to be first or second that come from it? Mid position in the draw queue and pulled peg 115 definitely not the one of my choice - far from it, so the scenting didn't work. I didn't mind as I was feeling really good. This end of Campbell has been very poor of late plus it was a very strong section. For company I had Joe "Yorkie" McMahon on peg 116 and "The Gabe" on peg 114 and I could hear "The Trig" down on peg 111. I think once your pass 114 and opposite pegs 118 the fishing is hard, so I think there maybe justification to rethink the pegging next year and perhaps have sections across the Lake. I set up the same as the day before and fishing 11.5 metres I was out as far a Joe fishing 16 metres because he was set back, but not as far as Gabe. I fed the same as yesterday but thought this end would be better for the Ronnie's so started for them and was very disappointed to find they weren't feeding. So out on the waggler and I would expect to catch a Ronnie first cast on double DR over caster, when that didn't happen I knew I was going to struggled. I tried the long pole line and had a couple of very small Skimmers on double DR. I then hooked a better one but it came off, on inspection and with slime up the line it was most probably foul hooked. I repeated this next put-in - bugger, I only caught a few tiny Ronnie's after this. With no hope of coin or points I made it a easy second half using the Ronnie rig catching the odd one, but couldn't really string them together. In the last hour I had four Carp on this rig- none landed however!
Time to pack up and just to unclip the keep net and did the splits on the platform pushing my box and keep net into the Lake. Luckily Joe and Gabe came the rescue getting my now listing seat box out and netting the items that was floating. Thanks lads. As it's a league I always weigh in and found I had 3 lb 14 oz left in the net. I am sure if I added those that may have escaped I would have still been last in section! Groin strain now though. The match was won by Paddy Curry (pictured right and right) with 25 lb 12 oz from Lodge peg 68. Paddy caught at 16 metres feeding neat GB with either caster or corn on the hook. That draw bag Stu White drew next to Paddy and was runner up. Well done matey.
Bela was also last in his section - Hero to Zero's today. We had a right laugh about the weekend on the way home which ended in Bar-Gar-Age. With all my gear soaking wet I left it out to dry - now for the stock take to see what Steve Long now owns!! Gabe gave me some of his GB he's been using to try out - The "Gabe 2" he swears by it, but didn't give me the recipe - yet! I will try it next time out at Huntstrete. Plus my bait bag was twice as heavy going home due to all the bait donations - this is when you know it's been hard fishing. Well done to the Long's for running another efficient match. The weigh in's are exceptionally quick. Result: 1. Paddy Curry 25-12-0 peg 68 2. Stu White 22-07-0 peg 69 (the peg with my scent!) 3. Glenn Calvert 18-03-0 peg 78 4. Gary Webber 17-03-0 peg 130 5. Craig Edmonds 16-14-0 peg 111 6. Kev Newman 16-08-0 peg 77 Weigh Sheets:
When Fish o Mania first started I fished the first one on the river and won my section. The next time, I fished the K&A canal and again won my section by default and was only two pegs from a peg of my choice and a qualifier. My next match was at Viaduct peg 74 - packed in early next and my last ever Fish o match again at Viaduct and peg 1 - next to Tommy Pickering - another early bath, haven't bothered since. However, when I heard of the equivalent with Silver fish I thought at least I should give the first one a go. So choose the local venue Viaduct fishery. The only difference in qualification was that section of 15 winners would go through instead of overall winners.
Really looking forward to it BUT the night before I felt really rough and didn't sleep all night. I got up early and took some painkillers and was thinking of calling Bela to cry off. But had a change, thinking I would go and walk around, then second thought I would go and have a draw and fish if I thought I had a chance of qualifying. So after trying to eat a McD breakfast Bacon thingy we arrived at the fishery in plenty of time for 0:800 draw. Last but three into the draw coffee tin and out comes peg 129. Happy with that as it's the right end of Campbell any higher up and it would been a walking and sleeping day. Bela drew well too, peg 96 on Carey. For company I had matey Stu White on peg 130 - Not the Silvers angler you would choose to have next to you at present in this match - but nevertheless glad to next to him and have a watch on how its done. I had a walk up the section to see Trigger on end peg 124 who was climbing trees to make an ad hoc pole roller. Unfortunately I didn't get the picture of him falling down- pictured right. I knew I would be out gunned on the pole so choose the waggler as first choice. I did set up two other rigs - the Ronnie and a 4x12 to fish as far as the Otter fence allowed. I fed the long line with four balls of GB laced with caster but started on the waggler with double DR's over loose fed caster. It wasn't long before there was enough indications to keep me interested. The upshot was I had a decent day catching three big Perch, two Bream and some smaller Skimmers about 10 oz. I did try the long line and had some 4 oz Skimmers, which soon dried up. The last hour was hard on the waggler catching mainly Carp. During this time Stu started to catch big Skimmers which must have moved in from the aerator.
All my fish were quality even the one 12 oz Roach and weighed a total of 15 lb 12 oz for second in the section. It was also good to hear that Bela was also second in his section so a double bubble van. The match was won by Stu White next to me (pictured right with his catch) on peg 130 with 36 lb. Stu fished 14.5 metres into the shade of the tree to his left. Stu started by feeding four balls of GB laced with casters and only topped up through his kinder pot with caster. Stu initially caught on maggot but later switched to caster which produced bigger Skimmers, having a productive last hour. Well done matey nice to watch. Well done to all four qualifiers and all locals. I am sure they all will do well in the final and it won't surprise me to see one win it on the right peg.
Bela and I stopped for a chip supper, but I didn't enjoy it as I was still suffering. Result:
When Joe McMahon offered me a lift to Hillview, I thought yes why not haven't been there for a long while plus the stupid weight season is over. Martin Rayet was supposed to come but chose to work. Today was the first opportunity try out my new acquisition - a heated body warmer. However, as it turned out with it adding an extra layer it was hot enough with no need to turn it on. Perhaps next week. Met up with a few friends I haven't seen for a while. Nice to see Keith Hill in the kitchen taking the usual piss. With it now winter I was surprised to see Terry King there. This man is the epitome of top-kit fishing, worth a watch if you get the chance I have and had a few right bashing from him - always a pleasure. Bob Black also now fishing here regularly. Went up to Moorhen Lake where a crowd had gathered to watch a Cormorant feeding. Apparently it had injured its wing and couldn't fly and was hopping between all the Lakes and Canals. For me and a couple others it was to prove to partly spoil the day. I was disappointed to hear that both Lakes were in, however, with 30 fishing the Third Canal would be brought into action which I was hoping to draw. Out come Kingey with a smile on his face with peg 74. Last but two into the woolly hat and out comes peg 6 Moorhen causeway which was to prove crowded. I forgot how close the pegs are, peg 5 was about 15 foot but peg 7 was empty but I would have to un-ship every two sections and couldn't be arsed with that. The weather was set fine with bright spells and with little to no wind I set up the waggler to fish up and down with LR's. Chose main attack at top-set plus one in 5 foot of water with 4 mm expander's over micro. The only other rig was a 4x10 to fish out from the margin in 3 foot of margin water for later with LR's. Started on the expander and could see there were fish straight on to the kindered micro missing a first liner then I had my first F1. It then all went tits up as I started his foul hook fish it was obvious the fish were only interested in eating falling bait. So after getting right cheesed off of foul hookers I had a go on the waggler and found it similar but found it I left the feeding I could pick off the occasional Silver fish. I did have one decent Carp on it. The penny dropped dump potting was the order of the day so picked up the marginal rig and heavy fed LR's then fished it out which sort of worked catching a 10 lb Mirror and a few smaller ones, but no F1's I started to enjoy it when the Cormorant arrived in my peg. It came into where I was fishing and although I hadn't caught any Silvers there was suddenly loads trying to get out of the Lake! I was surprised I didn't hook it, if anyone could it would be Trigger - and he did but came off. It came in twice to my margin killing it for about 45 minutes each time.
My few Carp weighed 46 lb 8 oz. However, the peg was worth twice this even with the Cormorant issues. You really need to be in touch with a fishery to understand the feeding patterns - unfortunately I found out too late today and I'm sure the sea bird will have moved on by now. I need to get up there more often because I do enjoy it in the winter months. It looks as if the only baits needed here at the moment is LR's and Micro - simples - just need to work out the feeding. The match was won by Terry King (pictured right) with 154 lb from Canal peg 74. Terry caught on what else - his top-kit. Terry fished both sides just out from the edge in the deeper water fishing LR's over LR's. Terry fed about 1 1/2 pints throughout. Certainly the King of top-kit fishing. Results show that the Canal section was the place to be today.
Result: 1. Terry King 154-0-0 peg 74 2. Craig Edmonds 145-0-0 peg 18 3. Carl Midford 136-0-0 peg 70 4. Huggy 124-0-0 peg 80 5. Matty 117-0-0 peg 25 6. Bob Black 110-0-0 peg 72 Weigh Sheets:
Had a walk around the Lake with Tony Rixon and was hoping to fish any peg other than 29,30 or 31 where I have spent the last 4 matches. However, my choice would have been 24. Last but one into the draw bag and oh noooo peg 29! For company I had Chris Ollis on peg 28 and two pegs away organiser Ken Morgan on peg 31. The water was extremely clear due to a lot of rain water working with the Siltex. Peg 29 is facing open water and with the wind once again hacking into me at 11 o'clock I decided to set up a small GB feeder. Two other rigs - a 4x16 to fish at 10 metres and a 0.3 gram (taking more than this more like 0.5 gram) to fish down the inside margin at top-set plus one with maggot for Carp later in the match. I had Just set up ready to start when there was two very loud bangs which made me jump out of my skin. Apparently Bathampton AA has installed some sort of Bird scarer working on a timer. It regularly fired throughout the match. I wouldn't have been surprised if there had been a cardiac arrest by one of the Dodgers!
Started on the long line with 4 mm expander over a smidgen of micro and had a bite first put in which was missed. In again and found the culprit to be a small F1. I followed this with a 6 oz Skimmer then a Ronnie - that was. So tried double maggot and started to catch Ronnie's and small Perch. I was fishing far too long to build a weight with these small fish. So I had a cast with the feeder with dry GB and double DR's which got ragged both times I cast it by Ronnie's. So Ronnie's it would be then, so set up the Ronnie rig and fished it with single DR over GB and started to catch slightly better Ronnie's and Perch with the odd small Skimmer. At least they were staying on the hook. I did have three better Skimmers and a 12 oz Perch and another F1. The peg seemed to fade and soon found out why when I hooked 7 lb Common Carp which I finally wore down to net it. I refed the line and tried the Carp rig with triple maggot and soon was playing another decent Carp I had played it for a good few minutes before I pulled out of it. Refed with DR's and went back on the Ronnie rig adding a few more Ronnie's when I hooked another Carp which again I played to a stand still before being able to net it. Refed and tried the Carp line again and was again soon playing another decent Carp and "Déjà Vu" another lost Carp. Refed the Carp line and back on the Ronnie rig and had a few more Ronnies but it was really slow then hooked yet another Carp which broke the line above the float - bugger. I was convinced they were all hooked in the mouth but now not that sure. Spent the last few minute over the Carp line. By the end I was really cold mainly due to the icy wind - winter is now with us.
My Silvers weighed 10 lb 14 oz for joint first in the Silvers with Paul Clayton (us pictured above) on peg 8 and my Carp weighed 17 lb 8 oz for third overall weight of 28 lb 6 oz. So both payouts covered. The match was won by John Smith (pictured right celebrating his win with a pint) with 48 lb 10 oz from his favourite peg 10. John caught late on from his RH margin using initially corn then switched to four maggots. Result: 1. John Smith 48-10-0 peg 10 2. Tony Rixon 37-01-0 peg 26 3. Mike Nicholls 28-06-0 peg 29 Silvers: 1. Mike Nicholls 10-14-0 peg 29 1. Paul Clayton 10-14-0 peg 8 3. Steve Dawson 10-05-0 peg 14 Weigh Sheets:
Bela was out on the lash last night so sensibly didn't drive and went with neighbour Ron Hardiman. I had another lift from Yorkie. During our discussions it was clear he didn't know there was a general election looming - non voter then. We stopped at Lillypool cafe for breakfast and rained all the way but stopped on our arrival at the fishery in plenty of time for the earlier 09:00 draw. I was told to mention I pushed in the queue - OK John - bloody pensioners. In to the draw Coffee tin and out comes the right Lake but the wrong peg - 97 Carey is where I was once again face the wind. I walked to the peg with Gabe who thought he was next to me on peg 98 and was already moaning about the draw being the wrong end of the section. His face soon turned to delight when Steve Long told him he was actually on peg 86 - read the ticket upside down - and off he ran. I got my ticket out and wondered if I could blag peg 79! Great company at this end of the section filled with Thursday regulars. Peg 98 was actually occupied by Martin Tizard. Martin had drawn my peg on the Thursday weighing 16 lb of small Ronnies all caught short and catching very little long. The other side on peg 96 was Kev Newman who was in the next section - I have to say he fished a tidy match catching on single caster long on the pole. Behind me was the affable Paul Faiers who was on Lodge peg of doom 66 could add another 6 to this one. The trouble we these pegs they are very close that to fish further than 10 metres would mean unshipping, which I'm not keen on - so 10 metres max it would be. Paul had a similar problem and halfway through I suddenly started to hit something casting the Ronnie rig - losing the caster. I had a look up only to hit my head on Paul's Butt ...section - lol. The 10 metre line was to be fished with a heavier float than normal a 4x14 and with the float going with the wind I put 6 inches on the bottom. I had a chat with Paul and help make my mind up to fish the GB feeder - to Nick Ewers amusement. The only other rig was my banker Ronnie rig. I thought about setting up the waggler too but due to the nasty wind didn't bother and which I was to regret as the wind dropped off mid-match. I fed the long line with three balls of GB laced right up with DR's and Pinkies. Whilst this settled I stated on the Ronnie rig with single caster over hand fed caster and started to catch 1 - 2 oz Ronnies regularly. The wind was being a right nuisance but the Ronnies didn't seem to worry about the poor presentation. However, I found it difficult keeping them feeding - I don't know why they seem to shy away from too much feed. In between I kept trying the long line which didn't produce much but was getting plenty of indications from Motherless Minnows. I had a few chucks on the Feeder whilst I had a cuppa with various baits which produced one Ronnie. Paul thought I didn't give it enough time - probably right. I stayed the rest of the match on the Ronnie rig catching one decent Perch that actually stayed on this time and in the last 10 minutes some small Skimmers arrived. Suddenly I didn't want the match to end - Umm just started to rain - bugger.
The upshot was I weighed 11 lb 14 oz for last but one in the section - about right. I have a theory about pegs 98 and 97 - During the spring and summer the newish aerator on the spit creates a strong flow across the lake into these pegs which the Silver fish love making these pegs great pegs during this time. Of course there is a tendency for this flow to disperse the silt making a deeper channel and once the aerator is switched off the fish tend to move onto shallower water such as pegs in the 100's. The match was won by Paul Elmes (pictured right) with 31 lb 4 oz from Lodge peg 70. Paul caught quality Skimmers on the waggler using corn hook bait over loose fed corn. Paul fed just the one tin through. Well done matey. Result 1. Paul Elmes 31-04-0 peg 70 2. Martin Rayet 27-04-0 peg 112 3. Gabe 27-01-0 peg 86 - Umm 4. Gordon Cannings 25-10-0 peg 77 4. Richard Ahern 25-10-0 peg 81 6. Leon Hubbard 23-15-0 peg 61 Weigh Sheets: