Monday, 31 October 2016

Colin Golding's Scrap Book - 1950 to the Present Day - Page Fifteen

29 teams of 12 in the ACA match on the Huntspill 348 anglers! Bathampton winning the team match and Colin winning the match.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Sunday 30/10/2016 - Viaduct Silvers League - Round Three - Campbell, Carey and Lodge

Martin Rayet was reserving again today so wanted to follow Bela and me to the best or biggest breakfast. Bela went for Lilliput Café in Shipham and both of them went for the biggest on the menu – three of everything and more. I went for the small; they both beat me to finish with Bela “Two Chews” beating Martin “One Chew” by default only because Martin left a bit of egg. We were joined once again by Mr and Mrs.

Apparently Bela has a Groupie called Dave from London following his escapades.

The weather was overcast and flat calm and extremely mild. Bela was already sweating after eating breakfast mainly because he had full thermals on. The talk was it was going to be hard today, which suited me so I didn’t mind where I drew. In to the coffee tin and out came Carey peg 85. I was happy with the peg as it gives plenty of room. On next peg 86 was Mr “pin-up” Vince Brown and rarely do we do this but next peg on my left was Bela on crappy peg 81.

The choice for “Rig of the Day” would come from those selected pictured right. The Lake appeared to have some colour due to an Algae bloom so was hoping to catch short. I set up a long and short Ronnie rigs. Two F1’s 4x12 and a 4x10, and finally a waggler.

On the all in I Loose fed caster as far as I could through the catty spreading them all over as the plan here was to feed heavy once and fish caster and or maggot over the top. The Carp went mental for the feed which put me off fishing over it. I fed three balls of loose GB with loose casters at 11.5 metres and some wetted micro at 10 metres. However, I started on the Ronnie rig with dead reds over GB laced with Pinkie. Two bites and one micro Ronnie subsequently the Ronnie rigs were retired for the rest of the match. Out to 11.5 Metre with the 4x12 F1 with single maggot and started to catch small Ronnie’s of the drop, I switched to single caster and started to catch 2-3 oz Skimmers, however, fishing this far out was far too slow to put together a decent weight. So I set up the 4 metre whip with the old faithful mini waggler with single caster over loose fed caster I started to catch Ronnie’s which was adding more weight to the keep net because it was much quicker that the small Skimmers caught long. I then had a 2 ½ lb Perch which put up a decent fight but no match for the Drennan flick tip. The sun came out as did the leaves which curtailed fishing the whip. So out on the 10 metre line with the 4x10 F1 and 4mm expander on the hook which produced one Ronnie and another 3oz Skimmer before I hooked a Carp. It’s amazing how difficult it can be to break off 0.1 GLine. This line was abandoned for now. I continued to feed GB and caster on the long line where it was fizzing. A few more small Skimmers on caster but the returns weren’t matching the amount of activity over the GB. Never sure what’s going on beneath the waves. With 90 minutes to go (only 5 ½ hour match today) I decided to give up this line in favour of the rested and un-fed 10 metre line. Experience was now telling me to loose caster and a smidgen of chopped worm through the pot and with either double caster or a piece of worm I caught some decent Skimmers and two Tench which really boosted my weight. That said I had to go through the pain barrier with the Carp. It was feed; catch a Carp followed by one or two fish then repeat. The hook length stock was taking a hammering. The 4x10 F1 being rig of the day.

I finished the match with 21lb 1oz for 7th overall and a section by default.

The match was won by Gabe (pictured right with Mrs Gabe) with 42lb 10oz from Lodge peg 68. Gabe caught small Skimmer for the first 2 hours on expander over the Gabe GB fished at 11.5 metres. Once this died Gabe switched to 14.5 metres with pieces of worm tipped with a single fluro Pinkie fished over a different mix of GB laced with caster, worm and Pinkie. Well done matey.

And finally a sketch of the fishery Teas Maid and the tea Drinker!!

Full Result:

  1. Gabriel 42-10-0 peg 68
  2. Chris Davis 27-09-0 peg 102
  3. Tim Clark 25-14-0 peg 77
  4. Phil Harding 23-05-0 peg 100
  5. Tony Rixon 22-10-0 peg 55
  6. Glen Calvert 22-08-0 peg 69
  7. Mike Nicholls 21-01-0 peg 85
Weigh Sheets:

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Thursday 27/10/2016 - Harescombe Fishery - Cost Cutter - Match Lake

“All Fish Lives Matter” – got that one off my chest.

Back to Harescombe a small Pricey breakfast this time. No Ray Bazeley apparently out celebrating his Birthday as of yesterday – same Birthday as my twin Granddaughters.

What a mild day for near end of October, hope it continues until April!

In to the draw bag and out comes peg 5 – Again!! Rather fish somewhere new, but felt I could have done better last match by staying on the pellet longer. So a plan was in place and two of the “Rigs of the Day” (pictured right) connected on two top sets fitted with Drennan yellow elastics.

Because the water was even more clear that last week the margin rig never got used. The only rig to get wet today was the 4x12 F1. I started at top-set plus one with 4mm expander over pellet. It took a while to catch my first fish a 12 oz Skimmer. It was a much slower start than last week. I kept a few Skimmers and the odd F1 coming on the pellet which I stayed on for half the match with about 6lb of Skimmers and ten F1’s in the net I had a surprised visit from Tony Cambridge who lives just a few minutes from the fishery, Tony is good mates with Arthur Marshall both great river anglers in their time. Arthur is not too good at the movement. It was nice to see Tony again.

I’m a one dinner plate man and not keen to have separate lines but decided to add another section and start a meat line at 10 0 clock. This produced two proper Carp weighing 5lb between them, plus a few F1’s and Skimmers. However, the best line remained the short pellet line which did get better towards the end.

Amazingly I finished the match with the same number of fish as last match with the Skimmers weighing 13lb 8oz and my F1’s 41lb 9oz for a match winning weight of 55lb 1oz (pictured right). I knew the F1’s were smaller this match with the 26 weighing 6lb less, but with 4lb more Skimmer weight!!

Finally Martin Alexander aka “Arkwright” drew peg 29 and against my advice decided backed down the bank towards his peg only to end up in the ditch. Luckily Andy Price was on hand to drag him out – see video below.

Full Result:

  1. Mike Nicholls 55-01-0 peg 5
  2. Ade Stokes 50-0-0 peg 15
  3. Alan Oram 45-12-0 peg 19
Weigh Sheet:

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Sunday 23/10/2016 - Windmill Fishery Open - Match Lake

First stop the Beefeater with Bela, Geoff and Joe. Most of the discussion was around what pole Joe should buy. A cold north easterly blowing so would be far worse at the Windmill fishery and it was. I was hoping for a peg on the near side pegs 27 to 16 would do.

In to the draw box and out comes peg 24 so near side, but I had the curse of it being the Golden peg. And a curse it was. Got to the peg and had to rush back to the toilet, and only just made it. Setting up I dropped my shot pliers in the drink and got a couple of booties trying to get them out to no avail – bugger. There is an upside of getting your feet wet is when you get home and change in to dry socks and getting the lovely warm glowing feeling.

Nonetheless a decent peg. I messed about deciding which would be the best Jolly to use. I was hoping to fish up the shelf but it was far to steep especially as the tow was hard and envisaged the feed pellet only getting washed quickly down to the bottom of the shelf. So I settled on a 4x18 Jolly to fish top-set plus three in 8 foot of water at bottom of the shelf. The other rig was for my margin a 4x14 Jolly to fishing in 4 foot of water up close to the Sedges – as shallow as I could get – bloody Sedges need ripping out. I fed the margin with a few dead reds and the long line with pellet I stated on this line with 4mm expander, it took a while before I had my first small Skimmer; the tow was impairing presentation which was only to get worse due to the wind picking up. To say it was slow was an understatement. I did manage two small Carp and a 1 ½ lb Perch before trying the margin with single caster and first try I had an 8lb Mirror Carp. By feeding and switching between the two lines I kept a few Silvers coming plus the odd Carp. With ten minutes to go I hooked a 10 lb Mirror on the margin rig on double dead red which took me into the sedges but luckily I managed to get it out only to open the gape of the hook in the process and pulling out of the fish – bugger – bloody Sedges. I think this cost me second overall. The curse of the Golden peg!

My few Silvers weighed 7lb 8oz and my six Carp 28lb 10oz for a third in the match total of 36lb 2oz. Luckily they paid the top three today.

The match was won by Dave Haines (pictured right) with 67lb 5oz from peg 18. Dave caught on the straight lead over to the end of the opposite island using hair rigged pellet over loose fed pellet.

The Silvers was won by John Barker (pictured right) with 12lb 2oz which included a 2 ½ lb Perch. John fished maggot at top-set plus three over loose fed maggot.

Full Result:

  1. Dave Haines 67-05-0 peg 18
  2. Gerry Walsh 43-15-0 peg 27
  3. Mike Nicholls 36-02-0 peg 24
  4. Joe Godfrey 35-12-0 peg 29
  5. Mark Hayes 33-04-0 peg 23
  6. Jon Clark 26-10-0 peg 5
Top Silvers:

  1. John Barker 12-02-0 peg 26
  2. Jon Clark 7-10-0 peg 5
  3. Mike Nicholls 7-08-0 peg 24
Weigh Sheets:

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Thursday 20/10/2016 - Harescombe Cost Cutter - Match Lake

With the onset of autumn it was time to give Harescombe another visit. After one of Andy’s large breakfast and a catch up with the regulars, time for the draw. In to the draw bag ably held by Andy’s Grandson the bag held just the right height for me. I didn’t mind where I drew so serves me right for pulling peg 5, but plenty of room.

Decided to start how I finished off from last June, remembering that I spent too long in the margin when there were steady fish to be caught out in front. So set up a 4x10 Yoof for the LH margin on the top-set and the usual 4x12 Malman F1 to fish at top-set plus one. I usually fish a section shorter but the water looked too clear to me. I fed the margin with a pot of caster and the F1 line with pellet and started over this with 4mm expander and caught three F1’s very quickly. I was surprised how these fish have put on weight. It went quite so probably made my first mistake by topping up with pellet with a dash of 6mm meat and changed the hook bait to meat. It took a while to get my next F1 and by topping up with pellet and meat combo I kept the F1’s coming steady over the match, interrupted by the odd 1lb Skimmer. I had kept loose feeding the margin with caster and went in from time to time to test for fish arrival which only resulted in one Skimmer – water too clear. I didn’t make the mistake of staying in the margin too long. However, I did forget that these matches are five hours so went in the margin late on to find I had only ten minutes left of the match so quickly switched back out and put two valuable F1’s in the net.

My few Skimmers weighed 10lb 1oz and my 26 F1’s 47lb 50z for a 57lb 6oz total and second overall. The absence of the usual nuisance small Silvers was noticeable never had any.

I have really missed fishing this venue. Be back next week for sure.

The match was won by Scotland’s Roy Liddell (pictured right) with 78lb 7oz from end peg 14. Roy caught most of his fish during the first half of the match short using triple live maggot on a 16 hooked fished over loose fed dead reds. Roy fed two pints throughout.

Full Result:

  1. Roy Liddell 78-07-0 peg 14
  2. Mike Nicholls 57-06-0 peg 5
  3. Andy Taylor 54-10-0 peg 22
Weigh Sheet:

Monday, 17 October 2016

Colin Golding's Scrap Book - 1950 to the Present Day - Page Eleven

The last place I saw Brian (Willy) Weeks was on a match in Ireland on Inniscarra in 1999.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Sunday - 16/10/2013 - Viaduct Silvers League - Round Two - Campbell, Carey and Lodge

I had a new driver today The Black Horse Bouncer – Martin Rayet. After a couple of miles I started to smell Toast and Jam, apparently Martin’s choice of ingredients for his e-cigarette – astonishing, what ever next? It was Hobson’s choice for breakfast - Canards Well. However, it was nice to see Nick the Chef back even though the water for the tea was cold, the coffee percolator was broken as was the credit card machine – what a dump.

In to the draw bag and out comes peg 102 on Carey, I wasn’t unhappy as there are worse pegs. However, it DNW'ed the day before in the Silvers final. For company on peg 103 was Robin Guy, Paul Faier's was on peg 100 but couldn’t see him because of the trees. Matt Long needs to get some Lumberjack lessons. It was nice to meet up with Roger Baker again who was behind me on Lodge peg 70 and was on a two week holiday at Viaduct with is Wife.

The water looked clear so didn’t think the Ronnie’s would put in much of an appearance, however, I still set up two Ronnie rigs one short up to the tree on my right and a long one for out in front and a 4x12 Malman F1 float to fish at 10 metres at 1-o-clock. That was it.

I decided not to feed caster in the GB as the Carp love the stuff so fed three ball of GB laced with a few dead reds on the 10 metre lone and one ball on the long Ronnie line and started to loose fed casters down the right under the tree. I started on the long Ronnie line with single dead red and caught small Ronnie’s and Skimmers regularly. In between I tried the short Ronnie rig with single caster and would catch one or two Ronnie’s before it died, probably due to the lack of colour and the bright sunshine which had now shown is face. Back on the long Ronnie rig which I had kept topping up with GB and kept the small fish coming. Robin had fed caster and was getting battered by Carp snapping a top-set in the process. Time to try the 10 metre line with single dead red and had a 2oz Skimmer first try, but that was it completely dead. Time for the banana walk and Bob Gullick owned up to 8lb as was Dan Squires. So back in the saddle and decided to pump up some 4mm expanders and wet down some micro. Before I fed pellet I tried an expander first and caught a small Skimmer. So this made up my mind to feed a smidgeon of micro. With both Ronnie lines dying I spent the remainder of the match on the long line and pellet catching six to the pound Skimmers regularly. The biggest fish today was about 5oz so plenty of bites Hooking only one Carp.

I finished the match with 12lb 3oz for 4 points only beating the anglers each side of me. I think you have two options at the moment you either feed GB laced with caster and have an early battle with lots of Carp with the anticipation of catching big Skimmer late on (Nick Chedzoy) or trying to avoid them catching small fish.

The match was won by Sam Powell (pictured right) with 35lb 5oz from peg 78. Sam caught some decent Roach and Hybrids down his right to the tree using caster on over caster, picking off the odd better Skimmer at 16 metres using expander over GB. Well done matey.

Finally have a thought for Dan Squires who drew peg 100 on the All winners Silvers final watching James Allen catching Skimmers all day on peg 99 for 40lb only to draw peg peg 99 today and watched Bob Gullick catch 30lb on peg 98. How unfair can fishing get at times.

Full Result:

  1. Sam Powell 35-05-0 peg 78
  2. Bob Gullick 30-0-0 peg 98
  3. Glen Calvert 27-06-0 peg 123
  4. Dave Burns 24-03-0 peg 73
  5. Craig Edmonds 23-08-0 peg 114
  6. Dom Sullivan 22-14-0 peg 60
Weigh Sheets:

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Thursday 13/10/2016 - Ray's Rip Off - Just Turn Up - Windmill Fishery - Match Lake

Near repeat of Sunday except: Breakfast in Hungry Horace’s. Drew peg 18. I fished top-set plus one, less foul hookers, last half hour no wind, no tow and no fish. Thirteen pound more.

Another hard day for the Fishery Manager (pictured right a sleep with Bentley on his lap).

Very enjoyable days fishing when not catching 3oz Skimmers I was catching Carp.

My Silvers weighed 15lb 12oz and my Carp 99lb 2oz for a total of 114lb14oz for yet another double bubble on this venue (some of my scale perfect Commons pictured lower right).
Full Result:

  1. Mike Nicholls 114-14-0 peg 18
  2. Dave Willmott 91-05-0 peg 10
  3. Ricky Mills 71-14-0 peg 32
Top Silvers:

  1. Mike Nicholls 15-12-0 peg 18
  2. Pete Baker 5-04-0 peg 8
  3. Ray Bazeley 4-14-0 peg 23

Monday, 10 October 2016

Colin Golding's Scrap Book - 1950 to the Present Day - Page Seven

First mention of Colin's Dad George. Nearly every match they fished ended with the two arguing, often started by George telling Colin he fished it wrong, sometimes even though Colin had won.

I remember when Colin had attached some pram wheels to his wooden tackle box, George wanted his done so Colin obliged. The first outing of the box conversion was on the Crane and after each 100 yards one of the wheels kept falling off! Another blazing row resulted with Colin left to carry Georges box.

Sid Bruton mentioned  often sat behind Sid watching him fish hemp and tares down Jack Whites.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Sunday 09/10/2016 - Windmill Fishery Open - Match Lake

I have given my driver a week off to fish the Stafford Moor Autumn Festival – good luck matey. So I had a little longer in bed this morning as I am only 10 minutes from today’s choice of fishery – Windmill. A beautiful autumn’s day – wind in the NW which was a tad nipply.

When I arrived at the fishery Terry the fishery manager had gone into panic mode (heard Huntstrete had KHV) and was dipping anything that resembled a net or stink bag (pictured right). I think Terry’s Jack Russell Bentley also had a dipping. We all found it rather amusing.

Seventeen booked in so the numbers right for everyone to have a decent peg. Before the draw I warned everyone that there was a double headed disc in the draw box – peg 15 on one side and 18 on the other. You be mad to choose peg 15 over 18– wouldn’t you John Osborne. In to the draw box which my arms are just long enough to reach the bottom and out comes peg 6. Very happy with this one, I drew it a couple of weeks ago and had double bubble from it, so had the all important confidence in the peg.

Set up a short Ronnie rig, a 4x16 Jolly to fish top set plus two sections of pole and a 4x12 Jolly to fish down wind in the RH margin side set to 30 inches. The water was a bit clearer than usual hence fishing further out than usual. The Ronnie rig was a failure today due to the wind dragging it around so only had a couple of trial runs.

I fed the margin with a ball of GB laced with dead reds followed with a half pot of micro with a few 4mm expander. I started on the long line with a 4 mm expander on the hook and in the following 45 minutes landed five Carp losing one at the net. After re-feeding with just 4mm expander I had a run of small Skimmers and the occasional Crucian. I then hooked a decent Carp which broke me – well not quite the knot slipped over the spade – bugger. I then had a nightmare foul hooking Carp mainly I think due to towing into them as I managed to pick up some tow against the wind. Another run of small Skimmers and two more Crucian’s and a 12 oz Roach. Another couple of Carp now with seven in the one net so time to put another net in and have a Banana walk. So I fed the margin again with a pot of neat dead reds and more expanders on the long line. Back in the saddle and another Carp and two decent Skimmers. Then I hooked Bill Ferris’s elastic complete with rig he had just lost playing a Carp on peg 24, the Carp was still attached and whilst hand lining it in it got caught in my keep net and broke the line. At least Bill got his rig back – need to size up on the elastic mate it looked like a number 3 solid. We were now into the last 45 minutes and into the margin with triple red on the hook and I had a short wait before I hooked my first margin munter. I followed this up with three more before the all out with the swim getting better the time went on so didn’t want to finish.

My Silvers weighed 13lb 5oz (me with the Silvers pictured right) and my Carp 88lb 9oz for a total of 101lb 14oz for another double bubble beating Martyn Rayet by 11oz and John Barker by 4oz. Love it.

Left my camera home so used the phone camera so pictured not that good today.

Finally Ray Bazeley is running a match on Windmill next Thursday.

Full Result:

  1. Mike Nicholls 101-14-0 peg 6
  2. Martyn Rayet 101-03-0 peg 27
  3. Mark Summerhayes 79-10-0 peg 29
  4. Dave Haines 75-13-0 peg 21
  5. Gerry Walsh 69-08-0 peg 8
  6. Dave Willmott 45-15-0 peg 20
Top Silvers:

  1. Mike Nicholls 13-05-0 peg 6
  2. John Barker 13-01-0 peg 3
  3. Bob Price 8-10-0 peg 26
Weigh Sheets:

Friday, 7 October 2016

Thursday 07/10/2016 - Amalgamation Autumn League - Round Seven - Tockenham Reservior

The Special One has twisted her knee so in two minds whether to go today, but she said it would be OK. However, it was with some trepidation and guilt that I went. So after devouring a “Pig One” and before paying the pools I rang her to check on how she was I felt a bit better to hear the swelling was going down.

It looks as if all the fish have switched into autumn mode with weights dropping everywhere. The weather reflected this with a stiff Easterly wind and the temperature first thing recording 4 degrees. It did warm up with the sun popping in and out.

In to the draw bag and out comes peg 28, not happy as it is in the corner amongst the Sedges and a Carp haven, plus I had the scales for the third time! Things soon brightened up when matey Bill Ferris arrived on peg 27. So would have some pole competition with Bill. Neither of us expected to set it alight.

I set up the Normark feeder rod but to be fair only got used during two tea breaks which resulted in  nothing, far too shallow in these pegs and impossible to reach deep water. Next I set up the Ronnie rig and a 4x18 jolly to fish at 10 metres in 6 foot of water, heavier than the depth required but sized up due to the wind blowing into me.

I started by feeding three large balls of GB laced with a few casters and dead reds at 10 metres. Potted a few casters on the Ronnie line (didn’t loose fed because worried I would dinner gong in the Carp). Started on the Ronnie rig with single caster and first put had an 8oz Perch quickly followed by an ouncer. Potted in a ball of GB with caster on this line and tried the 10 metre line with single maggot and started to catch small Ronnie’s. I then hooked what felt like a 2lb Skimmer which I pulled out of. It then went iffy getting indications on the drop which I couldn’t connect with. Back on the Ronnie rig this time with singe maggot and had a run of small fish – Rudd, Gudgeon, Perch and Ronnie’s. I then hooked a 14lb Common Carp which luckily I managed to land (upper pictured right). A pity they don’t count. By this time
Bill and I were neck and neck. Then Bill hooked and was playing something XL which when netted turned out to be a pair of underpants. Bill said it was “Scud” Jefferies pants (pictured right with his second overall weight of Skimmers). Not sure how Bill knew this, but luckily pants didn’t count today either! Bill followed this with a pound Roach. I then realised what was happening with the missed bites – liners from fish up in the water so spread the number eleven shot out and shallowed to 6 inch off bottom (where I thought they were) and kinder potted caster with again caster on the hook, a lot more liners followed until I hooked another 2lb Skimmer which came off the hook because I think it was foul hooked. I then landed a 2lb Skimmer flowed by a 1lb Roach. I now didn’t want the match to end and it wasn’t the time of day as I was getting what I now realised was liners a lot earlier in the match – bugger.

The two lost Skimmers and the penny dropping too late cost me a pick-up as I finished 7th overall with 8lb 7oz. I thoroughly enjoyed the laughs I had will Bill today he has a great sense of humour. But beat him again!! But I do hope I can still fish 3-4 times a week and catch Silvers as well as Bill when I’m 75 years old – amazing.

The match was won by John Osborne (pictured right) with 24lb 2oz from fancied peg 20. John caught on the pole at 13 metres using caster and or worm hook bait over GB lace with – well everything including micro pellet. John fed the GB mixed heavily throughout to keep the Skimmers coming.Its a pleasure fishing with this guy.

Finally with one match left I have decided to give up fishing this league and any future leagues whilst run as they are at present. Apologies go to my fishing friends. The day started with us expecting to fish the far bank only to be told it had been moved to the near bank because it was very windy over there on Tuesday!! The Dam wasn’t in again and was told it had been left out because the wind was blowing in to it!! The wind was in fact blowing from the East which was blowing from the Dam wall straight up the Lake into the pegs in the twenties where we were!! When challenged you get no discussion on the matter just told “If you don’t like it don’t fish”. I can’t see this league being that well supported next year.

Full Result:

  1. John Osborne 24-02-0 peg 20
  2. Steve Jefferies 19-12-0 peg 25
  3. John Smith 13-12-0 peg 31
  4. Pete Greenslade 11-12-0 peg 32
  5. Doug Sutton 11-05-0 peg 33
  6. Bob Black 9-12-0 peg 17
Weigh Sheets:

Monday, 3 October 2016

Sunday 02/09/2016 - Viaduct Silvers League - Round One - Campbell Carey and Lodge Lakes

I’ve had a tooth playing me up over the last month which has gradually gotten worse with hot and cold touches being very painful. So first stop in Shipham Café which we were joined by Mr & Mrs. It took me an age to nibble through my breakfast trying to avoid touching the tooth. I had a hot curry last night and the breakfast kicked off the after burn. It was jus in time reaching the fishery.

The weather was warm and bright with little wind so not conducive for Skimmers I was thinking.

I was hoping to be on Carey or Lodge, but dug too deep in the coffee tin and came out with Campbell peg 111 so in the shade all day which required a fleece whilst others were in T Shirts. Nigel Bartlett had 40lb off it on Thursday so some Skimmers about, but the results were going to be different when everyone else is keeping the Carp fed. For company I had Gabe on peg 112 and Vinny on 110. Looking across to the 120ies I could see the usual suspects the only draw bag missing was the Trig – “some say he was once bitten by a Rat and it took 3 days for the Rat to die”.

Set up a very short Ronnie rig, a Sensas 0.12 Pencil Float and one of my favourite floats a Malman - 4x12 F1 both for Skimmers, finally a 4x10 Yoof for the RH margin up to the tree stump - Tench and Perch hopefully.

I fed the messy business (CW&C) down to the tree stump and fed one small ball of the Gabe GB at top-set plus two sections and started to loose feed some hemp and caster on the Ronnie line. I started on the Sensas float with soft 4mm pellet and was getting tiny indications but nothing to strike at. I then had a couple of small Skimmers, but it was slow. So decided to put three big balls in and go on the Ronnie rig with single caster. I had a run of 1-2oz Ronnie’s but found it more productive to stop feeding the Hemp. It went iffy so went back out on the skimmer line with a piece of worm with the F1 float and had a 1 ½ lb Tench and three Skimmers, so things looking up, then a large raft of weed came down through my swim and with little wind it would take an age to go through (I assume some Twat had cut it out at the top some where), so had a go with worm down to the tree and had a small Perch then a Tench all of 6oz! I then pulled out of a bigger Tench as I reached for the landing net – bugger. I then hooked the first of my many Carp. Back out on the Ronnie rig to find Carp swirling everywhere even with minimalist feeding. I had one take the caster as soon as it hit the water nice to witness but not nice trashing the Ronnie rig in the process, so I had to rest the line as it would have been carnage. At last I could fish the Skimmers line again, only to find Carp blowing over the GB. What ever I put on the hook resulted in a Carp. So I wetted up some micro and fed a pint out to my left at top-set plus three to hopefully entice the Carp away. I fed a caster line same distance but to my left. Now all I could see was three black areas over each swim – wonder what that could that be – I was now surrounded.

It was interesting to see the Carp totally confused by the sudden appearance of anglers but no pellet feed coming forth, the Carp were searching everywhere they heard any sound. I had one Carp going mental in my swim so started to tap it on the head with the cupping kit only for it frenzy in the splashing I was making all to Vinny’s amusement. Both Me, Vinny and Gabe had totally under estimated how many hook lengths we needed to day I was on the 0.14 hook lengths by the end of play today and three trashed rigs. I was amazed how quickly I was landing 5lb Common Carp on 0.1 GLine.

I decided to spend the last hour on the Ronnie rig but this time not feeding anything which worked to a fashion provided I put the rig in without making any sound; if I did it would result in another Common Carp.

I weighed 15lb 6oz just 3oz ahead of Gabe, for a section third but picked up second as Sam Powell framed. I think it was touch and go between Vinny and Gabe who caught the most Carp.

The match was won by Bob Gullick (pictured right) with 40lb 14oz from peg 124. Bob caught short using worm heads over GB laced with caster etc… Well done matey hope the family life soon gets back to normal.

And finally Monday morning at the Dentist to find I had an infection in a Molar. I was given the choice of antibiotics or extraction. So it was goodbye to my long time friend and £54 (pictured right). I didn’t keep it for the tooth fairy, but in case it was my lucky tooth which will be in my tackle box until I am sure it’s not.

Full Result

  1. Bob Gullick 40-14-0 peg 124
  2. Dan Squires 38-14-0 peg 118
  3. Sam Powell 36-10-0 peg 115
  4. Mark Saunders 36-09-0 peg 60
  5. Craig Edmonds 36-04-0 peg 97
  6. Matt Tomes 32-10-0 peg 73
Weigh Sheets:

Top Three: