Bank Holiday Monday - Shiplate Fishery - Pairs Match - Hawthornes and Westpool
Had an early night and woke early to finish sorting kit out to find a text from Glenn Bailey my partner for today's match. He confirmed the time and reminded my to not fish for the Silvers as it was to be a combined overall weight match. OK then. On the way down he said Ha, there might be a Silvers payout - Umm too late for me. Indeed the payout was for the top Silvers pair and top two overall pairs. We would draw a peg and fish that numbered peg on both Canals. We could choose who fished which Canal, Glenn had on a few previous occasions hinted he wanted Hawthorns. So he had his way. Glenn asked what peg I wanted, silly really which pair wouldn't want peg 1. He comes back with peg 3. I was happy with this on Westpool because I could reach the far bank at 12.5 metres, plus I have fished it before. Experience is half the battle. For company I had Matt Shepherd on peg 1. I set up two paste rigs (both shotted) one for top-set plus two at full depth out in front and the other for both margins. I also set up 13 metres where the margin rig was also suitable. However, the 13 metres was to be left sunbathing for the rest of the day. Started by kindering some hard 4's with a lump of paste (more like a home made 16 mm expander). Signs of feeding fish within seconds. I had eight small Carp and five Skimmers before the swim faded. Two more before I had to either go large over or go marginal. I choose the latter. Loose feeding hard 4's down both sides. I could see Carp sneaking tight to the LH bank and waiting for some free offerings before swimming out for them. This lead to only one thing, foul hooking and I had my share. A differing approach needed. Luckily with two margins I could experiment. So (don't tell Genn) I had some DR's in the bag so put big pots of these in to the RH margin,and potted micro into the LH margin. Just after I did this Matt came down and asked if he was doing something wrong because he had lost 10 foul hooked Carp. I told him no because I was suffering just as badly. In with the past over the DR's and first try an 8 lb fish followed by another. Re-fed and tried the LH side which also worked, but still a few foulers. This form of pellet feeding really confused the Carp by their behaviour on the surface. Carp were still going past with their shoulders hard against the bank. The maggot swim gradually died whilst the micro margin got better, near the end I couldn't get in quick enough. After the match I went and explained to Matt how I had fed to stop the foul hooking. I weighed 112 lb 6 oz for third on Westpool. Got back to Glenn's peg and he had weighed 113 lb 4 oz which was top weight on Hawthorne's so we had a total of 225 lb 10 oz. Although Tom Thick had 170 lb his Dad who partnered him had struggled. So Glenn and me had won the day and a decent pick up - us pictured upper right. The Silvers pairs went to the Wickhams Glynn and Nigel with a total of 37 lb 7 oz from pegs 12. Worn was sure to be involved on the hook at some time. However, it didn't end there for the Wickhams because young Mackenzie who partnered Grandad Ray won the top Junior Prize. Well done to them - pictured right. If your not knackered after two days match fishing your not doing it right!! A well thought out and run match especially the junior prize, We need more kids out fishing - half trm a great time to try it. I am taking my twin Granddaughters out this week. Result: 1. Mike Nicholls + Glenn Bailey 225-10-0 pegs 3 2. Tom and Antony Thick 206-11-0 peg 9 3. Lewis Jones + Steve Howell 202-06-0 peg 11 Silvers: 1. Glyn and Nigel Wickham 37-07-0 peg 12
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