Geoff and I had our usual decent breakfast at Hungry Horace's. iIn arrival I had my usual walk around the Lake. There were some signs of fish on peg 7, otherwise it look a bit dower. This series got even more complex today with another knockout for the losers from the first knockout, of which I was one. Draw done and I am to fish against Enigma (Steve Dawson). So into the draw bag hoping to draw 7. Well not far away with peg 5 you think. Alas not as this peg is narrow due to the opposite island. Peg 7 is in open water. What was good I could keep an eye on Enigma who was on peg 4. The other side on peg 6 was mumbler Paul Haines. I initially set up the usual rig for the typical depth, a 4x16 rig. However, this peg must be the shallowest on the pool so was able to use a yellow tipped 4x14 F1 Winter. I plumbed up in the deepest part which was at 10 metres into dark water. I didn't bother over as the pool is so clear I thought it would be unproductive, so the one rig fished in the same spot all match was the plan - there was not really anywhere else to go. Geoff Francis had drawn peg 24 so I walked around to him and gave him a couple of pointers.
To be honest I wasn't expecting much from the swim and anticipated coming last in section if not last in the match. Last match one Roach was caught from it. So I fed a small ball of GB laced with some Pinkies and with double on the hook sat there for an hour without any indication. Meanwhile Enigma was catch 1 - 2 ounce Roach regularly. Ray Bazeley had also started well on peg 7 catching some decent Skimmers. The writing was on the wall. I then broke the blank with a small Ronnie. Approaching the end of the second hour I had a decent Skimmer followed quickly by another. It then died again. I decided to feed the Pinkie and GB loose which seem to switch the peg on providing a few more bites than I had been getting. Another two Skimmers and some Ronnies before it died again, this time for a very long hour. With 45 minutes to go I had another two Skimmers before the all out. I was happy with how I fished the peg with it due to my tenacity than anything else. I weighed 8 lb 14 oz for second in section and third overall in the Silvers! More importantly I beat Enigma in the all-so-ran knock out cup. However, Enigma did go home with a smile as he won the Keynsham Angling donated £20 voucher raffle for those that don't pick up on the day. My section and the match Silvers was won by Ray Bazeley (pictured upper right) with 12 lb 15 oz from my fancied peg 7. Ray caught on maggot over GB fished at mainly 11 metres. The overall weight was caught by Geoff Francis from peg 24 with 17 lb 13 oz (pictured right - happiness is with a cider in the hand) Result: A Section 1st Ray Bazeley 12-15-0 peg 7 A Section 2nd Mike Nicholls 8-14-0 peg 5 B Section 1st Chris Ollis 8-04-0 peg 15 B Section 2nd Alan Oram 9-11-0 peg 8 C Section 1st Tony Rixon 11-06-0 peg 16 C Section 2nd Geoff Francis 17-13-0 peg 24 D Section 1st Paul Barnfield 6-12-0 peg 29 D Section 2nd Dave Gillard 7-7-0 peg 27 Weigh Sheets:
Short drive match today at Windmill Fishery. First breakfast at Wetherspoons - Staple Hill with Geoff Francis. A first today a warm breakfast, must have a new microwaver. Twelve of us today so well spread out except pegs 6,7,and 8. The air temperature wasn't too bad and luckily the NNW wind was very light. Into the large wooden draw box and out comes peg 7. Happy with this one as it has open water so I could use the waggler sensibly. Geoff drew peg 25 and for the umteen time his peg was golden. Must be a few bob in it by now. For company I had Mark Summerhayes on peg 6 and Dave Willmott on 8. Dave decided to set up the waggler, it was a 30 years old Daiwa Poker and weighed such that it would need a double handed strike. It was obvious he's not used it for few years. I also set up the waggler to fish the open water with maggot over loose fed LR's. The only rig was and a 4x14 Winter Titan to fish DR's at 10 metres over micro and DR's. I fed the pole line with smidgen of micro and DR's but started on the waggler, but found feeding difficult to judge with the light wind changing continuously. I had the waggler dotted right down and was difficult to see, this was to prove essential due to the shy bites. I was soon playing my first small Carp. The wind and I got to grips with the feeding and I had a great couple of hours catching Carp between 2 and 3 lb. During this time I also had two decent Skimmers. The swim died a bit so I tried the pole to only have one tug which was probably a small Perch. I binned this line and stayed with the waggler for the rest of the match catching small Carp, two better ones and another three decent Skimmers. A great days fishing on the waggler. I fed about 1/2 pint of DR's all day. My Carp weighed 74 lb 6 oz and my five Skimmers 11 lb 10 oz for top Silvers and my overall weight of 86 lb was good enough for the match win. So another double bubble. My Silvers pictured upper right. Geoff didn't win the golden peg but picked up first Silvers by double default!! The Lake fish really well in comparison to a lot of venues. Maggot was the most productive bait. It was back to the pub with Geoff and Dave W for a cup of tea.
Result: 1. Mike Nicholls 86-0-0 peg 7 2. Keith Builder 65-10-0 peg 22 3. Garry Walsh 58-10-0 peg 18 4. Geoff Francis 54-05-0 peg 25 Silvers: 1. Mike Nicholls 11-10-0 peg 7 2. Gerry Walsh 3-03-0 peg 18 3. Geoff Francis 2-11-0 peg 25 Weigh Sheet:
Geoff and I stopped in the Bridge Inn for breakfast. Service was good, however, the sausages were interesting, first bite and after chewing it for five minutes spat it out. The texture was akin to what I imagined the cardboard tube in a toilet roll might be. The "Chef" must be an alchemist to achieve this! Over the years I have caught some strange things. Today must be my strangest - a Toothbrush - pictured right, which was landed shipping back on the whistle and foul hooked. I understand that Chris Ollis has caught a Mobile Phone, which is difficult, but plenty of anglers have lose fed them. But who takes a toothbrush fishing? I took it home for the Special One. Geoff and I had a walk around the Lake which Tony had re-pegged, to find a cold stiff breeze blowing down the Lake, which later was to drop. Seventeen fishing today. Into the draw tub and out comes peg 3 - happy with that. Halfway to the Lake and a re-draw was shouted - bugger. Into the draw tub again and this time peg 8. Not as good as 3 was my thinking, however, getting to the peg and although there were plenty of stiff competition in my section they were all bunched together whilst I had plenty of room, so best peg in section by a long way was my thinking especially as the bright conditions would make the fishing hard. I set up a 4x12 Titan and used it to plumb around and found that the depths were acceptably similar. I also found that the inside line was much too shallow to fish the Ronnie rig. So the one rig would fit all. There were signs of plenty of Carp just off the opposite island. I decided on two lines one at top-set plus four at 10 o'clock for GB and maggot and the same length at 2 o'clock for 4 mm expander over micro. After liberally feeding both lines I started on my banker, the pellet. I quickly had a Ronnie followed by a few more before it died with signs of Carp having moved over the pellet. So an enforced switch to the GB line with triple Pinkie and I had a good two hours catching Ronnies and small Skimmers, it was never furious. I then had a decent Perch and two big Skimmers. I then lost two more close in which I think was caused by the hook pulling out due to the fish dragging the shallow bottom. I couldn't get my head around the feeding as it was a question of feed a nub and catch three quick fish and then feed again. I felt I was feeding far too much. I had, drawing the Carp in, and after losing one the swim completely died. I decided to put a big pot of micro in the pellet line to keep the Carp away. It was soon fizzing. I decided to add another section and start another line at 11.5 metres above the pellet line with the GB mix. My thinking was that the big Skimmers follow the feeding Carp. This worked and had two more decent Skimmers losing one foul hooker on the drop and another on the shallow slope - bugger. I went back over the original GB line and caught a few Ronnie before hooking another Carp which pulled my top 5 out of the pole, with it heading out to the middle of the Lake so was about to jump in when the fish turned and headed back so I was able to reclaimed the pole which had filled with water so was very heavy, the Carp broke me. How lucky was that, all I had was red hands from the freezing water. Then the tooth brush.
I weighed 17 lb for the section and fourth overall. As I predicted those anglers with more room did the best today. I'm sure Tony will rethink the pegging for the next match. That said there was plenty of fish caught with a tight frame. The match was won by camera shy Dave Wride (pictured right - not caught on CCTV) with 27 lb 8 oz from peg 16. Dave caught in the water on the pole using 4 mm expander over potted micro and loose fed hard 4's. Plenty of Rats spotted.
Result: 1. Dave Wride 27-08-0 peg 16 2. Dave Willmott 22-08-0 peg 1 3. Paul Barnfield 18-14-0 peg 2 4. Mike Nicholls 17-0-0 peg 8 5. Hughie Evans 16-04-0 peg 5 6. Chris Fox 15-15-0 peg 14 Weigh Sheet:
Today was the start on the BAA post Christmas matches being run by Dave Gillard (pictured right - someone put a thumb mark on my camera lens hence the poor quality) The matches are based on 4 sections of 5 with two payouts - First coin goes to the highest Silvers section weight and second to the highest combined weight Defaulted - interestingly different. First Geoff and I stopped at Hungry Horaces, we both agreed it was a good-un. It appears that it's the time of year when the temporary traffic lights are brought out of storage. Keynsham and surrounding roads are littered with the dam things. Dave did the draw for the knockout and I drew Steve Tanner. Into the draw bag and out comes peg 24. Not one of my winter favourites. However, there are many worse pegs. My five peg section was 16, 18,19, 21 and 24. Peg 16 would have been my Silvers choice and 21 for Carp. I set up a 4x16 Titan to fish at top-set and four barrels at 10 o'clock for Skimmers/Ronnies over GB and maggot. A 4x12 to fish over to the Island and down the RH margin in the hope of catching Perch that are sometimes caught on this peg. As I had time I set up the waggler to fish out in the open water, I now regret not giving it a try. On the all-in I fed just the GB line and with a big live red maggot on the hook tipped with a flouro Pinkie it took a while to catch my first Ronnie. After re-feeding I had a run of small Skimmers, this lead me to think I was going to have a good day. Unfortunately, after a couple of re-feeds the swim completely died. I tried switching the same rig etc...round to 2 o'clock never had any indications from here. So back on the previous line and after a long wait I foul hooked a decent Skimmer which came off - bugger. A few small Ronnies followed, ony for the swim to completely die again. So thought I would try the Perch rig, first over to the island, which is very shallow, add the gin clear water the line was soon abandoned. So now down the right side but this time I fished close to full depth with maggot over kindered maggot. I started to get indications which I thought was Perch. After missing some indications I hooked a 5 lb Carp which I was glad to finally net - it's amazing watching them fight in the clear water. I added two F1's on this line but no Perch. I tried the original line again to no avail. So I spent the last half hour down the right and with 5 minutes to go I was getting indications and struck into fresh air twice. I was sure it was F1's having a play. Missed another indication on the whistle. Very frustrating as another F1 would have got me through the knockout which I lost by 14 oz to Steve - well done to him. My Silvers weighed 5 lb 12 oz with my Carp taking me to 13 lb for highest section weight and a second section pick up.
The highest Silvers and overall weight went to Dave Wride (pictured upper right with his 31 lb of Skimmers) with 54 lb 4 oz from peg 28. Dave caught in the water using expander hook bait over pellet. It was back to the pub with the usual suspects including "Cliff" (pictured right - incase anyone wondered)
Result: A Section - Mike Jones - 10-12-0 peg 7 Silvers A Section - Chris Rolfe - 1-08-0 peg 6 Combined B Section - Tony Rixon - 20-04-0 peg 14 - Silvers B Section - Dave Gillard - 0-02-0 peg 10 - Combined C Section - Allan Oram - 8-08-0 peg 16 - Silvers C Section - Mike Nicholls - 13-0-0 peg 14 - Combined D Section - Dave Wride - 31-0-0 peg 28 - Silvers D Section - Steve Tanner - 13-12-0 peg 26 - Combined Top Weight on Day: Dave Wride - 53-04-0 peg 28
With a weather window today with temperature forecast to be back up to 9 degrees for the one day thought I would go local to Windmill. I met Geoff Francis for breakfast in Wetherspoons at Staple Hill. Food still not warm enough for me. Surprised to find 17 fishing. I paid my £20 and into the wooden box and wooden counter 16 comes out. Definitely not what I would have chosen. The Silver fishing has been very poor here lately, however, this didn't put me off even though there has been an influx of small Carp. For company I had Chris Shipp-Davis - Chris isn't a sponsored angler, but don't seem to pay for any bait - on peg 18 and Lee Masey on peg 14, at least we had plenty of room. I set up a 4x14 Titan to fish top-set plus three at 11 o'clock with GB and Pinkie and the same rig to fish another barrel longer at 10 o'clock with LR's over LR's and Micro. I fed the two lines and started in double Pinkie over the GB. After 45 minutes without a bite I switched to double LR over the other line and started to get some indications and soon had a 3 lb Carp in the net. Two more followed before it went quiet. I had been topping up after each fish so an enforced no feeding followed! fed again and had two quick Skimmers. The line completely died. Tried the GB line and had one small tug which was probably a small Perch. I decided to fish over to the island at 13 metres so set up a 4x12 Titan set to three foot. With double DR over kindered DR's I had a run of five more Carp, losing 2 foulers. With 30 minutes to go I felt as if there was nothing else to be caught in the peg but "Knomed it" until the end. My two Skimmers weighed 3 lb 8 oz for second Silvers! My small Carp weighed 22 lb and the total of 25 lb 8 oz put me 6 th overall, beating Geoff by 1 lb exactly.
The match was won by Andy Lord (pictured upper right with some of his catch) with 93 lb 14 oz from peg 11. Andy caught the waggler fished towards the end of the island using single maggot over loose fed same. The Silvers was won by Scott Conroy (pictured right with the match winner) with 8 lb 8 oz from peg 1. Scott caught one decent Perch the rest being small Roach all caught on maggot. Result: 1. Andy Lord 93-14-0 peg 11 2. Dave Willmott 66-10-0npeg 10 3. Jack Arpino 57-08-0 peg 7 Silvers: 1. Scott Conroy 8-08-0 peg 1 2. Mike Nicholls 3-08-0 peg 16
With the weather on the turn to cold and with today looking comfortable I decided to book into the Acorn open with Ray Bazeley who himself couldn't fish as he had no transport so I picked him up. I had promised myself that I would fish for Silvers back to front with Carp blinkers on. I only took maggots GB and Pinkies. However, Ray gave me two slices of bread, which I hid from Bob Price. Nineteen booked in and fourteen didn't!
I had a walk around the paddocks and fancied pegs 1, 33 and 34. Went and had a look at the top canal which has been drained to facilitate a stock pond - pictured Into the ping pong ball bag with 33 balls and out comes ball 19. This peg won the last match with Carp!! Got to the peg which was flat calm and with some sunshine expected it was going to be tough match. Peg 19 and 18 are very close. I initially set up a 4x14 Winter F1 to fish at top-set plus three. However, the depth was much shallower that I remember so was able to swap to a 4x12 especially as there was little to no wind. I went down two pegs to Joe McMahon (DNW) on peg 17 and took some advise on rigs for Dobbing bread. A 4x10 yoof was agreed on and with the far bank less than 11.5 metres it would be easy for me. I fed the midline at 11 0'clock with GB laced with a few Pinkies and neat Pinkies again at midline at 2 o'clock. I started over the GB with double Pinkie and started to get indications which proved to be a decent Carp but was fouled and came off. This affair made me break the promise to myself to stick with Silvers as I picked up the Dobbing rig and with a 6mm punch on the hook soon foul hooked four Carp all being lost, I did land the next foul hooker and lost a properly hooked Carp near the net - so evans. This all in a matter of 30 minutes. I then started to miss bites which proved to be Roach. So I set up a lighter 4x10 Winter rig to fish for them over. So fed some GB laced with Pinkie and went back to try both mid-lines again and caught a few Ronnies and 3 oz Skimmers. I found the GB line most productive so focussed on it. After topping up went over and started to catch more tiny Skimmers - at least it was bites with the possibility of the odd Carp. I switched between the two lines to keep the odd Silver coming, but it was very very slow, plus I was losing a few of them on ship-back - very frustrating. No more Carp though. I must have pissed them right off earlier. My one Carp weighed 6 lb and my Silvers 4 lb 13 oz for 5 th in the Silvers and one out of the money. I must say I learnt a fair bit today which I would like to try out sometime. Nice day out with great company.
The Match was won by Martin McMahon (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 40 lb 4 oz from peg 5. Martin caught initially on Dobbed brean over then later catching a few down his margin on maggot over maggot. Martin must have remembered to bring his new pole instructions. The Silvers was won accidentally by Martyn Rayet with 7 lb from peg 36. Martyn also caught Carp late down the middle on maggot and over loose fed maggot taking his weight to 39 lb 5 oz for also second overall. Have a thought for Joe McMahon (DNW) who had to drive both of them home!!
As we know Scaffolder's tend to Carry their brains in their muscles, so was I surprised when Ricky Mills tried to put his new van in his peg - nope! Luckily Mark came to his rescue - pictured upper right.