With a few anglers unable to fish John Bennett did his usual phoning around and managed to get the attendance up to thirty five – well done matey. I was hoping to be on Campbell (as did everyone else). It wasn’t to be, I drew peg 103 which was last in the section on the last league match. I was hoping that it would be an end peg, but it wasn’t Chris Davis had that, peg 105. With Tom Mangnel on the other end peg 98 in the section I knew it would be a difficult match to pick up in. The North wind was blowing down towards our end, which gave me some heart. I set up two Ronnie rigs which produced absolutely nothing. I set up 1 x Jolly which was somewhere between a 4x12 and 4x14 – that will be 4x13 then Mr Rixon. This was to be fished at 5 metres over GB and a 4x14 PB 14 (modified) to be fished long at 11.5 metres over caster. The Jolly also severed for under the LH tree where I planned to put in some CW&C as a tester. On the whistle I put in balls of GB laced with casters at 5 metres and a half pot of casters at 11.5 metres, I followed this up with half a pot of CW&C under the tree – I can finish this one off now - I caught one 2oz perch over this line on double dead red. I started at 5 metres with single caster and was getting some tentative touches followed by a very shy bite from small Skimmers – 4oz to 8oz. I had a run of them for about an hour – but it was slow. During this period Chris Davis snares a 4lb Tench which easily exceeded my net's worth. I re-fed with another ball of laced GB and tried the caster line at 11.5 metres with one 4 oz Skimmer to show for it after 15 minutes. This wasn’t good as this was my banker line. As I had done reasonably well over the laced GB I decided right or wrong to put two big balls in over this line before coming back in to 5 metres where I caught a few more small Skimmers. I make note of how angler’s fish and I could see that some of the Choppy men were struggling whilst others were having a few better Skimmers, but it was generally fishing hard. By swapping between the two lines I kept a few small Skimmers coming on single caster which kept me occupied until the end when I weighed in 13lb 9oz which was more that I expected. Not enough for any coin though, putting me fourth in the section and joint 14th overall with the Dude (Dan Squires) on peg 96. I really needed three or four good stamp Skimmers or Tench to put me up in the coin, but in didn’t happen.
Overall it was a very enjoyable close match.

Full Result:
1. Stu Foale 39-11-0 peg 131
2. Rich Coles 20-09-0 peg 127
3. Steve Jackson 20-04-0 peg 119
4. Tom Mangnel 19-06-0 peg 98
5. Chris Davis 18-13-0 peg 105
6. Anton Page 16-14-0 peg 111
7. Mark Broomsgrove 16-02-0 peg 88 (again)