Weather wise it was a grey and drizzly, but calm start, which quickly turned in to bright sunlight with high gusting winds. During the usual walk round the lake I fancied peg 32 as it looked as if most of the fish were at this end – so I trod the grass – be warned it doesn’t always work. I drew peg 26 – pleased with this, as I have won both the Silvers and overall from this peg. However, today due to the high gusting winds I couldn’t fish the peg in the same way. I had a big bay to my right and by sitting side saddle on my box I was able to get the wind off my back and fish in to some calm waters. I started on the usual caster and caught a number of small Ronnie’s and small Perch. I then foul hooked a Carp which bust my rig; this happened four times before I dropped the paste in and caught a ten pounder. Back on the caster and another run of Ronnie’s and Perch with the odd Skimmer. I could see Terry Bruton catching but everyone seemed to be struggling, so with two and half hours to go I walked the bank and Dave Bacon had four Carp, Terry seven plus playing one, Mike Jones owning up to 8lb of Silvers. So back to the peg where I decided my best option to getting some coin was to continue fishing for Silvers. However, the Carp where bullying the Silvers out, so with three quarters of an hour to go I switched to paste and landed another five Carp to ten pounds. I weighed exactly 16lb of Silvers and 48lb 12oz of Carp for a total weight of 64lb 12oz. This put me both second in the Silvers and in the match and a pick up of £20.
The match was won by Terry Bruton (pictured right with today’s Silvers winner) from peg 30 with 94lb 11oz. Terry caught 50% on the paste and pole at 10 metres and the other 50% on the shallow pellet waggler.
The Silvers was won by Mike Jones from peg 31 with 18lb 8oz (which not only included a Tench but also 1lb 8oz of pellet!!). Mike caught on the conventional waggler at full depth using caster and subsequently maggot.
New boy Steve Jefferies drew peg 16 and at the start was taking the pee out of Tom Coulston’s pole/whip. Tom had drawn peg 15. Tom “whipped” the new boy, coming third in the Silvers with 10lb 13oz – Steve Jefferies – “it isn’t going to be easy to beat some of these old boys – even from a flyer peg”!! Take the pee at your peril.
Full Result:
1. Terry Bruton 94-11-0 peg 30
2. Mike Nicholls 64-12-0 peg 26
3. Geoff Stones 51-13-0 peg 10
4. Chris Snow 36-04-0 peg 32
5. Dave Bacon 32-15-0 peg 29
6. Pete “The Real” Phillips 26-10-0 peg 13
Top Silvers:
1. Mike Jones 18-08-0 peg 31
2. Mike Nicholls 16-0-0 peg 26
3. Tom Coulston 10-13-0 peg 15
For the Juniors, new comers and the uninformed I thought I would add the following two cuttings from the ANGLERS MAIL dated Thursday 14th August 1969 (40 years ago). The first cutting is Mike Jones winning the Sunday Bristol and West Teams of Four match on the crane with Terry Bruton coming second. The second cutting is the Adults AA match fished the previous day on Fry’s AA waters with Terry coming first and Mike Jones joint third.

e-mailed comment from Mike Jones:
Just had three goes at posting a comment. Pellets could only have weighed 1/2 oz, and at least I took the container out.
nice to see some people aint forgot the old ways, wait till kev dicks starts fishing these matches , it will be one and a half pints of hemp and caster in the net
Follow up e-mail from Mike Jones:
I remember well fishing Cardiff Nomads matches on R. Taff about 40years ago, when weights were under 10lb.
wondered why nomads lads tipped (accidently??)their fish on to the bank then individually put them on to the scales. the answer was that the fish jumped about on the coal dust which stuck to them & incerased their weight!! so the old tricks predate Kevin Dicks.
I remember losing out on my section to Lee Gumbleton by 2oz in the SWWL. I watched his weigh in and scalesman Paul Dicks requested Lee remove his pint of casters from his net before weighing in. However, this wasn't fully accomplished, but was there 2oz left, might have been!
What ever I am absolutely sure Mike did have an accident with his pellet - after all he is over 65. I am dreading getting to that age! I am really glad that Mike has started fishing again - he is real competition for the Silvers pool. I wonder if "Rip Off" will be when he get's to 55?
it might be earlier than you think cos it dont seem you got to be over 55 any more and the only way you will see 65 is to start going backwards. and is that a wig mike jones is wearing or is he building up to star in the next just for men advert
Changing the subject Mike, this is at least the third time you have drawn the deepest peg on Bridge, what' going on? because they are all different pegs!!
Are you overshotting your float?
It's probably because I seem to be continually tying bits of line to the ends of my rigs, with my new found "slip knot", and the fact there are so many Carp following me around they are gorging out the bottom!
Mr Pickles, seems you old boys still have plenty of life left in you yet judging by all the comments! How about getting a young uns (relatively) versus over 55's match set up? It could be one hell of a wind up!
Nice idea Tim, but I think there should be two (JUNIOR?} teams, one 16-34 one 35-54. I also think we should have M Ns age verified!
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