Monday, 28 September 2020

Sunday 27/09/2020 - Matt Culpin's Autumn League - Round Two - Summerhayes - Sellick's and Long's

Not been here for sometime and had my usual walk around. The pegging is really tight I paced most pegs at 6 to 9 metres apart. Luckily Matt pegged it sensibly. The talk was to be on Selick's because the numbers would be limited to 12 anglers so would be more room. I though, wrongly that the bottom end of Long's would be best area - wrongly, as as found out later the oxygen levels were down so the opposite would be true, as Tony Rixon found out.

Matt pulled pink pong ball Longs 34. No emotion as I didn't know anything about the peg, short walk though as it's on the road side. Great company with Matty Tomes - love this guy WYSIWYG we need more stand up guys like him who was on peg 33 and Steve Collins on peg 36.

Two Pots told me the margins would produce so cleared the LH side only to plumb around to find it all over the place with lots of rocks. So cleared the RH side - better, but a tad too deep. Set up a 0.3 gram paste float for here to fish on the top set which was as far as I could clear. Wary that it might be hard I set up a 4x12 expander rig to fish 4 mm expander at top-set plus two. I also set up a paste float to fish over this line if things took a turn for the better. Matty next door had a large bay opposite him at 16 metres. I had the remnants of a bay which looked like it's been Methodised, but probably could get close enough with 13 and a bit metres but with the wind as it was and looking after my longevity decided not too bother, which too be honest cost me a few fish.

I started by kindering some micro and with the 4 mm expander on the hook had four Carp in five put ins then a 2 lb Skimmer - cripes going to have a great day then - not. Always the same just as you think this the swim dies. Had a couple more Skimmers and was pestered by tiny 2 oz Skimmers. Decided to feed 5-6 expanders and switched to on the drop and had another run of Carp. Everything was against us today bright skies, lower temperature, low oxygen and more anglers than usual. The fish were definitely shying away. I had been feeding the margin with micro with hard 4's over the top so gave it a try and had a foul hooker come off. Wasn't surprised because of the depth. The Carp weren't interested in feeding on the bottom and were content nicking the occasional falling 4's. Went out long again this time with paste which was unproductive but found going back to the expander the small Skimmers liked the remnants of the paste so started to kinder potting this just to get bites and managed to get a hook in a few on this tiny fish. I spent the last two hours in the margin with paste kindering a few 4 's on with the paste and had five more Carp but it was a question of catch one then waiting 15 minuets or so before another arrived.

I weighed 53 lb 14 oz for middle section which to be fair our section fished well and was close at the end, John the Methodist won the section with 74 lb 3 oz from peg 31.

The match was won by Dave Romain (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 117 lb 4 oz from Sellick's peg 7. Dave caught tight over with pellet then later down his margin using meat over meat.

The Silvers was won by Jess Jordan with 13 lb from Sellick's peg 17. Jess caught on chopped worm and caster.

Finally, Two Pots lost his number four in the lake and had to take a dip to retrieve it. See video below the weigh sheets. Commentary by Martin "Meat Head" Rayet. 


1. Dave Romain 117-04-0 peg 7 Sel

2. Mike Hill 84-07-0 peg 2 Sel

3. Mark Thorne 83-08-0 peg 15 Sel

4. Joe McMahon 79-08-0 peg 11 Sel


1. Jess Jordan 13.00 peg 17 Sel

2. Dave Ings 10-14-0 peg 17 Longs

Weigh Sheets:

Two Pots:

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Saturday 19/09/2020 to Thursday 24/09/2020 - Viaduct Holiday - Viaduct Fishery and Avalon

19/09/2020: Viaduct: Glenn Bailey Open - Carey Lake

First match of our annual weeks visit to Viaduct which is normally in June but delayed until September for obvious reasons. To comply with the current Covid19 rule of not exceeding a gathering of 6 or less we had two 6 berth Lodges with 5 in one and 4 in the other so that the more vulnerable could have a room of their own.

Didn't realise there was a rule wrt NOT throwing in bait in after the match!! Thought it was encouraged.

I had a walk around the Carey Lake meeting up with Steve Long on peg 109. I said it is one of the few pegs on the fishery that I have yet to draw and wouldn't mind having it today. Well I couldn't believe it when Matt drew me this peg.

Short walk to the peg and was anticipating catching some lumps down by the pipe on paste. The upshot was all I could catch was Perch and Roach. Didn't have one Skimmer of any size. Nonetheless I enjoyed it especially as I did have some decent Roach and Perch, nice to see them growing on. All caught on my long Ronnie rig with single caster over loose fed caster. I weighed 25 lb 5 oz which was well of the pace without the Skimmer content.

The match was won by Joe McMahon (pictured with the Silvers winner) with 111 lb 4 oz from peg 77. Joe caught a few early shallow, catching the Lion's share on the straight lead using 10 mm banded pellet over loose fed 10 mm.

The Silvers was won by Dave Willmott with 59 lb 2 oz from spit peg 80. Dave caught at top-set plus two sections using caster over caster.

Weigh Sheet:

Sunday 20/09/2020: Viaduct Open Match - Lodge Lake:

Well I add the only peg I haven't fished on Lodge Lake to my list and another corner peg 53. Another short walk albeit it a bit bumpy for the trolley. Opposite I had Lumber Jack Paul Elms who took a definite dislike to the willow tree on peg 73. Good company though.

I knew it would have to be a Carp match for me if to get near some coin. However, as per usual I tested the peg for Slivers. However, on a Skimmer line I didn't have a bite or any signs of fish. So I started down the LH side with the short Ronnie rig catching the odd Silver - Perch and Ronnie's on caster over caster. With a 1 hour and 50 minutes left the line completely died. Expected the Carp had arrived and so it was, first drop in with paste I had a 10 lb Carp. So switched the feed to hard 4's and by the end I had added nine more big Carp.

My Silvers weighed 10 lb 14 oz and my 10 Carp 116 lb 2 oz for a match winning weight of 127 lb qualifying for the all winners, beating matey Tim Ford for by 13 ounces of Silvers.

The Silvers was won by Martin Rayet (pictured right with the match winner) with 34 lb 2 oz from peg 68. Martin caught on his favorite bait of meat expecting to catch Carp but found some accidentals. Well done matey also qualifying for the Silvers final.

Weigh Sheet:

Monday 21/09/2020 - Residents Match - Match Lake:

Two Lodges knock up and I was drawn another corner peg 49. Matches are often won and lost at the draw - say no more.

Had good company with Chris Ollis on peg 50. As I had an end of island chuck I set up the waggler which unfortunately didn't get used because there was no way I could feed it because of the facing wind. So I had a both the short and long Ronnie rig set up and caught some small Skimmers and two F1's on the Long line with caster over GB and Ronnie's on the short line using caster over caster. I was expecting Carp to move in at some time but 15 minutes from the end was far too late hooking four landing two. They needed to arrive an hour earlier. 

My Carp weighed 18 lb 2 oz and my Silvers 22 lb 10 oz for a Silvers win. With my total weight leaving me last!

The match was won by Tim Ford (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 122 lb 14 from peg 42. Tim caught small Carp on the straight lead tight to the island using banded pellet. See Tim's blog for more details.

Weigh Sheet:

Tuesday 22/09/2020 - Viaduct open Match - Campbell Lake

The morning sky was a telling of the rain to come. Luckily it wasn't so heavy as forecast, but I could feel the Autumn nip.

So Matt drew me my fourth corner of the week peg 123. For company I had Martin Woodington on peg 124. I was told this end of the Lake hasn't been fishing that well for some months, but planned to fish paste on top-set plus one out in front and top-set plus three down the left hand side. Potted in some micro to cover both options of Carp and Skimmers. First put in I had a 16 lb 6 oz Carp and was winning the match. Unfortunately I slowed to not getting another Carp, but did have four Skimmers with a few flying off with half of them flying without being hooked. The last 15 minutes went in the margin and caught a few small Perch to stop the boredom. It was dire.

We did have some entertainment from Mark Tanner who was opposite on peg 119. He snapped his pole playing a foul hooker and fell in trying to retrieve his top six. I jumped up off my box with anglers expecting to run round and help - but no, it was to get the camera - picture right - He lost the fish!

The match was won by The Dude - Dan Squires with 164 lb 5 oz from peg 116. Dan caught most of his fish slapping at a ridiculous length of pole, managing to snap a butt section in the process.

The Silvers was won by Magic elastic - Dave Willmott (pictured right) with 41 lb 13 oz from peg 116. Dave caught on his usual of fishing short feeding copious amounts of caster with caster on the hook. Check out his range of elastics.

Weigh Sheets:

Wednesday 23/09/2020: Glenn Bailey's Short Pole - Campbell Lake:

The match limited to top-set plus three barrels which has proven a productive range on this Lake. Hoping not to be drawn a corner today so hung back and was drawn the next best thing to a corner, peg 118. Wrong end of Campbell again. For company I had Martin Woodington again, always a laugh.

I decided to forget the Carp and concentrate on the Silvers with caster.  One line at top-set plus one barrel out in front and a short Ronnie rig and a 4x10 Speedy for the left side/ behind margin. Fed some GB laced with caster out in front and fed some caster down in the behind me margin. I think it was second put in over he GB that I hooked and landed a Carp on single caster. After this I had a few small Perch and one decent Skimmer, it was slow with the fish apparently not wanting to feed on the bottom. So switched to the behind swim (me pictured right in my gnome position view from Martin's peg). Switched to loose feed caster over caster and had a run of Perch with one around 2 lb which cut my finger unhooking it. I had one more decent Skimmer but lost another flying Skimmer that went so high it touched the tree and a decent Tench in the brambles. Oh yes, I hooked six Carp in the process which all broke me charging toward the tree in peg 17.

My one Carp weighed 9 lb 6 oz and my Silvers 20 lb 13 oz. Apparently since the second aerator has been installed at the far end of Campbell the  fish have been reluctant to feed on the bottom, highly likely due to the silt being washed up to these end pegs. I could only catch silvers up the margin. Hopefully once the silt settles the fishing may improve. Out in front I did hook the bottom twice, third time landed a dust bin liner full of crap breaking a number three in the process.

The match was won by Gordon Cannings (upper pictured right) with 120 lb 1 oz from peg 111. Gordon caught at full length using both meat and pellet and a few later in his margin on meat.

The Silvers was won by Paul Faiers (pictured right with his catch) with 45 lb 7 oz from peg 112. Paul caught short both out in front and down his right hand side into peg 113 bay using caster and GB.

Weigh Sheet:

Thursday 24/09/2020 - Glenn Bailey's Float Only - Avalon Fishery:

The forecast wasn't good with heavy rain showers and wind gusting to 40 mph. Luckily it wasn't they got it wrong with Avalon staying dry all day.

Vic Bush drew me peg 6 which was between Martin Rayet and Alex Leonard on end peg 5.

My peg cried out for the waggler but the wind wasn't right for it (at the start anyway). Decided to fish for the big Skimmers which are in the Lake, but had cleared out the RH margin for paste later. So decided to fish GB laced with micro with worm hook bait. As I was expecting the wind to pick up I used a 4x18 Jolly with a triple bulk shotting to fish top-set plus three barrels. I also set up the long Ronnie rig. So started on the worm and had a small Skimmer and one about 1 1/2 lb before all I got was tugs from micro Perch, so gave up on this line and had a go in the margin with paste which I had been feeding with hard 4's, the margin felt right but didn't get any indications not even any nibblers. Having tried the Ronnie rig out in front with caster I got pestered by Motherless Minnows. So came in on the top-set with the 4 x18 and changed to maggot over potted maggot and started to put some decent Ronnie's in the net.

Martin next door tried his margin with meat and had a Carp with the match fishing poorly with only a few Carp caught so far I also went in the margin the paste and had a Carp first try. This proved to be unproductive and distracted me for a while from catching the Silvers as I never had another Carp. Back on the short line with maggot I kept a few more Ronnie's coming to the end in and out of catching Ronnie's.

My one Carp weighed 7 lb 2 oz and my Silvers 15 lb 2 oz which did get me second silvers but the Carp distraction cost me first I think. Nonetheless, a good day's fishing and nice to see the Ronnie's growing. The match was won by Mike West (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 66 lb 6 oz from peg 14. Mike caught on paste at 13 metres, no doubt lacing in the feed.

The Silvers was won by John Fuidge with 20 lb 13 oz. John caught on the waggler using corn over corn. Apparently a method sorted from the league a week before. A closely guarded secret apparently!! Well done both.

Weigh Sheet:

A  big thanks to Mandy (pictured with my green tea) at M&M café in Somerton Precinct for our morning very tasty breakfast, highly recommended.

Well done to Tim Ford for man of the week picking up in 5 of the 6 matches missing the first one on Carey. A good result considering his initial concerns on how he would catch Carp. Didn't have to worry they catch you.

We did have a regular visitor to our Lodge and this day it came in to watch the news!

I've not mentioned any of the social side of the week. I will leave that for others, as I was very antisocial and in in bed by 21:30 - mainly to avoid the mayhem of drunkenness'.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Tuesday 15/09/2020 - Acorn Widger Match - Specimen Lake

The second match to remove some of the small Carp (Widgers) from the Specimen Lake. The first match I missed and the 32 anglers transferred 3,000 lb of small Carp into the stock pond. With the fishing off on most venue at the moment I didn't expect a repeat.

Zoe did the draw and called me peg 19 - not a clue, but found it to be permanent Speci hut 12. So from Sunday on one of the worse platforms for fishing to one of the best. Life is like that! I had my own detached hut complete with patio doors - pictured. Just a few steps to negotiate from the car excellent. I had plenty of visitors looking for the BBQ.

I had decided to fish LR's over Ringers Carp GB laced with DR's on the Ronnie rig which was set at 5 foot 7 inches (my height) just touching bottom - simple. Didn't take long to set up - except I had a new rig cross over tangle on the winder. All I could see was matey Dave Haines on peg 20. 

Started by cupping in a pot of GB and with single LR on the hook caught a few 1-2 oz Carp, but found it slow so added another DR and found once I got to three on the hook things improved. For the first half of the six hours I regularly added Carp from 1/2 oz to 12 oz by topping up with walnut sized GB after every couple of fish. Come half way the line completely died. I was thinking some bigger Carp might have move in over the feed. So started a line in the margin with the same rig and feed albeit only 3 inch difference in depth. It was slow but at least I was adding ounces to the net. The last three hours I added very little until last cast of the match in the margin hooked a 8 lb Carp which took me into the reeds and was difficult to control due to fishing a long line, but managed to get it in though just a few minutes after the whistle.

I weighed 40 lb 4 oz for fourth overall. Judging from the results the best pegs were the low numbers and on the island. About 750 lb of Widgers transferred so a lot less boilie nibblers to pester the speci hunters.

The match was won by Zac Williams (pictured right with some of his catch) with 96 lb 1 oz. Zac caught on maggot over loose fed maggot at 5 metres. His catch included some better Carp. The top three pictured right.

A big thanks goes to the Bartlett's for forgoing the peg fee and providing some excellent self distant after match food (pictured). If your wondering where all the Prawn sandwiches went ask Des.

Back to the The PoW for a pint - where was Junior?


1. Zac Williams 96-01-0 Island peg 27

2. Des Shipp 65-03-0 peg 3

3. Anthony Piekielniak 50-09-0 peg Island peg 24.

4. Mike Nicholls 40-04-0 peg 19

5. Darren North 37-07-0 peg Island peg 26

6. Paul Faiers 34-09-0 peg 2

6. Zoe Bartlett 34-09-0 peg 4

Weigh Sheets:

Monday, 14 September 2020

Sunday 13/09/2020 - Matt Culpin's League - Round One - Landsend - Specimen, Match and John Walters Lakes

Landsend was the first round of the Matt Culpin's league which, me and Glenn decided to sign up for his year - As you may have heard not one of Two Pots favourite venues! However, he is looking forward to next round at Summerhayes.

Arrived early and had a walk around all three Lakes and subsequently was also wondering what I was doing here - wheres all the water gone - Oh, yes up the trees and scrubs.

For some reason I left it late to pay the pools and was nearly last to have my peg drawn for me even though I was near the front of the queue! By time it was my turn all my preferred pegs were gone. I was drawn peg 25 on Specimen Lake to a number of anglers joy especially Tony Rixon who managed to get his peg of choice.

Arrived at the peg which is next to a Golden Delicious Apple tree - can't quite see any advantage of planting an Apple Tree on a fisheries bank? The peg platform has one of those you step up onto rendering the angler high above the water (pictured right), must remember this when stepping off!!. Never mind the net weight limit I would only be able to put four Carp in one net as only a few rings were in the water - however, it wasn't going to be an issue for me as I decided to fish for Silvers for most of the match as I couldn't see anyway of a pick up otherwise. For company was the affable Bobby Gullick on peg 27.

Set up two paste rigs - one for down tight into the end back undercut and a one for the RH margin, a 4x10 for fishing around the peg at various number of barrels for Silvers and the Ronnie rig. Having plumbed up the depth was consistent at less than 3 foot.

I started on the Ronnie rig with caster and couldn't get a bite - blimey. I then remembered that the last match here the Ronnie's were preferring expander. So switched to kindered micro and 4 mm expander and started to catch a few small Skimmers and Ronnie's. I decided to try loose feeding the micro and managed to foul hook three Carp, so went back to kindering. Couldn't quite sort the feeding pattern as the fish were shying away after feeding and playing anything netted. In between all of this I had been trying the two paste lines with the RH margin being a complete waste of time, but felt the end bank may come into play late on. The Silvers faded so knocked up some GB laced with a few DR's and switched to single LR on the hook and manged to keep a few Ronnie's coming but if was really slow having to be patient - um. I left using the 4x12 for later and once the sun got up high enough on the opposite tree line it was impossible to fish it further than 5 metres, so stayed with the Ronnie rig. With an hour to go I tried the end bank hoping to improve the section points. However, knowing the fish are resident in the undercut went right in and had a small Carp followed quickly by another which tore along the end bank breaking the 0.2 GLine on the roots (pictured). I did have one more before the all out, but on hindsight should have stayed with the Silvers - how many times have I done and said this.

My Silvers weighed 10 lb 5 oz for third Silvers and the two small carp taking me to 21 lb 15 oz for a poor 4th in section.

The match was won by Milk Maid Dave Romain (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 130 lb 4 oz from John Walters Lake peg 58. Dave caught long using banded 6 mm hard pellet over pinged 4's.

The Silvers was won by Jess Jordan with 14 lb 8 oz also from John Walters Lake peg 46. Jess caught on chopped worm and caster with a bit of GB at 11 metres. Although Jess in a great Silvers angler I was surprised the winning Silvers weight came from this Lake but when I seen the pegging understood as Jess had three empty pegs each side!

Well done to both.


1. Dave Romain 130-04-0 peg 58

2. Tony Rixon 115-08-0 peg 13

3. Alvin Jones 103-04-0 peg 14

4. Martin Rayet 96-13-0 peg 32

5. Lee Williams 89-10-0 peg 31

6. Anton Page 87-08-0 peg 5


1. Jess Jordan 14-08-0 peg 46

2. Dave Ings 14-05-0 peg 40

3. Mike Nicholls 12-07-0 peg 25

4. Mark Broomsgrove 10-03-0 peg 24

Weigh Sheets:

Friday, 11 September 2020

Thursday 10/09/2020 - Bathampton AA - Over 55's and Short Walks

Had my usual walk around the Pool, joined by Kev Winstone. It was clear to me it was going to fish hard, especially the far end pegs 30 to 34 and 1 to 5 absolutely no signs of fish. Unfortunately, my predictions were to proved true.

Hoping to avoid the pegs mentioned above, but NO, Dave Gillard pulled me peg 33. Not happy with this one, but happy to be out fishing. Another downside to these pegs you are in the shade all day and today I would be sitting opposite anglers with tea shirts and I would be in my fleece still feeling chilly. I think the fishing Gods are averaging out my catches.

I set up the usual - Paste float for the margin and one for top-set plus one out in front, Ronnie rig and a 4x16 to fish top-set plus three barrels. As it would be a question of scratching around for fish I thought about setting up a waggler, but foolishly couldn't be bothered. A lot more rigs that usual and expected to use them all.

So started on the long paste float hoping to catch a couple of decent Skimmers, but ended up catching small ones to 6 oz with very small pieces if paste. I did have one a pound. Then switched to the long lone line with the 4x16 with a 4 mm expander over micro and had a couple of Ronnie's so switched the line to chopped worm and caster before starting on the Ronnie rig with caster. This proved more productive catching a 2 lb Skimmer, some decent Ronnie's and Perch. I did pull put out a decent Perch I estimated to be near 2 lb fiddling trying to find my landing net. The line died indicating some bigger fish present to dropped the paste in and had four F1's before the line completely died. So last hope was the worm line which was poor, accounting for some small Perch and one Roach/Bream Hybrid of about 1 1/2 lb. About halfway through I went for a walk to warm up as much as anything. The Pool was fishing really hard. Went back and spent nearly three hours staring at the float hoping to catch fish that weren't in the peg. This is the point of the match where the waggler would have come into play! I had noticed a Carp swimming around on the surface for some time. However, last effort I shallowed up the Ronnie rig and added another section and with single caster on the hook feeding 6 casters a time hoping to catch some more better Ronnie's. I had a definite liner from a decent fish, so switched to paste and first dob in caught and landed a 10 lb Carp. Whilst playing it I notice another swirl over the caster feed, so couldn't waiting to get the paste back in and hey presto another positive bite, so I thought, anyway I missed it right on the whistle - bugger.

My Silvers weighed 11 lb 9 oz for one out of a Silvers pick up by default and my Carp net weighed 15 lb 12 oz for a total of 27 lb 5 oz for again just two out of an overall pick up. Fine margins one more Carp or one more Ronnie, either would have done for me. 

The match was won by Tony Rixon (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 106 lb 4 oz from peg 11. Tony fished 17. 5 metres to the island using hard banded pellet over loose fed pellet - see his blog for further details. Well done matey definitely have a weight advantage over the majority of the anglers. Well done matey.

The Silvers was won by Kev Winstone with 23 lb 3 oz from peg 16. Kev caught short up and down in the water using caster over caster. His catch consisted mainly of small Pech and Roach.

One thing anglers are noticing at the moment is that it's very difficult catching fish on the bottom. I wonder if it's anything to do with all the Siltex that has been put in this Pool?

Back to HQ (pictured) with the usual suspects.


1, Tony Rixon 106-04-0 peg 11

2. Paul Barnfield 39-12-0 peg 24

3. Hughie Evans 38-12-0 peg 28

4. Chris Ollis 31-05-0 peg 14

5. Mark Tanner 29-15-0 peg 18

6. Mike Nicholls 27-05-0 peg 32


1. Kevin Winstone 23-03-0 peg 16

2. Paul Barnfield 22-04-0 peg 14

3. Pete Greenslade 14-04-0 peg 15

4. Gary Bowden 14-0-0 peg 1

Weigh Sheets:

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Tuesday 08/09/2020 - Acorn - Cost Cutter - Paddocks

Arrived in plenty of time for a leisurely walk around Paddocks. Couldn't see much fish activity and was left wondering whether this being the third match in a row would affect the fishing. Fancied pegs 36, 40 and 1 to 28 so plenty to hope for. A good turn out of 24.

Mike dipped me peg 12 which I haven't drawn for a long time but have fond memories, so was delighted with the draw,

For company I had the affable Mike Owens on peg 11 and Graham Smith on peg 13. Really good company.

Mike Chapman said to set up at the side of the platform because it was under repair with parts of the old platform sticking out which could damage the keep nets.

The light winds was strange and couldn't quite pin the direction down, but was sort of blowing in at me. Only two rig: the trusted 0.3 gram paste float for the RH margin on the top-set and a 4x12 to fish top-set plus one barrel for Tench/Silvers.

I started by feeding a pot of micro in the margin, but decided not to feed the Silvers line just yet. First three put in on the paste resulted in 15 lb of Carp in the net which I didn't think for one moment that this rate of catch would continue - I was right as the line completely died at the same time that the slight bay I was fishing into filled with black and green floating stuff (pictured). I initially thought this could be positive due to giving the fish some cover. However, it was so thick that it was sinking the line and float and colouring up the tip so I couldn't see it. I tried to move it but the wind blew it back in. It was clear that the venue was fishing hard. So enough time wasted so fed the Silvers line with chop worm and caster and with a piece of worm on the hook had four small Skimmers and a couple of Ronnie's before the tiny Perch arrived. Just felt it wasn't going to happen so having thought what next with the paste went down as far as I could down the RH margin away from the slick which was only top-set plus one to the clump of reads shown in the pictured. I also changed my feeding pattern to kindering 4 to 6 hard 4's with the paste. Subsequently I had a good run of about 50 lb taking me to 75 lb before it slowed and the slick ever growing. I don't like switching margins preferring to make one side work, however, I felt it needed it today so fed a pot of micro into the LH margin and due to fishing on the bank I would be fishing under the old platform. I then had another good run adding another 50 lb taking me to 125 lb before again the margin died. With half hour to go the wind had veered but the slick was trapped in a bay so I went a scooping and manged to get it moving out with the wind, which sent it into my LH margin, duh. I subsequently struggled for a couple of more fish.

Meanwhile Malcolm was playing a decent Carp and after landing it he left his method feeder dangling in the water and hooked another Carp lol.

My Silvers weighed 2 lb 2 oz and my Carp 137 lb 5 oz for a match winning weight of 139 lb 7 oz. I thought I had 132 lb but must have miss counted the last fish!

The Silvers was won once again Mike Chapman (pictured right with the match winner) with a fantastic weight of 58 lb 12 oz from peg 9. His weight comprised 50/50 Tench and Skimmers. Mike caught on chopped worm and caster on various lines. Well done matey.

Condolences to matey Two Pots who was only one fish out of picking up - always gutting.


Weigh Sheets:

Friday, 4 September 2020

Thursday 03/09/2020 - Shiplate Fishery - Cost Cutter - Main Lake

The usual warm welcome from Carol and Steve, including Elvis today - pictured. The weather was warm but damp equaling muggy so should fish well?

Selected my peg from the table and found myself on peg 14 again, so happy with this. For company I had organiser Gary Flinders on peg 14 B and Lee Williams on peg 13 A - so good company.

I set up the same as last time on this peg - 0.5 gram paste float to fish top set plus one barrel, a 0.3 gram paste float for the LH margin which was the perfect depth. In the unlikely event that the Skimmers would go mad again I set up the short Ronnie rig.

I started by feeding a pot of micro on both paste lines starting on the 0.5 gram rig and was soon playing an angry Carp which broke me. Re-fed and again had a run of decent Skimmers and was hoping for another red letter day, until I hook another Carp which took an age to net totally disrupting my Skimmer line rendering it very slow with only a few smaller Skimmers finding the net. I tried feeding some GB over the line but just wasted time. So three hours into the match and with now two Carp in the net and 10 lb of Skimmers I switched to the short Ronnie rig with caster over caster and caught well - Ronnie's, small Skimmers and the odd Perch to 1 lb. I do enjoy this sort of fishing as it continues to add to the net tally and keeps me busy. I think the need to keep busy is a legacy from river fishing and the need to keep casting the float. With 45 minutes to go I heard some bank side chat that there was a couple of high twenty's of Silvers and thought I was off that pace. So had a go in the margin and first dob in had a near 20 lb Carp followed quickly by four more decent Carp. It left me thinking how it might be possible to get these fish in the margin early in the match, if this was possible a big weight would be on the cards.

My seven Carp weighed 69 lb 4 oz and my Slivers 29 lb for a second in the Silvers pick up which did surprise me, that said I was thinking the Ronnie's were of a better stamp than last match I fished here. The question remains as to whether I would have won the Silvers had I stayed with them to the end - who knows. Still a very enjoyable days fishing. It fished well today which meant a long wait until I got weighed in.

There was a lot of feathers around my peg but didn't hear any gun shots - not sure you can get silencers for shot guns.

The match was won by Tony Thick who is the Father of Tom Thick who currently holds the Lake match record (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 272 lb 13 oz from peg 1. Tony caught mostly down his RH edge using meat over kindered meat and hemp seed. What amused me was the number of phone calls Tony had from Tom - was Tom trying to slow dad's catch rate I wondered - lol!!

The Silvers was won by Lee Williams from peg 13 A with 33 lb 4 oz. Lee caught at 10 metres fishing single and double maggot over GB.

Well done to both.


1. Tony Thick 273-13-0 peg 1

2. Tony Rixon 211-10-0 peg 2

3. John Andres 182-09-0 peg 4


1. Lee Williams 33-04-0 peg 13 A

2. Mike Nicholls 29-0-0 peg 14

Weigh Sheet:

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Tuesday 01/09/2020 - Acorn Cost Cutter - Paddocks

Today young Antony Piekielniak went over by 10 oz on a Silvers net and got the net disqualified. Rules are rules and if applied to one person they must be applied to all. However, the rules (pictured) has some leeway wrt the Carp weights, which is sensible and perhaps the Silvers should have a margin too? Anyway well done Anthony.

Peg 22 certainly fished better without peg 23 being in, which isn't surprising as they are really very close, basically anglers poles could be one metre away - a bridge apart.

I had my usual walk around and fancied pegs 27 and 6. However, it doesn't seem to matter where you draw at this fishery. Mike drew me peg 25 - nearly peg 27, which was occupied by matey Kev Collins MSc. On the other side on peg 23 cloth ears Rod Dufferty.

The set up was the one 0.3 gram paste float and a 4x10 Speedy to fish maggot down the edge. I started on the paste and soon relised the Carp were being their scatty self's probably due to the amount of matches fished here recently. So switched to a single LR over kinder LR's and started to catch small Carp and half tidy Ronnie's. So decided to set up the Ronnie rig and had a hour catching Ronnie's and the odd Carp. After 90 minutes I had about 28 lb and decided to try for some Skimmers by knocking up some GB and first try caught a Carp. So Maggot abandoned for the paste and had a further three hours where I put 100 lb in the net. I put my brand new fifth net in with 45 minutes to go and really expected to put 50 lb in it, but only managed to put three as I had a really bad last knockings. I think the fish just went off the feed. Kev took the picture right of me playing a Carp - thanks matey.

My Silvers weighed 8 lb 6 oz and my Carp 149 lb 12 oz for a second overall weight of 158 lb 13 oz.

The match was won by Junior (pictured right with the default Silvers winner) with 180 lb from peg 6. Junior caught on paste from his margins.

The Silvers was won by Eddie Wynne with 49 lb of Tench from his usual peg 40. Eddie caught using his hard pellet approach up to the bridge stanchion.

Well done to both.

Stopped in the Pub with the usual suspects on what was a beautiful early autumn evening.


Weigh Sheets: