Wednesday 9 September 2020

Tuesday 08/09/2020 - Acorn - Cost Cutter - Paddocks

Arrived in plenty of time for a leisurely walk around Paddocks. Couldn't see much fish activity and was left wondering whether this being the third match in a row would affect the fishing. Fancied pegs 36, 40 and 1 to 28 so plenty to hope for. A good turn out of 24.

Mike dipped me peg 12 which I haven't drawn for a long time but have fond memories, so was delighted with the draw,

For company I had the affable Mike Owens on peg 11 and Graham Smith on peg 13. Really good company.

Mike Chapman said to set up at the side of the platform because it was under repair with parts of the old platform sticking out which could damage the keep nets.

The light winds was strange and couldn't quite pin the direction down, but was sort of blowing in at me. Only two rig: the trusted 0.3 gram paste float for the RH margin on the top-set and a 4x12 to fish top-set plus one barrel for Tench/Silvers.

I started by feeding a pot of micro in the margin, but decided not to feed the Silvers line just yet. First three put in on the paste resulted in 15 lb of Carp in the net which I didn't think for one moment that this rate of catch would continue - I was right as the line completely died at the same time that the slight bay I was fishing into filled with black and green floating stuff (pictured). I initially thought this could be positive due to giving the fish some cover. However, it was so thick that it was sinking the line and float and colouring up the tip so I couldn't see it. I tried to move it but the wind blew it back in. It was clear that the venue was fishing hard. So enough time wasted so fed the Silvers line with chop worm and caster and with a piece of worm on the hook had four small Skimmers and a couple of Ronnie's before the tiny Perch arrived. Just felt it wasn't going to happen so having thought what next with the paste went down as far as I could down the RH margin away from the slick which was only top-set plus one to the clump of reads shown in the pictured. I also changed my feeding pattern to kindering 4 to 6 hard 4's with the paste. Subsequently I had a good run of about 50 lb taking me to 75 lb before it slowed and the slick ever growing. I don't like switching margins preferring to make one side work, however, I felt it needed it today so fed a pot of micro into the LH margin and due to fishing on the bank I would be fishing under the old platform. I then had another good run adding another 50 lb taking me to 125 lb before again the margin died. With half hour to go the wind had veered but the slick was trapped in a bay so I went a scooping and manged to get it moving out with the wind, which sent it into my LH margin, duh. I subsequently struggled for a couple of more fish.

Meanwhile Malcolm was playing a decent Carp and after landing it he left his method feeder dangling in the water and hooked another Carp lol.

My Silvers weighed 2 lb 2 oz and my Carp 137 lb 5 oz for a match winning weight of 139 lb 7 oz. I thought I had 132 lb but must have miss counted the last fish!

The Silvers was won once again Mike Chapman (pictured right with the match winner) with a fantastic weight of 58 lb 12 oz from peg 9. His weight comprised 50/50 Tench and Skimmers. Mike caught on chopped worm and caster on various lines. Well done matey.

Condolences to matey Two Pots who was only one fish out of picking up - always gutting.


Weigh Sheets:

1 comment:

Alex said...

Thanks so much for this post. You have no idea how much this helped me out. Keep up the awesome work here!
Columbia River walleye fishing