After a cool breakfast at Wetherspoons Geoff had to fight through the school traffic. Still we arrived in plenty of time for the usual banter and welcomed our new member Allan Oram. We were all appreciating the wonderful autumn morning with wall to wall sunshine forecast - but not for those in pegs 29 to 32. After the usual headmaster's assembly with Chris Rolfe it was time to feel for a lucky disc in the draw bag. This time peg 10. Pegs 10 and 11 are always fancied because they are both popular for the pleasure anglers - easy access. For company I had Gas Head John Smith on peg 8 and Ken Morgan on 10. I can confirm John Smith is not a Methodist because after a few casts was in the top of a tree after a reset-up cracked off at the bail arm!! Method feeder binned!! Good job otherwise he wouldn't have caught what he did. I set up the Ronnie rig, a 4x16 F1, a margin and deep paste rigs for the same plan of Silvers first half and Carp second half. I had a nagging doubt as to whether the Skimmers would feed due to the clear water, bright sunshine and little to no wind. With this in mind I decided on a neat GB approach to feeding so I could scratch around with various baits over it. I started at top-set plus one which is as deep as anywhere in my swim using 4 mm expander and had immediate interest from some Roach and small Skimmers. However, ever improving Ken Morgan was fishing 10 metres and catching bigger and more Skimmers than me. So I put on two more barrels and repeated the feeding. However, I remained biteless for sometime whilst Ken was still catching well. There was a fair amount of feeding fish over the GB but fancied they were munching the fine particles up in the water so now thinking GB might not had been the right way. I then hooked and just managed to land an 8 lb Common. I refed GB and again there was plenty of evidence of feeding fish. So put out the deep paste rig and had a couple of big Skimmers and another Carp. This slowed so decided to come in close again but changed to maggot over maggot and had a little run of 1 lb Skimmers on double live red plus a small Carp of about 3 lb. With half time approaching I re-fed the short line, abandoned the long line and fed the RH margin. My three Carp weighed 19 lb 3 oz. I reckon I had 10 lb of Silvers yet to be confirmed. So not going to plan with a mix of Carp and Slivers. I was laying second behind Dave Wride by 2 lb. I had a very quick try with the Ronnie rig with maggot, and as suspected it was far too bright and clear for it to work. Needed some cover. Started the second half on the short line with double maggot and had four quick Skimmers before I hooked and landed another 8 lb Carp. I wondered if it was one I had just out back? I couldn't wait to try the margin with paste. So in I go and had a 10 lb Carp first put in. So was anticipating some Carp hauling. However, the water was so clear I was only getting one fish in the margin at one time, so by swapping between the deep paste rig over the maggot and margin over hard 4's I kept adding the occasional Carp to my net. It was never frantic. I thought Ken (pictured upper right with his Silvers catch) had much more Silvers than me but my 16 lb 4 oz just pipped him and put me second in the Silvers my total Carp weight was 56 lb 9 oz for a second overall weight of 72 lb 13 oz, with Dave Wride keeping his first half advantage of 2 lb to win the match. Dave drew peg 21 and caught on the pole in the water!!
The Silvers was won by Curly Jones (pictured right) with 20 lb 10 oz from unfancied peg 32 (but not by him). Mike caught fishing 3 foot deep using caster over caster catching all species including some big Perch. A decent weight considering the conditions but was one of the anglers that didn't see the sun all day. Back to the pub with the usual suspects for a decent pint of Doombar to which Geoff Francis has switched. Result: 1. Dave Wride 74-13-0 peg 20 2. Mike Nicholls 72-13-0 peg 10 3. John Smith 48-03-0 peg 8 4. Tony Rixon 44-03-0 peg 6 Silvers: 1. Mike Jones 20-10-0 peg 32 2. Mike Nicholls 16-04-0 peg 10 3. Tony Rixon 16-02-0 peg 6 4. Ken Morgan 15-03-0 peg 11 Weigh Sheets:
My neck is still playing up and was glad to get up at 5 am and exercise it. With this and the pouring rain and temperatures plummeting I wasn't that enthusiastic to go fishing. I was hoping Bela would be keener, but having just got back from sunny Italy he also was lethargic. We left 15 minutes early to get Bela's breakfast first. And later after the match we had afternoon tea featuring Karen's home baked cakes. Karen right slicing the Coffee and Walnut. Good enough for the GBBO. I had a quick chat with Allan Oram who had fished the Canals the day before. I asked him what he had learnt, he reply draw well. So into the draw tub and out came white ball 44 which is in the middle of Kingfisher Canal. As it happened I was next to Bela who had drawn better with peg 42. Luckily there wasn't much wind so I erected the umbrella. We were promised it would stop at 1 pm which it did, but the NW wind was still a tad cold for me. How am I going to get through the coming winter? As per usual I planned to fish for Silvers then later Carp. So set up two paste rigs and the usual Silvers rigs I use here. So I started at top-set plus two with 4 mm expander over micro whilst I loose fed the maggot line for the Ronnie rig, this resulted in three small skimmers. It wasn't going well so picked the Ronnie rig and with single maggot caught a Stockie Carp first try. In again and I hook what I thought was another and whilst bullying it it came off only to find Tench slime up the line. In my defence the Stockies do fit similarly. I then started to catch small Perch with the odd Ronnie. It wasn't going well. I went back out on the expander and was getting these tiny pulls. I wasn't sure what it was so stuck with it until I managed to hook one of them - another small Perch! I got another barrell out and opened another line by feeding some GB with some reds and went over it with single maggot and got the same indications which finally resulted in another tiny Perch. I had a walk and everyone to my left was struggling with Allan next door having caught one Skimmer. Different story to my right with Bela catching and Ryan Shipp also catching well including Skimmers. I went back and set up a 4x10 winter set to three foot and fished double maggot over kinder live maggot and sat for the rest of the match sulking about my draw and how right Allan Oram was. I did have three better Carp losing three foulers and five more Stockies, but interestingly not one more Silver. I weighed 4 lb of Silvers which unbelievably was second best on the canal!! My total weight was 26 lb 10 oz so nearly a days fishing. Bela's 44 lb 6 oz got him last in the money so a celebratory drink in bar-gar-age. The Silvers and the match was won by Ryan Shipp (pictured right with his catch of Skimmers) from peg 41 with a Silvers weight of 39 lb 10 oz and match winning weight of 77 lb 2 oz. So a double bubble. Ryan caught most of his Silvers on maggot over GB and his Carp he caught long on worm over worm. Well done to him. I rather fish for Silvers against his uncle Des than Ryan! You can tell when it's rained for most of the day when the "Rock and Pole Rollers" are at it - pictured right. Nothing was broken during this dance. A dance apparently called the Slosh. A great fishery run my some very amicable people. Result: 1. Ryan Shipp 77-02-0 peg 41 K 2. Matt Vater 73-04-0 peg 22 M 3. Bela Bakos 44-06-0 peg 42 K Silvers: 1. Ryan Shipp 39-10-0 peg 41 K 2. Phil Godding 13-14-0 peg 28 M Weigh Sheet:
Geoff and I usually go to Shiplate Farm this week fortnightly, however, Geoff had to get home early so we had our first Windmill cost cutter ably run by Ken Morgan. Not much sleep because I had 13 metre pole neck all night so with the forecast for high winds I nearly cried off. But once up and moving around the neck eased a bit plus the weather is never as bad as the BBC forecast so off for breakfast to Hungry Horace's. I did think the attendance would be low due the weather forecast so was surprised to find ten of us. I think these matches will get more popular. Into the draw tin and out comes red milk bottle top with 22 written on it. Very happy with this because its a short walk, end peg today and is a good Carp peg can't say the same for Silvers though! Geoff had drawn opposite on peg 2 also an end peg.
I decided on a Carp only attack today. The peg is very deep so I decided to keep things simple so as not to aggravate my neck further. Two top-sets plus one barrel set up. The wind was OK but I knew it would get far worse. First rig was a 4x10 Roob for the LH margin to fish 6mm meat and a 0.2 gram paste rig for the RH margin. The LH margin had a nice depth and could be fished at any depth, choosing 18 inches, the downside I would be facing into the wind. However a different story in the RH margin where it was far deeper due to having to fish out past the Sedges. I started on the meat and found the Carp willing catching 40 lb in no time. It was noticeable that Silvers weren't pestering the soft bait. I had some company arrive - two Pigeons which I think were racers blown off course. They stayed all day around and under my tray clearing up all the spillage, my platform was completely clean when I left (pictured upper right). The wind got up so bad I could present the meat properly and started to foul hook. So I switched to the RH where I had been dribbling in now wetted 4's. I was pleasantly surprised when the float when straight under. I had a few but the wind and margin depth was out gunning my light paste float which I didn't change until forced to by a wind assisted tangle changing to a 0.3 gram which proved perfect. I had a good run on the paste then had a period of foul hookers which was frustrating as I really didn't understand why this should happen.
I weighed 158 lb 12 oz for first on the day. I had some lovely hard fighting Carp (pictured upper right). Geoff also had a good day catching 86 lb. As it proved the Lake fished well on a very stormy day. The Silvers was won my Enigma in the form of Steve Dawson (pictured right with the match winner) with 31 lb 8 oz from peg 8. Steve started at 12 metres using expanders over micro until the wind forced him shorter where he caught some big Skimmers on corn over corn Result: 1. Mike Nicholls 158-12-0 peg 22 2. Well Done Dave 96-03-0 peg 14 3. John Smith 86-03-0 peg 18 4. Geoff Francis 85-15-0 peg 2 Silvers: 1. Steve Dawson 31-08-0 peg 8 2. Ken Morgan 16-04-0 peg 20 Weigh Sheet:
With no Bela, Geoff or Glenn I was on my own this weekend so decided to stay local. I heard they were having a no peg fee match at Windmill to transfer the 2 - 3 lb Carp from the Carp Lake to the Match Lake so decided this would be my best option. I did expect a decent turn out for this one, so it was disappointing to only have 10 anglers. Plenty of room then. Met Brad and his wife Laura the new Windmill Management. Brad on the scales and Laura on the weigh sheet - pictured right. Geoff and I were out for a pint yesterday and discussed todays peging Geoff thought peg 10 would be good and me peg 23. We were both wrong. However, I did draw peg 10. For company I had John "Standing Man" Osbourne on peg 8 and opposite Dave "The Moan" Willmott opposite on peg 23 - pictured right sulking. With no Silvers payout the rigs were simple today - one paste rig and one 4x10 soft pellet rig both to fish at top-set plus three. The Lake is very shallow and thought myself lucky to have nearly 3 foot. I started on the paste over wetted 4's and had a reasonable first half hour catch small Carp to 3 lb. From then on to the hour mark it gradually got worse and worse, but did add a 8 lb Carp to the net, but was finally forced on to the 4mm expander fished over wetted micro. Although I had plenty of Carp on this I only had one over 4 oz! third hour I couldn't get a bite anywhere an either of my choice of baits. So out of desperation I mixed up some GB and fished the expander over it and had some more small Carp and six small Skimmers. My only choice left was to fish 13 metres over to the end of the island with paste. At this point "The Moan" did a FOE saying I would be one out of the money today! I had a frustrating last hour catching six more 2 - 3 lb Carp but found I was getting liners and foul hooking as many as I caught, the wind wasn't helping matters. I was glad when the match came to an end.
I proved Dave Willmott wrong by coming 4th and last in the coin with 41 lb 8 oz. The match was won by Mark Summerhayes (pictured right) with 100 lb 6 oz from peg 18. Mark caught all his fish on paste at 8 metres either down his margin or out in front. He caught over pellet or GB. Result: 1. Mark Summerhayes 100-06-0 peg 18 2. Gerry Walsh 84-02-0 peg 6 3. Mark Haskins 61-10-0 peg 4 4. Mike Nicholls 41-08-0 peg 10 Approximately 400 lb of 2-3 lb Carp were safely transferred into the Match Lake. This Lake will now be converted back to a Carp Lake. So yes Dave Willmott you won't have to fish it again! Weigh Sheet:
With Geoff indisposed I travelled alone. Whilst loading the car I felt as if I had missed something, checked the kit all present and correct. Arrived early at the fishery but had lost the access gate number so had to wait until Mike Jones arrived with his new Jag and tackle trailer. In the meantime I relised I had left my maggots home! Bugger. I had a walk around the Lake and found no signs of feeding fish, which wasn't surprising as many of the fisheries around this area are slowing down, plus it was only 4 degrees. The water colour had dropped out some. Oh well someone got to win. Into the draw bag and out comes peg 29. Umm, open water swim. Peg 29 use to be a good peg for the Silvers but since the club moved the majority of Carp a couple of years ago it has become difficult. For company I had match organiser Chris Rolfe on peg 30 and Hughie Evans on peg 28. Couldn't help noticing that the island opposite Chris has had a serious haircut. Same formatt for me - Silver first half and Carp second half if the Silvers were doubtful for a pick up. Ronnie rig was set up but failed to catch so had an early retirement in the reeds. A 4x16 F1 to fish at top-set plus four barrels in full depth of 7 foot. A 4x14 F1 to fish top-set plus two barrels about 1 foot up the inside shelf - this covered the first half. For the second half two paste rigs one to fish over the top-set plus two line and the other for the margin. Leaving plenty of time left for a chat with Chris and Hughie.
Started by potting some chopped worm, caster and micro on the long line but started short on the 4 mm expander over micro and caught a few Roach and some small Skimmers. I started to miss bites which were either small Perch or small Roach. Luckily matey Chris had given me some red maggot hookers so put one on and started to hook both small species. It was one a bung but catching them unshipping is slow. So I tried the worm line and had two decent Skimmers before I was pestered by small Perch nicking the worm tails. I decided to mix some GB and go full out on the small Roach which I did up to five minutes before halftime during which I converted the short line for Carp by potting hard fours and similarly the margin. At halftime it was obvious it was fishing hard. I shared a sandwich with matey Chris Ollis on peg 24 who had about 8 lb of Silvers. I felt the decision was correct as fishing for small Roach on the longish pole is to tiresome. So back in the saddle with the bait tray cleared for the 4's and paste. I tried the top-set plus two first and was happy so find the paste wasn't being nibbled to death so knew a Carp or two were about. It took two tries before I had my first Carp, and quicker to get the second. I refed this line and went in the margin and caught some right lumps. I switched between the two until the end. I did foul hook two on the longer line and lost a munter from the margin swim. My Silvers weighed 10 lb 8 oz which wasn't that far from Silvers coin. The Carp weighed 83 lb for a match winning total of 93 lb 8 oz.
The Silvers was won by Paul Barnfield (pictured right with his catch of Skimmers) with 27 lb 12 oz from end peg 32. The post match interview went something like this: Me "How did you catch Paul" Paul "Worm" Me "Did you feed worm?" Paul "Yes" Me "How much and was it neat?" Paul "Yes mate not much" Me "Why is all that micro on your platform?" Paul "I fed a small amount of micro as well" Me "How much?" Paul "Three scoops" Me "How much is a scoop?" Paul "Three scoops is three pints!"
I was left thinking how much worm did Paul feed to make it neat equivalent? Result: 1. Mike Nicholls 93-08-0 peg 29 2. John Smith 41-14-0 peg 11 3. Paul Haines 35-12-0 peg 18 4. Harry Muir 32-12-0 peg 16 Silvers: 1. Paul Barnfield 27-12-0 peg 32 2. Mike Jones 15-10-0 peg 7 3. Pete Greenslade 14-04-0 peg 14 Weigh Sheets:
First stop for Bela and me Lillypool cafe, very busy but luckily we didn't have to wait long. With 27 fishing no one really had much room, so fair in this respect. It was Geoff Francis first time here so walked him around the Lake explaining the good and the bad. He wasn't disappointed when he drew his expected bad peg 22. The Lake looked dower with it being flat calm, with no wind and hardly any signs of fish which is very unusual for this venue - probably low oxygen. The water level was well down by about 18 inches exposing the undercutting and snags (pictured right peg 29). All of this leading me to think it wasn't going to fish well. I thought the Carp wouldn't come into the near bank margins due to the undercut being so exposed leaving no cover for them. The far bank has a different margin which runs down a steep slope.
I have a history of drawing peg 29 and although I have managed to pick up coin from it I was really hoping to be at the other end of the Lake. Into the draw box and out comes peg 31. Very happy with this as I have won from the peg. For company I had grinner Gordon Canning's on peg 30 and Martin McMahon on peg 32. I had a plan - Paste at top-set plus two with a 0.5 gram shotted paste float and a 0.3 again shotted for the margin. I set the Ronnie Roach rig incase. I started by feeding a pot of 4's and wetted micro on the long line and expected the usual big fizz which is normal here. As half expected no fizz. I put another big pot in in case the fished missed the first one, again no fizz. Looking around all but a few were static except a couple playing foul hookers. After twenty minutes I picked up the Ronnie rig to see if they wanted to pay. Luckily they did. So whilst keeping an eye on the non fizzing line I sat catching small Ronnies and the odd Rudd and small hybrids on single caster close in shallow. Nice change from the last two matches Carp hauling. It was obvious it was fishing really hard, so decision made to stay with the Ronnies until a Carp braved the margin. It wasn't until the last twenty minutes that the Ronnie's backed off so out went the paste and first try a 12 lb Common Carp in the net. Back on the Ronnies but they hadn't returned so back on the paste and another quick Carp of 5 lb. Went to drop the paste in again when the all out was called. No fizz over the pellet all day!! My Silvers weighed 24 lb 6 oz for well ahead weight in the Silvers and my two Carp weighed 17 lb 14 0z for 41 lb 10 oz. Bela was in my section and picked up second in section with just 18 lb which included a 2 lb Eel by quadruple default!! And to think he was going to chuck back! Nonetheless another van double bubble. The match was a joint affair between Joe McMahon and Mike West (pictured right with some of his munters) both catching 84 lb 14 oz. Both pegs were unfancied with Mike on peg 29 and Joe on peg 3. Joe caught shallow and from each margin using 8 mm banded over loose fed 6's. Whilst Mike caught down his LH margin in four foot of water using his now favourite paste. Joe (pictured right with the joint match winner) had a triple bubble today - winning the match, the League and the knockout. We can only hope Dorking ask's him to join Trigger in their team soon. Another great league ran by Tony and Steve Evans. The addition of Todber Manor this year was a good addition and welcome by all. Not sure where I came in the league but happy enough to have picked up in every match - three with Silvers and one with Carp. Result:
I travelled down with Geoff Francis and as everyone commented the schools were back with heavy traffic everywhere. Breakfast first at Shiplate Lillypool which was less threatful without Tony Rixon. Beautiful autumn day (my favourite time of year) at a beautiful fishery plus the usual warm welcome from The Gamekeeper and his Goldilocks. Keith Fishery has a new pole the Browning Zero G. I suggest that if your not wealthy don't try it out - you will want one, the best pole I've tried by far. Matches over the two outside canals today - a change form the Main lake. First into the draw bag and out comes peg 2 on Westpool. Happy with this because it has some history of Chub weights. For company it was to be Gary Flinders on peg 4 with Tony Rixon on peg 6. However, I thought I overheard Tony put a 999 call in for a cat trapped in a tree at Chipping Sodbury, so Gary had a DNA. I started by clearing the sedges from my RH margin whilst Tony walked round to the far bank to clear his preferred fishing zone.
I set up the Ronnies rig and a 4x12 F1 to fish top-set plus two out in front for the Silvers with 4mm Sonubaits expanders over micro. Two paste rigs just in case one that fitted both margins and one to fish over the Silvers line. I started on the expander over kindered micro whilst I started to loose feed 4's in the RH margin and live red maggots in the LH for Ronnies. First fish on the expander was a Ronnie Roach followed by a Tench and a Chub and then a Skimmer - a mixed bag then. Then the Carp arrived landing a 3 pounder losing a 6 pounder due to be under gunned on the elastic taking me into the opposite tree. It went quiet thereafter on this line. But with one Chub in the net I thought I would get more on the maggot on the Ronnie rig so switched to maggot which resulted in plenty of Ronnies, but no Chub! I then foul hooked a decent carp which broke me. There was fizzing on the long line so thought I would plonk the paste over it and caught two more Chub? All makes sense - not! I then had a run of carp on the paste but found I was catching in pairs. After feeding the swim would die for a while for another pair to arrive. I had continued the feeding in both margins so whilst waiting for arrivals I tried the RH margin with paste over the 4's. I caught a few lumps on this, but lost two in the reeds. Again the feeding was similar, catch a couple and had to wait for the return visits. Again whilst waiting I dropped the paste in on the top-set over the maggot line which is a good test to see if the Ronnies are still there or not - if not expect some Carp hauling and that's what happened first drop in a 8 lb Carp. I stayed here for the rest of the match and during the fourth hour I had a stressful carp hauling session with the paste not even settling. Glenn Bailey need not worry - the paste hasn't quite finished - yet. Come the last half hour I could see Carp eating floating maggots caught in the grass and at the same time I stopped catching, adding only two more Carp - a pounderance.
I knew it would be close between Tony and me however, I did have the better peg. Tony weighed in with 170 lb 11 oz for a lake record I then weighed and beat him and his record with 178 lb 12 oz and a first overall. I was hoping to beat by the 1 lb again! My few Silvers weighed 7 lb. If they paid double bubble I would have been tempted to try for both from this peg, providing Tony did the 999 thing again. The Silvers was won by Ron Stark (pictured right with the match winner and his trusted pooch) with a decent weight of 31 lb 6 oz from Hawthorns peg 12. Ron caught on top-set plus two using his favourite worm caster and GB baits. Result: 1. Mike Nicholls 178-12-0 peg 2 W 2. Tony Rixon 170-11-0 peg 6 W 3. Claude Jacobs 132-0-0 peg 14 H 4. Lee Waller 127-0-0 peg 10 H Silvers: 1. Ron Stark 31-06-0 peg 12 H 2. Ray Wickham 14-12-0 peg 13 W Weigh Sheets:
With my Grandchildren now back to school I have Tuesdays free so decided to try Acorn Fishery with matey Glen Bailey. I haven't been here for 15 months so expected some changes. Ater a stop at the burger van it was time to catch up with some of the guys I haven't seen for a while, nice to see MD (Bob Feltham) out with his mate Turkey. I have been hearing good things about the Roach fishing so decided to buy a pint of maggots in the on site tackle shop. On hindsight I should have considered doing this after the draw! Into the draw bag and out come ping pong ball 33. This is the only second time I've drawn a bridge peg - even better 250 lb of Carp came off of it last Tuesday. Anyhow I had financed the Silvers so would try that first. Glenn did say you won't be on that long! He was right of course. For company I had Keith Fisher the other side of the bridge and Keith Ray the venue record holder on peg 30. So with two Keith's it was a question of the wrong answers to the wrong questions!
I set up the Ronnie rig for maggot over maggot and two paste rigs one for up to the bridge on the left side in 4 foot of water and the other to the right in 2 foot, both to fish on the top-set. As committed I started on the Ronnie rig and had a few small Roach, a Crucian and a couple of 6 oz Skimmers before the small Perch attended the food table, it was one a bung with an occasional Roach. Then the Carp arrived foul hooking two consecutively. With 45 minutes gone I threw the towel in on the Silvers and went down to the bridge with the paste over 4's and started to catch the odd decent Carp to 8 lb. There were signs of plenty of Carp there as I was getting loads of indications however, it appeared they were taking the free offerings but tapping the paste, strangely I wasn't foul hooking just missing what looked like sail-away bites - a bit of a mystery. I finally put it down to it being too deep and the Carp were feeding higher in the water. Now in the third hour I switched to the right and did catch better, BUT I was unaware that the fish would go straight under the metal pallet, it was carnage I lost two decent Carp and two rigs before I got quicker hauling elastic in. I did lose another Carp and rig due to it jumping out of the water and hitting the post on the bridge! My wrecks shown upper right. With an hour to go I took the decision to tip back 3 lb of Silvers to use the fourth net for carp - first time ever - sacrilege. The upshot was that although there were plenty of Carp about they didn't seem to be nailing the paste like I remember here. On the way home Glenn also had a similar experience with paste and was deeply concerned that paste was coming to a seasonal end.
My Silver weighed - Duh. My Carp weighed 155 lb 4 oz for fourth overall. The match was won by Callum Dicks (pictured upper right with some of his catch) with 221 lb 5 oz from peg 37. Callum caught on hard pellet either long over or down his RH margin. The Silvers was won by Eddie Wynne with 15 lb 11 oz from bridge peg 21. Matey and today's neighbour Keith Fisher (pictured right with his Skimmers and Roach catch) weighed 11 lb 14 oz for third Silvers. Well done matey. Result: 1. Callum Dicks 221-05-0 peg 37 2. Keith Ray 201-11-0 peg 30 3. Pete Lassons 162-06-0 peg 17 4. Mike Nicholls 155-04-0 peg 33 5. John Thompson 141-03-0 peg 13 6. Bob Smith 135-08-0 peg 1 Silvers: 1. Eddie Wynne 15-11-0 peg 21 2. Mike Chapman 12-06-0 peg 7 3. Keith Fisher 11-14-0 peg 34 Weigh Sheets:
Bela and I arrived at the fishery in plenty of time, but found ourselves well down the breakfast list. Bela was counting down as the breakfasts came out and became very fidgety, at one time I thought he was going for the nearest sausage and there's me without a collar and lead! It was a surprise to see old Avon Angling team mate Pete Phillips (pictured right) who has started back fishing after a very long layoff. Welcome back matey. After Bela did his bit of retail therapy in Andy's tackle shop it was into the draw tin and out comes white ball 26. Which is far end of Moorhen Canal. Bela drew the same canal near end peg 35. This canal has the reputation of Carp near end and Silvers the other, however, I'm not convinced, fish swim and very fast. I don't think it matters too much where you draw on these canal's because you can get a days fishing from any of them. Arriving at the peg it was flat calm with a very light wind blowing from left to right so really wanted to fish the Ronnie rig to my right, but there was too many branches hanging over the water from a small tree. Andy the Bailiff came along and agreed I could trim it, which I did. Ronnie rig, a 4x14 Winter to fish top-set plus two out in front and a 4x12 winter to fish over the Ronnie rig in three foot of water. I started by feeding the long line with some corn but started on the Ronnie rig with caster and caught a small Roach first try, I soon relised that the Roach weren't really having the caster so switched to the red live maggot which did improve things but the fish weren't big enough to warrant to keeping at them. So I went out on the corn and had a small Tench and a couple of Skimmers. Looking around to my right it looked as if it was fishing hard. I could see Chris Telling regularly losing fouled hooked Carp. After an hour things had slowed right up for me. I couldn't see the anglers to my left so had a pee and a walk Jason owned up to 12 - 15 lb of Silvers and end peg Pete was struggling. I reckon I had about the same amount of Silvers. So in the running. I put some more corn in with adding some micro. The swim immediately started to fizz, but I couldn't get a bite on the corn. I was now wishing I pumped up some expanders. I was really struggling for bites even on the Ronnie rig adding only a few Perch! Decision made to do a "Baggy" and set up two paste rigs one for long and the other for over the Ronnie line. I decide on small pieces of paste and things livened up catching some decent Skimmers. I would feed long line switch to margin line this rotation kept the Skimmers coming plus the occasional Carp. With an hour to go I reckon I was on for double bubble. It's always the same once you think this things change and they did, the peg completely died. Whereas I could hear Jason bagging on Skimmers and Bela and Chris now catching Carp over. I was sat there wishing for the match to end!! My six Carp weighed 33 lb and my Silvers 39 lb for a total of 72 lb for third pick up and second in the Silvers. I knew I should have sep up 13 metres and fished the paste over in the last hour but couldn't be arsed to set it up. I think this cost me a few quid extra. The match was won by Chris Telling (pictured right - lucky to get this one as he takes ages to pack his kit away - Tea Pot) with 96 lb 2 oz from Moorhen peg 33. Chris caught most of his fish over using maggot over potted maggot. Chris caught most of his fish in the later stages of the match. The Silvers was won by Jason (pictured right with his catch) with 43 lb 3 oz from Moorhen peg 24. Jason caught on worm over worm caster and corn all chopped up together. Jason caught most of his fish during the last hour. Because Bela was having his 11.5 metre section repaired he borrowed one from matey Shaun Putley, which proved useless if you leave your 10 metre section at home. Duh!! However, this didn't prevent Bela weighing in 86 lb for second on the day so double bubble van again. Great company and venue. Result: 1. Chris Telling 96-02-0 peg 33 M 2. Bela Bakos 86-12-0 peg 35 M 3. Mike Nicholls 72 -0-0 peg 26 M Silvers: 1. Jason 43-12-0 peg 24 M 2. Mike Nicholls 39-0-0 peg 26 M 3. Stu White 31-0-0 peg 43 K Weigh Sheet: