A report today also reveals Secretary of State William Whitelaw was also sent an intelligence file detailing how a police sniffer dog carried out a ‘positive’ check for traces of explosives when searching Father Chesney’s car at a checkpoint two months after the Claudy bombs.This information was believed to have been shared with Cardinal William Conway, the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, and the two men held secret talks in December to discuss Chesney.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1305646/Claudy-bombing-priest-James-Chesney-Report-IRA-atrocity-reveals-cover-up.html#ixzz0xYHkcQVm
It's interesting that all three parties identified in the artical are now dead so none can bed brought to book. But remember Willy Whitelaw was a conservative Minister and we all know what Catholic Priest get up to with children - what a bunch of cowards and hypocrites.
Back to the fishing. I had a number of options to fish today as I had a late pass out from the Special One. However, as the first South West Teams of Four is at Trinity Waters I decided to have on some practice so went with Carps AC who was fishing Woodlands. I have yet to pick up coin in the Silvers pool on this venue but have done well with Carp. I pulled peg 13 – unlucky for some! On arriving at the peg some worked had been done to the bank – to my right the bank had been remade and the other side a tree had been cut down. I had almost decided to fish for Carp throughout so I set up two paste rigs one for the LH margin and the other to be fished at full depth (nine foot) at 5 metres. I also set up a 4x16 Jolly for the 5 metre line to fish 6mm expander pellet. I started by potting in two 125 ml of micro with a dash of 4’s at 5 metres and begun to lightly loose feed the margin with 4’s. I started on the pellet and first put in had a 3lb Carp. I then had a couple of Skimmers to 1lb. I then foul hooked a Carp which broke me taking the whole rig (another £1.99 down the drain). Before putting another rig on I thought I would try the paste and had a run of Carp to 4lb with the odd Skimmer. I then noticed out the corner of my eye a swirl in the margin.
So decided it was to be an out and out Carp day so went in the margin with paste, only for the rig to snag up. I turned my back and pulled the 22 elastic very hard and the top of the floats went right through my little finger then right through the next finger!! Ouch!! I pulled the float out and was glad to see the rig was OK! I had to get off my box because I came over a little queer. I wrapped my fingers with my hanky but found it difficult in the rain and wet so went up to Rich Coles who I thought would either have a plaster or at least a tin of Guinness in his box. Rich had a similar accident recently so was able to provide two plasters. He told me he was also fishing for Carp and had nine!! Two more than me, but I was now carrying an injury.
Back to the peg and in to the margin, but this time being very careful where I put in. For the rest of the match I caught Carp Steady by switching between the two lines catching the odd accidental Bream (to 4lb). My Silvers weighed in at 12lb 7oz and my Carp went 147lb 3oz for a total of 159lb 10oz for first overall.

Full Result:
1. Mike Nicholls 159-10-0 peg 13
2. Rich Coles 74-15-0 peg 8

3. Steve Dawson 51-14-0 peg 11
4. Colin Golding 50-0-0 peg 7
5. Bill Ferris 40-0-0 peg 10
6. Andy Gard 15-12-0 peg 14
Top Silvers:
1. Colin Golding 33-04-0 peg 7
1. Steve Dawson 33-04-0 peg 11
2. Bill Ferris 26-12-0 peg 10
whats all this about coming over a little queer, is there something you want to tell us
We fished a match on there on the 15th, about an hour from the end, the tree and surrounding bank in peg 13 collapsed into the lake!
Next time you snag a pole rig, wrap the line around your keepnet and then pull!!!
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