Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Wednesday 31/03/2010 - Carps AC - Cider Farm - Shepherd's Lake

Plenty of FRESH Sea air today, back to ten layers of clothing. Gale force, freezing North Westerly wind. The air temperate was 4 degrees all day, but feeling more like zero. Rain, hale stones the lot. The man of the match was undoubtedly Dave Bacon who managed sixth with the wind directly in his face.

How lucky can you be I wanted either peg 13 or 14 so was pleased to draw peg 13 again. However the conditions were totally different. The water had coloured up to a greyish colour, similar to the local clay. Luckily the wind was blowing over my left shoulder (thats why I wanted to draw around this part of the Lake) so not in the face today. I set up three rigs; 1 – 1 gram Jolly at 3 metres out in front in 9 foot of water; 1 – 4x14 Jolly for the LH margin for corn in 6 foot of water; and a Gerry of Nottingham Corn and Paste float for the paste in to the RH margin. I started by cupping in a small amount of corn and caster in to the LH margin and a pot of 50/50 wetted micro and caster out in front at 4 metres, I also started to sparingly loose feed some wetted 4mm pellets in to the RH margin. Starting out in front with 3mm expander on the hook I had a small Tench (1lb 8oz). Then nothing so tried double caster, then double red maggot nothing, Umm. On went a piece of corn and whilst pulling it up the slope it sailed away and a 2lb Skimmer was in the Mossella net. I kept on the corn and had a run of Skimmers, but re-fed using wetted micro compressed with a ground bait punch so I could get it to the bottom quicker, preventing the fish intercepting the feed up in the water. I also started loose feeding the 4mm wetted pellet on this line. This kept the odd Skimmer coming. It was now two hours into the match and no one had caught a Carp. So I decided to try the LH margin (this is where I caught the 80lb last match here). However, the wind was blowing the 5 foot high Sedges over in to the Lake and it was difficult to get close in, it also meant I had to turn my left cheek in to the wind. On first put in there was a gust of wind which took my glasses off and dumped them in the lake at 2 metres. I had a spare pair in the car but I couldn’t be bothered, I can just about see corn enough to hook it. On the second put in I had a bite which I missed. Out again a small Rudd took the corn but couldn’t hold on long enough for me to land it. I was subsequently pestered by small fish. Back out on the Skimmers and another couple found their way in to the net. Due to the bad weather it was decided to reduce to match to 5 ½ hours (thank Goodness). So with an hour to go I decided to see if my investment of 4mm wetted pellet would pay off. On went the paste and first put in I hooked and got broke by a Carp. Went for a walk down to Bob Price whilst I ate my Banana Bob had caught four Skimmers and three Carp – I believed this to be the best weight. I returned to my peg feeling a lot colder. I decided to stay on the paste and caught two Carp before the end, one I estimated to be 8lb. My Skimmers weighed in at 12lb 7oz for first in the Silvers, with my Carp weighing 10lb 7oz, giving a total of 22lb 14 for first overall and a pick up of £45.

Runner up overall was Bob Price with Andy Gard (pictured right) taking the Silvers by default. I think Bill Ferris was disappointed with himself for loosing out to Andy by a mere 3oz, especially off the next peg.

Full Result:

1. Mike Nicholls 22-14-0 peg 13
2. Bob Price 17-04-0 peg 10
3. Andy Gard 11-07-0 peg 9
4. Bill Ferris 11-04-0 peg 9
5. Colin Golding 9-0-0 peg 14
6. Dave Bacon 7-04-0 peg 18

Top Silvers:

1. Mike Nicholls 12-07-0 peg 13
2. Andy Gard 11-07-0 peg 10
3. Bill Ferris 11-04-0 peg 9 (Just 3oz Bill)

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Sunday 28/03/2010 - Landsend Individual League - Round Eight - Final Round

Before today final league match I had prepared well in terms of strategy. In the overall league the last position in the prize money was 7th I was laying 11th overall on 28 points with six anglers above me with two points more than me. However, in the Silvers I was laying third (counting out Vince Shipp who was certain to win either 1st or 2nd overall) 14lb 10oz behind the Gimp and only 1lb 14oz behind Nick Duckett. With £200 up for grabs for 2nd Silvers and thinking this was my best chance of picking up overall I set my mind on out and out Silvers attack wherever I drew. It was my turn on Match Lake which has plenty of good Silvers pegs.

I didn’t mind where I drew as long as it wasn’t pegs 1 or 24. I drew peg 1. I wasn’t too despondent until I heard Nick Duckett had drawn the Silvers flyer – peg 70 on Johns Walter Lake. Then the Gimp arrived having drawn peg 37 on Specimen – another good Silvers peg. On arriving at my peg there were lots of Carp swimming around up in the water. However, I still kept to my game plan. Lucky enough Chris Davis arrived on opposite peg 24 who would be without doubt be fishing for Carp shallow and hopefully keep them out of my peg. Alan Oram came round and gave some advice on catching Silver short to the left, which did come in handy. I set up four rigs; 1 – 4x14 Jolly at 11.5 metres in to open water to be used with 3mm expander pellet, over micro with a dash of caster; 1 – 4x12 Jolly set to 3 foot at 9 metres along the end margin; 1 – Ronnie rig to be fished short as per Alan O’s suggestion over caster; 1 – 3.5 metre whip, again for caster out in front. I fed the 9 metre line with a full pot of caster and find the 11.5 metre line with a full pot of micro with half being caster. I started loose feeding on the Ronnie line and after 10 minutes had one 1oz Ronnie. Went out in the margin at 9 metres and after 10 minutes had nothing. So out on the 11.5 metre line with 3mm expander and I had a 2lb Skimmer. I followed this up with two 3lb Carp. It then went quite. So re-fed and tried the Ronnie rig and had a run of 3 oz Ronnie’s. However, this line died very quickly. So up the margin and I had a run of Ronnie’s and Perch to 8oz. There was a definite pattern forming – catch a few fish over one line and it would die. So out at 11.5 metre and a run of three Skimmers to 1.5lb, however, I couldn’t keep them coming. The up shot was I alternated all match around the four lines picking off the odd couple of fish. I did have a couple of Ide on the Alan O line, the biggest being about 3lb (a PB). My Silvers weighed in at 27lb 9oz putting me third in the Silvers this combined with my two Carp gave me a total of 34lb 1oz and 3 section points.

Whilst writing this blog I am feeling a bit sorry for myself as I fell short on the Silvers to Nick Duckett and with the Gimp having 18lb of peg 37 I couldn’t overhaul him either so I finished one out of the overall Silvers (£300 & £200). Just as frustrating my 3 points took me to ninth overall and again one of the overall money. One more carp would have put me in the overall frame. Really the frustration comes from not having been born with hind sight which is a “wonderful thing”. I have no need to feel sorry for myself really as I did miss a match through illness (even though it’s an eight match series there is no provisions for dropping a match result) and I did fish really well today.

The match was won by Ron Wotton from peg 13 with 137lb 3oz. Rod caught on pellet down the end margin at 8 metres.

The Silvers was won by Nick Duckett (well done matey) from aquarium peg 70.

The over league winner was Nick Collier with an incredible 46 points and he picked up £550.(pictured right with Vince – league runner up and Nick Duckett Overall Silvers winner). I must say Nick he has impressed me with his all round angling ability. Nick finished 4 points clear of Vince Shipp. A number of anglers have said that Nick has had a lot of good draws. I would say he has had a couple of good ones, but has had some potentially bad ones too. Nick hasn’t won this league through good draws alone, take today he has come 2nd overall from unfancied peg 50. Well done Nick.

Overall Result:

1. Rod Wotton 137-03-0 Peg 13
2. Nick Collier 108-12-0 peg 50
3. Mark Leader 104-02-0 peg 42
4. Nick Duckett 103-05-0 peg 70
5. Chris Davis 102-12-0 peg 24
6. James Withers 77-0-0 peg 29

Top Silvers:

1. Nick Duckett 34-0-0 peg 70
2. Ryan Shipp 28-05-0 peg 5
3. Mike Nicholls 27-09-0 peg 1

Overall League:

1. Nick Collier 46 Points
2. Vince Shipp 42
3. Rod Wotton 39
4. Gary Wall 36
5. Matt Tomes 34
6. Dave Hodgeson 34

7. Nick Duckett 33
8. Ken Rayner 32
9. Mike Nicholls 31

League Silvers:

1. Nick Duckett 97-03-0
2. John Bradford 94-01-0
3. Mike Nicholls 88-12-0

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Thursday 25/03/2010 - Bathampton AA Over 55's - Bridge Pool

Today was the first match of this seasons Bathampton AA “Coffin Dodgers”. It was good to see that the regular had made it through another winter. I put his down to the governments heating allowance!! Plus a new comer - Dave Haines, I didn't think he'd make 55.

Bridge Pool was subject to” exploratory” netting yesterday, apparently to determine the Lake stocking. During the netting eight double Carp were remove and put into…. hang on, this I am sure will all be on the Bathampton AA website so no need to say anything further here – is there?

The Dodger's were wondering if this netting would effect the fishing today. I thought definitely not. The more exercise the fish get the hungrier they become, combine that with a memory of six seconds and we should have a decent day’s fishing (apparently four seconds longer that one of the Dodger's wives - isn’t that right Mr. Jones). – I believe I was right in my thinking.

Colin dropped the entire disabled draw in the mud, so I thought I would go in for the cleanest draw card I could see and out comes peg 29. It’s one of the better pegs on the Lake and not a disbaled peg. It’s usually a good Skimmer peg so I set up a 4x16 Jolly at 9 metres and my usual Ronnie rig for the Caster. I thought I would also set up a margin paste rig – I will say now it was a waste of time – the water needs to warm up a bit more. On the whistle I cupped in a few wetted micros with a dash of caster at 9 metres. I subsequently loose fed caster on the Ronnie line. After 15 minutes or so I didn’t have a bite, so out on the Skimmer line and I had three 3 oz Skimmers straight off. It then slowed so I fed a compressed ball of micros (compressed to sneak it past the small Ronnie’s hanging around at half depth) through the kinder pot. I had another couple of small Skimmers plus a few of the small Ronnie’s I couldn't avoid. I decided to re-feed this time with a full pot of caster with a dash of micro and go back on the Ronnie line. I started to catch some decent Renaldo’s to 8oz, but found it difficult to pin them down. It took me another three hours to realise that although my feeding pattern was about right I was fishing in the wrong place!! The under tow was quite strong and once I started fishing two metres up wind I started to bag on the Renaldo’s. Unfortunately I also found the Carp. After losing my first Carp due to being foul hooked I switched to 4mm Expander pellet which accounted for five Carp and another three lost foul hookers. However in between I kept a few Silvers coming. My five Carp weighed in at 37lb 12oz and my Silvers went 13lb 12oz for a total of 51lb 8oz and first overall and third in the Silvers and as Colin stated a pick up of £25.

The Silvers was won by Bill Ferris from peg 11 with 17lb 6oz of Roach.

The overall runner up was Alan Jones, who must count himself very - bewitched. I am a witness to this. Alan was playing a Carp for about a minute or so when it appeared to come off. On retrieving his rig he finds a frog attached!! How scary is that. The mistake Alan made was not kissing the Frog. I would have, expecting it to turn in to a 10lb Common. In any case the Frog would have gone in the Silvers net.

Full Result:

1. Mike Nicholls 51-08-0 peg 29
2. Alan Jones 40-08-0 peg 31
3. Terry Bruton 37-12-0 peg 24
4. Rich Coles 32-07-0 peg 33
5. Martyn Alexander 27-04-0 peg 32
6. Dave Bacon 17-10-0 peg 18

Top Silvers:

1. Bill Ferris 17-06-0 peg 11
2. Terry Bruton 16-0-0 peg 24
3. Mike Nicholls 13-12-0 peg 29
4. Bob Price 10-10-0 peg 25

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Wednesday 24/03/2010 - Carps AC - Bitterwell Lake

So Ian Huntley suffered an attempt to cut his throat whilst in prison, and he is to get £20,000 compensation – has the world had gone loopy – it should go to the inmate that that tried to kill him with a caution to try better next time!!!

It was another good turn out for this popular local venue. From lessons learnt from my last visit I made up an 11 foot Canal waggler rod with a 4BB inserted waggler the previous night for the Ronnie’s at 25 metres. I hoping this with caster would account for some of the quality Roach which can be found here. I drew peg 9 on the far bank concrete. In addition to the wag I set up a 0.3 gram Sensas Jean Desque Eric, mainly for the Skimmers at 11.5 metres at 11-o-clock. I fed this line with monster crab green micro (bought from Clive's shop). I then set about the wag and having set it at full depth I catapulted put some caster and red maggot (well sprayed). I really was expecting the float to go straight away – but not. I kept a few maggots and caster going in and varied the depth. I did have four 1oz Ronnie’s on the drop, but it really wasn’t happening. Looking around it wasn’t really happening for anyone else either. On to the Skimmer line and I had a run of six Skimmers to 1lb 8oz, which soon died, so I re-fed and tried the wag again – nothing – where were the Ronnie’s? Back on the Skimmer line and had a couple more to 1lb then I hooked a Bream of about 3lb which shed the hook at the net – Bollocks. With 1 ¾ hours to go the swim completely died so I closed it down and opened a maggot line at 1-o-clock using the same rig. I started to get a few small Ronnie’s but with a wet pole (yes, light rain all day) it was far too slow. So I set up a 4.5 metre whip and found that much quicker. I found that the Ronnie’s would disappear if you fed too heavy and I soon found out why when a carp broke me. Unfortunately this wasn’t the end of it five minutes later I hooked and landed a 3lb Carp on the whip (none elasticated). I did manage to put together about 4lb of Ronnie’s during this time which helped my Silvers weight to 13lb 12oz that added to my 3lb 6oz Carp I weighed a total of 17lb 2oz for fifth overall and second in the Silvers and a pick up of £25.

The match was won by Leyton Palmer (pictured right with his catch) on peg 12 with 29lb 6oz. Leyton caught all his fish on a pellet cage feeder with banded hard pellet on the hook.

Andy Gard (pictured bottom right with his eyes close – the poor man works nights so I am not surprised (three days without sleep - umm) won the Silvers from peg 14 with a credible 15lb 2oz of mainly quality Roach. Andy caught short on caster.

Full Result:

1. Leyton Palmer 29-06-0 peg 12
2. Martin Rayett 24-06-0 peg 10
3. Colin Golding 21-06-0 peg 13
4. Andy Gard 18-08-0 peg 14
5. Mike Nicholls 17-02-0 peg 9
6. Bob Price 16-0-0 peg 1

Top Silvers:

1. Andy Gard 15-02-0 peg 14
2. Mike Nicholls 13-12-0 peg 9

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Sunday 17/03/2010 - Sensas Veals - Chilton Trinity - Woodlands

Although I have fished Wildmarsh a couple of times, it’s the first time I have seen Woodlands. I was informed that the venue held a good head of Silvers – Skimmers, Bream and Roach. Fish 13 metres with either red maggot or soft pellet over wetted micro. In addition there was plenty of small Carp (3 to 5lb) which could be caught long or in the margins. There was also plenty of water with 9 foot being average throughout.

We all met up at Hill Top Café at 07:30. I was good to see that the owner has gone back to have the brown sauce in bottles rather that the inaccessible and environmentally unfriendly plastic sachets. I must say organiser Tony May helped by Incognito run a good match. Apparently there was a high mound behind the near bank pegs, however, the owner decided to flatten it with the spoils going in to the lake. The spoils were used to make Groyns that protrude out each side of the pegs. I think this is a good move as I am sure once it settles the fish; particularly the Carp will come to this feature to feed. In to the draw bag and out comes peg 25, which is one of the near side pegs hence is still a bit barren (see picture right). Apparently the end and corner pegs are best for Carp. So being just off the middle I thought this might be good for a few Silvers. When I arrived at my peg I found that I had Paul Faiers for company as he was fishing a match on the lake behind. We mutually agreed that our poles should not extend beyond the waters edge. So I decided to fish 11.5 Metres maximum rather than unship. For this line at 12-o-clock I set up a 4x16 Jolly. I also set up a short Ronnie rig for the caster. On the Whistle I fed a half pot of micro at 11.5 metres and started on the Ronnie rig and caster. After 10 minutes all I had was one Motherless. So out on double red maggot at 11.5 metres and …. nothing. On went a soft pellet and I had a 3oz Skimmer…then nothing. On the hour mark I could see most of the anglers struggling on the long pole a depth. So I set up the GB feeder with double red maggot and had one 8 oz Skimmer…then nothing. Shaun Townsend had changed to his RH margin and was getting a few carp on corn. So I set up a 4x12 Jolly set at 2 foot for the RH margin. After feeding some micro and corn through the kinder pot I had a 5lb Carp. I then lost a foul hooker. Then hooked and landed another 5lb Carp. I then started to be pestered by small Rudd and Motherless on this line. In the meantime Shaun catch rate had increased and it was clear I wouldn't catch him. As no one appeared to be catching Silvers I decided once again to concentrate on them. It wasn’t until the last twenty minutes that I worked out how to catch the Ronnie’s. No one I could see had caught fish on the bottom. I think this was because the water surface had been warmed up over the past couple of days and the fish were very much up in the water and that is where I started to catch a few Ronnie’s, but all too late for me. By the end of the match everyone that was still fishing was either catching in the margins or shallow up in the water on the long pole. My two Carp weighed in at 10lb 3oz and my Silvers 4lb-13oz for a total of 15lb.

The match was won by Shaun Townsend from peg 23 with 82lb 10oz. Shaun caught all Carp to 5lb in the RH margin using corn hook bait.

Runner up was Brian Shanks (pictured right with some of his catch) from peg 33 with 65lb 7oz. Brian caught Carp up in the water on banded pellet over loose fed pellet.

The Silvers was won by Tony May from peg 7 with a lowly 6lb 5oz. Tony's catch included two "small" Tench and one Skimmer.

I was pegged opposite Brian’s travelling partner Ron Hardiman (see picture right – “where did it all go wrong Ronnie” – me too).

There’s no doubt I will be fishing this venue again (soon I hope), because I am convinced you can do a good weight of Silvers on the right peg and a better day.

Full Result:

1. Shaun Townsend 82-10-0 peg 23
2. Brian Shanks 65-07-0 peg 33
3. Lee Anderson 62-08-0 peg 31
4. Lee Trivet 55-09-0 peg 12
5. Incognito 55-09-0 peg 19
6. Tony May 33-01-0 peg 7

Top Silvers:

1. Tony May 6-05-0 peg 7

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Wednesday 17/03/2010 - Carps AC - Huntsrete - Withy Pool

As today’s chosen venue was fishing so bad I nearly went to Avalon instead, it was only the fact that it was much closer that swayed me. There are numerous rumours regarding the future stocking and destocking of the Huntstrete complex that I think Bathampton AA should now inform members as to what is planned to enable member feed back - I believe that major decisions such as these should be by member consensus. As far as I am concerned Bridge Pool is spot on with Withy Pool needing lots more fish – my suggestion would be F1’s and perhaps some Chub. As for the main lake that needs a lot more thought. I really don’t know where the club is going with this one; it seems to be a waste of a good fishing resource to me.

Off the soap box and back to the fishing. With my back still playing up from my "Trip" to Landsend I was hoping for an easy day. I suggested that all the pegs should be on the main water of the lake, however, I was shouted down and pegs 53 and 54 were put in which are behind the island. These pegs can be good for Carp during the summer, however, not very productive for the Silver population at any time of the year. I drew peg 53! Next to me on peg 54 was Steve Dawson a good Silvers angler. However, I knew it wasn’t going to be a peg to peg battle for the Silvers pool from these pegs. I set up two rigs: 1 – 4x16 Jolly at 7 metres for the Silvers, which is half the width of the peg and 1 – 4x12 Jolly at 13 metres for Carp. I fed a small amount of micro with about six casters on the silvers line and micro and corn on the Carp line. Starting on the Silvers line I had four fast bites which I missed before I had a 1oz Ronnie. The same pattern repeated itself and another 1oz Ronnie. I then had a 1lb Mirror Carp. Then nothing so I switched to 3mm soft pellet and had a 1lb Skimmer and that was the last of my Silvers! Steve Dawson by this time was still waiting for his first bite. Time to go out and out for Carp and on went a curnel of corn and before the float settled I was into a 3lb Carp. With it safely in the net, back out again and a 6lb Carp. Umm, another good day’s carping in the offering – Not. I had another three Carp losing one at the net after “the fish on cry”. I knew the loss of this fish would cost me and it did. I weighed 1lb 4oz of Silvers and 23lb 6oz of Carp for a total of 24lb 10oz.

My neighbour for the day - Steve Dawson weighed 2lb of 1 - 2 oz Ronnies. Unfortunately Steve also broke his pole - a number four section.

The match was won by Tom Thick from peg 43 with 55lb 13oz. Tom caught the majority of his fish at 10 metre on soft 3mm pellet fished over wetted micro pellet feed.

Runner up was Chris Fox (pictured right focused on catching another Carp, either taht or he is a sleep) who relegated me to third spot with six Carp from peg 50. For details on how Chris caught his fish visit his blog.

Full Result:

1. Tom Thick 55-13-0 peg 43
2. Chris Fox 27-11-0 peg 50
3. Mike Nicholls 24-10-0 peg 53
4. John Bennett 8-15-0 peg 73
5. Bob Price 7-02-0 peg 47
6. Andy Gard 7-01-0 peg 50

Top Silvers:

1. Tom Thick 20-08-0 peg 43
2. Bob Price 7-02-0 peg 47

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Sunday 14/03/2010 - Landsend Individual League - Round Seven

As it has warmed up slightly I was able to leave off the “Woolly Bear”. But the North Westerly wind was still a bit sharp (this is the same wind and direction that spoiled last summer). You wouldn’t want this wind blowing in to you today!!

It was my turn on Specimen Lake. I didn’t mind which peg I drew so long as it wasn’t a corner peg. Out came peg 32 – a corner peg and the wind into the face at 10-0-clock. Nick Collier and Anton “New Blog” said the peg should be good for a few Silvers – Ronnie’s and Perch. However, if I fished long (these boys mean 17+ metres when the talk long) I could expect to catch Carp – short and Silvers it was then. I set up three rigs; 1–4x14 Jolly at 13 metres pointing directly at the point of the island in open water for Skimmers and F1’s; 1-4x14 Jolly set just down the shelf into the end margin at 7 metres for the Perch and anything else that might want caster. Only because I had time I set up a 4x12 Jolly at 14.5 metres again in to the end margin up to the overhanging tree for Carp. I was hoping not to fish this rig because the wind was too gusting (the real reason was that Rod Wotton was opposite me on peg 33 and I didn’t expect to beat him on Carp off our draws – and I didn’t)! I started by feeding 30 or so casters on the 7 metre line, followed up with half a pot of Micro with a few casters on the 13 meters line. I followed this up half heartedly by feeding half a pot of 4mm hard pellet with a few grains of corn at 14.5 metres. I started on the 7 metres with double caster and had indication straight away – followed by a 2 oz Ronnie. I swapped to a single caster and had a long run of Perch to 10 oz and Ronnie’s to 3 oz. I kept topping up with caster through the kinder pot – but did try dump feeding caster, which wasn’t so productive for some reason. I kept the small Silvers coming for the first two hours when the Perch dried up. So out on the 13 metre line with 3mm expander – three put-ins and three 2oz Ronnie’s, as the wind was so strong I decided to throw this line away and open a new one at 7 metre to my left away from the end margin with potted micro pellet and caster. Whilst this settled I went out on the 14.5 metre line with corn for about two minutes, the wind was stronger than me. Apparently this is the first tome Rod Wotton had seen my Butt – but not for long!! Out on the new 7 metre line and I kept Ronnie’s coming until three minutes from time when I hooked and landed a 6lb 11oz Common Carp on caster. My Silvers weighed in at 26lb 12oz, giving a total of 33lb 70z for first in the lake Silvers, second in section and lake third for a pick up of £45. Throughout the match I fed half of pint of immature casters.

A different sort of flyer this week. My pole roller blew over in the wind and in my rush to get it back up again I forgot about the Polish trip wires (Mike Ducketts say's there for Otters - but we know differently). Any way I went a "flyer" in to the bushes. I was only glad not to land on my pole.

The lake was won as expected by Rod Wotton (pictured right with the largest of his Carp) from peg 33 with 72lb 5oz of Carp to 14lb. This also put Rod runner up overall to Vince Shipp who won the match with 91lb 1oz from peg 13. Vince caught seven Tench for 29 lb and the rest of his weight made up of Carp.

Full Result:

1. Vince Ship 91-01-0 peg 13
2. Rod Wotton 72-05-0 peg 33
3. Tony Rixon 69-10-0 peg 42 (again)
4. Nick Duckett 66-11-0 peg 16
5. Mark Popplewell 52-0-0 peg 21
6. Dave Westcott 46-08-0 peg 68

Top Silvers:

1. Vince Shipp 29-02-0 peg 13
2. Mike Nicholls 26-12-0 peg 32
3. Tim Clark 19-12-0 peg 26

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Wednesday 10/03/2010 - Carps AC - Cider Farm - Shepherd's Lake

“Knowledge is Power” (Francis Bacon 1626). Before today’s match I had been swapping e-mails with Bob Feltham who ran the first match this term on Shepherds’ Lake – and won it. Below are the details of how Bob caught.

email 1:
Just to let you now the results of our match on Shepherds lake yesterday. Not bad considering the heavy frost and ffffffffffffreezing East wind!!
1st Bob Feltham 56lbs 2 oz all carp peg 13 margin 11 metres
2nd John Thompson 45 lbs 2 oz Carp and silvers peg 5 pole 11 metres- open water
3rd Steve Horsewell 42 lbs 10 oz Carp and silvers peg 11 pole 11 metres- open water
Silvers: Dave Bacon 11 lbs 9 oz peg 2 - no carp
I thought this may be of interest as you my be there on Wednesday!
Bob Feltham MD

email 2:

"Basic stuff really- tried pinkies and bread out at 11 metres- had one blade but didn’t stay with it for long as deep in peg 13. Fed half medium pot of green micros (stim) in the margin laced with dampened 4 mill and a few grains of corn. Went straight to the left margin after half hour about 11 metres there is a wooden pylon stuck out you can see the top and fished laying on the shelf and bottom of the near shelf – there is about 6 foot of water here-maybe slightly less. Used very soft ringers 6 mill expanders and had carp first dib. Fed regularly cupping 2 dozen 4 mill and few grains of corn every other fish and ended up with around 17 carp from 1 lb to 7 lb losing 5 (including 2 lumps) of which 4 were foul hookers and one pull out).
In retrospect could have fed another line further down the margin at 14.5 metres and picked off odd fish when the closer margin went quiet but hey ho!
As regards the other pegs- looks like the carp are not in 1 and 2 so could be out/out silvers. So fish 11-13 metres and feed 4 mill and corn fishing 6 mm and maybe paste as a few were caught on Sunday. Peg 15 out and out margin peg- fish 2 margin lines and forget everything else as lumps live here!
Bob Feltham - MD"

As the Silver fishing is good on this Lake it was any peg except 13 and 15 for me then!! In to the draw bucket and out comes peg 13 – the Carp flyer. Umm. Over the last couple of matches I reckon due to the water clarity I have been chasing the fish out of my swim. So today my plan was to start short and not go long until the last two hours. I decided on a 4x14 Jolly for a short and long margin swim (as Bob said 6 foot or so) and a 4 x 16 at 4 metres out in front in 9 foot of water for the Skimmers and Ronnie’s. I started on the Silver rig by potting in a generous amount of micro pellet and casters of equal proportions. The wind was blowing straight in at me so it was necessary to feed a little short, plus a shorter than normal line. I started on double caster and – nothing – so swapped to the 4 mm pellet and had a run of small Skimmers. But it was slow. So tried double red maggot and had a 4lb Carp straight away followed by a few smaller Skimmers. I switched to single caster and started to catch a few Ronnie’s on the drop, again very slow. An hour had passed so I switched to the short margin swim at 5 metres with corn hook bait over kinder potted caster and corn. Like Bob, I had a Carp first put in. I kept on this line until the seventeenth Carp and the first Skimmer (always an indication that the Carp had vacated). It was with two hours to go that I switched to the 10 metre line (Bob I think your pole is shorter than you think). I fished identical and first put in had another Carp. However, with a 70 lb fishery net limit and having only two nets with me I decided to put back my 5lb of Silvers to facilitate a 3lb Carp. This didn’t make much sense at the time – what if I didn’t catch another Carp – back to three nets now until next winter. Not to worry I had another nine Carp and just before the whistle the last fish was a Ronnie. The next worry was with twenty seven Carp in the net would I have needed the 5lb of Silvers to make the ton – nope, I weighed 86lb 6oz (see picture upper right of some of my catch) for first overall and a pick up of £40. Thanks for the intel Bob.

The Silvers was won by Mike Owens (pictured right with the match winner) with 13lb 12oz from peg 17.

I must say this is a wonderful little Lake and well managed by Mark Gibson. The fish are in pristine condition.

Full Result:

1. Mike Nicholls 86-06-0 peg 13
2. Steve Dawson 50-01-0 peg 9
3. Mike Owens 26-05-0 peg 17
4. John Dursley 20-08-0 peg 1
5. Colin Golding 18-04-0 peg 6
6. John Bennett 17-08-0 peg 4

Top Silvers:

1. Mike Owens 13-12-0 peg 17
2. Andy Gard 13-05-0 peg 15

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Sunday 07/03/2010 - Landsend Individual League - Round Six

Matey Clayton Hudson had his fishing tackle stolen from his garden shed last week. Understandably Clayton was so distraught that he didn't fish the Viaduct winter league today. It’s not about the tackle which can be replace by a visit to the tackle shop; it’s the tackle that you have made/developed over the years. These items have little monitory value to the thieves, but will be priceless to Clayton – get back out on the bank soon matey, we are already missing the smell of weed!!

On a lighter note Anton “Smurf” Page has started a blog. However, having published his first blog entry Anton couldn’t relocate his blog. Anton rang me to see if I could find it for him. Having spent an hour looking I came to conclusion that Anton had misspelt a word or two. So having tried a few options I soon realised I had as much chance of finding it as winning the lottery. Subsequently Anton did find it, and it was misspelt – anglin? Anyway you can find his first entry by navigating to my favourite websites. It’s going to be an interesting blog judging by this start. I think it might make Tony Rixon’s blog look like the Oxford dictionary!!!

Bela and I had a bad start to the day, on arrival at Shipham café we found it closed! So we had to settled for a breakfast roll in Churchill Garage. It didn’t get any better for me. I drew peg 78 on Sidney Lake (see picture right of both Sidney’s and John Walter Lake). I decided to fish various targeted swims along the far bank at 14.5 metres, so I set up two rigs for this – a TBF taking 2 x 11 shot and a 4x14 PB14. Having plumbed up both rigs I realised that the lighter float would not be taking any part in the match. The far bank swims were 12 inches deep, but had to lay line and shot down on the deck to hold up the float in the gusting and freezing East wind. I also set up a 0.3 gram Jean Desque Eric for down the middle where I found the deepest part of my peg some 30 inches!!! With the gusting wind and shallow water presentation was always going to be unfavourable. I started down the middle at 10 metres with single red maggot fished over some micro and maggot. Second put in I had a small Carp about 2lb. Having just re-fed the same line I had a 3lb Carp on the drop. The line then completely died. I couldn’t even get a bite from the Silvers fish. I tried the first far bank swim (directly opposite by a clump of reed) again with maggot over micro and maggot and had a small 1lb Carp and lost one foul hooker. I had kept my most promising line until last, however, I had to go in to it far earlier than I would have liked. This resulted in three more Carp and two lost foul hookers (probably due the amount on line I had dragging the bottom). I had two more bites; one Ronnie and a small Skimmer which went 8oz and my six Carp went 11lb 8oz for a grand total of 12lb dead. This gave me 3 sections points and was one more carp from winning some coin. The lake weights were quite close with only 17lb 5oz taking the top weight from corner peg 83.

I must give credit where credit is due and at the same time give encouragement to the younger match anglers. Liam "Clock Spring" (pictured right - yes he is that pale faced - with a typical stamp of fish from this lake) was second on the lake and won our section with 15lb from corner peg 82 - well done lad.

The match was won by Nicky Collier (pictured right) from peg 33 with 64lb 13oz. Nicky caught 50% of his Carp at 14.5 metres out in front on corn and the other 50% on banded hard pellet in to the end margin. Nicky is leading the league and probably uncatchable he can now start spending his winnings down at Avon Angling!

The Silvers was won by Nick Duckett from peg 29 with 24lb 10oz of sizable Skimmers. Nick caught at 13 metres using expander pellet over micro – feeding about one pint.

Full Result:

1. Nick Collier 64-13-0 peg 33
2. Nick Duckett 63-14-0 peg 29
3. Tom Thick 49-10-0 peg 28
4. Scott Lovell 46-0-0 peg 26
5. Anton Page 33-09-0 peg 13
6. Ken Rayner 32-11-0 peg 16

Top Silvers:

1. Nick Duckett 24-10-0 peg 29
2. John Bradford 16-05-0 peg 42

Monday, 1 March 2010

Wednesday 03/03/2010 - Carps AC - Plantation - Match lake

I didn’t get out fishing this Sunday because ….. Bela and I got ourselves fixed up to fish for teams in the Viaduct Winter League. Bela was to fish for the “Amigo’s” (the twats that dress in red) and me for one of the Veal’s teams. Which meant Bela would be on Campbell and me on Carey. However, Bela got “gazumped” and was subsequently very distraught. However, as Bela was keener to fish than me and it was his only opportunity over the week to fish, I let him have my Veal’s place. I still got my tackle ready as I half expected a call later on in the evening. I did finally get a text in the morning of the match – there was a place on Spring Lake (peg 16 – good Silvers peg – well use to be). Bit late for me to sensibly compete and would I be allowed to enter the pools – doubt it…. Bela ended up on corner peg 90 and did very well from it, collecting 15 points – not a Silvers peg so the right angler fished the peg.

A couple of things that has irritated me in the news this week:

MI5 officers have been accused by a senior judge of having a "dubious record" over the treatment of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed. Doesn’t this daft judge realize that M15 are Spies and carry out VERY DUBIOUS activities in the defence of Queen and Country – In any case why was he travelling Pakistan under a false passport, what else did he expect – M15 keep up the good work - next time destroy the evidence!!

The sad case of Khyra Ishaq, the seven-year-old starved to death by her mother and her lover. Her natural Father was on national (with doily on head) TV blaming the Social Services. I say what about his responsibilities to his Daughter. Why wasn’t he visiting her at least once a week to check she was well and happy. As far as I am concerned he is just as guilty.

It must now be spring (the Crocus think so). Despite the match being held on Plantation it was round to Bullocks Farm café to get a decent breakfast. Carps AC were allocated 18 pegs around the far bank, this to make provisions for their season tickets holders! So with 16 fishing Mike Owens was very brave to select the pegs. I think he did the best of a bad job. Incidentally no other anglers fished the lake. At least the form peg 26 was in the draw. Mike actually re-pegged the match and I drew peg 13 (not that I am superstitious – just glad that row 13 on aircraft are not used). Mike informed me that this was permanent peg 20, followed up with “it’s a peg that is not usually pegged – sorry” – not your fault Mike. I then heard Tommy Thick cry out with joy having drawn peg 10 – perm peg 26. Not to worry this was the last we heard of him – Tommy chopped and changed between the pole and lead, not fishing either fully and ended up on a DNW. Peg 20 is in the top RH corner. I really didn’t fancy it for Silvers; however, the wind had been blowing in to this corner so the margin looked appetizing. I plumbed up the margin and was surprised to find 30 inches tight to the bank. I also set up a 0.3 gram Sensas Jean Desque Eric for the Silvers at 11.5 metres. I fed the margin with caster and corn and fed three balls of GB (Gimps Gold – brown) on the Silvers line. I started on single red maggot and had a small Ronnie first in. I then had a run of Skimmers to 3-4oz. I then switched to 3mm expander pellet and had a run of Skimmers to 1lb. On the two hour mark I re-fed with an additional ball of GB before trying the margin with corn. During the five minutes I fished there I had one bite which appeared to be a small fish. Back out on the 11.5 metre line and another run of 3-4oz Skimmers. On the four hour mark I re-fed another ball of GB and dived back in to the margin, The same again, one bite from a small fish, but this time I thought I saw the float rotate slightly from a liner. No more of this nonsense – back on to the Silvers and a little run of tiny Skimmers. I decide to feed a bit of micro and thought I saw a little blow over it. So on went a piece of corn and it slid straight away and 1lb 8oz Perch in the bag!! At the five hour mark I hit the wall and could not get a bite. So I fed some caster and maggot, which resulted in two further small Ronnie’s. I weighed 15lb for second in the Silvers and third overall. However, I picked up £40 for first in the Silvers by default.

The match and the Silvers were won by Bob “The Bread” Price from permanent peg 33. Bob had two Carp for 13lb 7oz and 33lb of sizeable Skimmers (see picture right – don’t often see Bob with a net of Skimmers like this). Bob caught all his fish on 3 mm expander over micro pellet at 10 metres.

Runner up was Leyton Palmer (pictured lower right) with 28lb from point peg 19. Leyton caught most of his fish on the method to the end of the opposite island.

Full Result:

1. Bob Price 43-07-0 peg 33
2. Leyton Palmer 28-0-0 peg 19
3. Mike Nicholls 15-0-0 peg 20
4. Mike Owens 13-10-0 peg 28
5. Martyn Rayett 13-08-0 peg 27
6. Bill Ferris 13-0-0 peg 39

Top Silvers:

1. Bob Price 33-0-0 peg 33
2. Mike Nicholls 15-0-0 peg 20