This year I had planned to fish the Veals Teams of Four again with Charlie’s Angels, which should have started today. However, Ken Rayner , due to personal issues had handed over the running of the league to Dave Downton. A couple of weeks ago Dave rang me for Charlie Barnes’s telephone number to explain to the captain that he was changing the individual pools to:
1 x Top overall
1 x Silvers
£70 per 5 peg section
£200 top team on the day
Last year it was:
4 x Top overall
4 x Silvers
2 per 10 peg section
Dave explained that he was putting the emphasis on team fishing hence the payout. I tried to explain to Dave that 75% of the anglers that fish the league treat it an individual open (all of Charlie’s Angels fall in this category) and he would find that the proposed payouts would result in teams pulling put. I for one was very unhappy with paying out a team prize from individual pools money. Plus you could be second in the match and win nought. Dave could not be dissuaded, so I informed Charlie of my decision not to fish this year. The upshot was because Dave didn’t listen to the majority of the anglers and subsequently cancel the league due to lack of support. Another league that Dave has gotten involved with that has ended up on the scrap heap. We can only hope he doesn’t get involved with any more leagues!! A long time acquaintance of mine is looking to run it next year.
So I needed a match and after a chat with Rod Wootton in Rip Off’s I decided on Cider Farm. Ihad a walk round before the match and noticed how clear the water was – lets hope it’s not too bright today – what did we have a beautiful day with wall to wall sunshine!! I did also take to opportunity to pick some blackberries for Brenda to make one of her famous Blackberry and Apple Tarts.
Before the draw Paul Lock gave me some 6mm pellet in a three pint Marshmallow tub – no wonder he so fat. I drew peg 27. I know peg 25 has had some form recently so wasn’t that disappointed. On arriving at the peg I thought it would suit my track and inside margin fishing. I set up pellet and paste rig for down the track and a paste margin rig. I started by potting in some 4mm with a tiny bit of micro in both swims. I started in the soft pellet down the track at 5 metres and was getting a few liners – so out went the paste and a foul hooked Carp in the tail. I was soon aware that the fish weren’t having it – or more like it was too bright and not enough fish in the swim. After trying hard banded pellet I decided to fish paste in the margin over loose fed 4mm. I had twenty fish steady until the last hour when it went completely dead – I was expecting the swim to get better towards the end. I decide to pot in some corn down the track and fish corn over the top. This resulted in one more Carp. However, I was getting the odd indication. I wish now that I had started on corn. My twenty one Carp weighed 38lb 9oz – for no where. The angler on peg 25 DNW’d.

My section was won by default by Nicky Collins (pictured right - well actually two pictures - can you guess which one Nick is smiling on - wrong - he smiling on both according to him - I think on the first he has eaten too many cider apples) with 58lb 10oz from corner peg 30. Nick caught on Corn over to the bare bank and a few down the margin.
The match was won by Robert Cullip with 116lb from peg 40. I didn’t get to speak to Robert but Bela Bakos said he had fished meat down the track.
1. Robert Cullip 116-0-0 peg 40
2. Rod Wootton 84-02-0 peg7
3. John Gray 83-03-0 peg 36
4. Howard Green 32-15-0 peg 46
5. Derek Cullip 73-10-0 peg 51
6. Nicky Collins 58-10-0 peg 30
Finally I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER come home by Motorway again. Traffic was tailed back from the M4 turn off to Junction 20 – M5. I nearly followed home Bib Feltham up the A38 – but thought it would be quicker on the M5!!! So my journey home was M5 to Junction 19 down Failand until the Suspension Bridge turn off – Bridge closed so traffic jammed up down to Cumberland Basin . Tried short cutting through Ashton Park – but dead end – turn back and try going to long Ashton – Traffic backed up to the bottom of Ashton Park – in to Long Ashton and down Yanley Lane on to the A38 then the usual route home one hour longer than normal!
i gave dodgy the details of my ideas on payouts for the league and he did say it had some possibilities !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike, I am hopefuly my personal issues will be resolved soon. Some dates for next years league have already been booked and its my intention run the league next year.
Agree about the payouts. I had a conversation with Dave last year about this sort of pay out and I understand the principle of why, but I can see why the majority wont be happy.
I would suggest, if your friend wants to run the league he has a chat to me first. a) to check whether I can run it and b) check the date already booked.
i think they should pay overhaul not carp and silvers seperate you win by weighing in the most simple really
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