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I have mentioned a few times in my blog Skip “The Stig” McCabe the record holder at Mawgan Porth. Well, It looks as if we have a new “Stig” with Harry Billings – doesn’t quite have the same ring, “you know what I mean”! I wonder how many fished.
Mawgan Porth: Match Lake , Fri. 10. Harry Billing (Mosella Garbolino) 363-15-0, carp on pole and pellet, peg 6, new match record; Andy Partridge (Spro) 189-5-0; John Slote (Mawgan Porth) 177-5-0; Wayne Ledbury (Mawgan Porth) 80-13-0; Guy Bristow (Barns) 72-5-0.
However, Stuart Redman must be the real Stig of the match angling world – See attached video and watch his rhythm and how focussed he is!!! 1,247 fish in five hours that’s 311lb 12oz; if they are all 4oz fish or 155lb 14oz if 2oz! Blimey, that is impressive. However, you do need the fish in front of you.
Matey Bela Bakos won Rip Off’s match at Avalon on Sunday fishing paste on the waggler to the far bank - How on earth does he do this?
Well at last the weather forecasters got it right – heavy rain all day, and it’s still raining as I write this blog (no Darren I haven’t got my Halkon Hunt clothing yet and yes I did use the Preston crap and yes I got soaked – make you feel better after Sunday). After a good breakfast at Hungry Horace’s with Mark Tanner we arrived at Withy Pool car park at 08:00 and had a walk around. No fish showing anywhere so I didn’t have a feel for which peg might produce today. On hearing that peg 57 was pegged Terry Bruton said that if he drew it he would go straight home (Terry fished it Sunday in the Bathampton AA Charity match and had two small Carp). It was a good job that Steve Jefferies didn’t go home after drawing it! There is no doubt that Withy Pool is difficult to peg, it’s like dealing a pack of cards! It was a good turn out today – probably because we were expecting some good weather – or was it because it was local venue.
I drew peg 41, a peg I have never fished but always wanted to. I was anticipating a good net of Silvers and perhaps some Carp later. I started on the Ronnie rig and caster and immediately knew the going was going to be hard. I had fed a 7 metre line for both the paste and pellet, so I had a try on both, only to be beaten to the strike by small Ronnie’s on paste, pellet, corn and caster. So I came back on the caster rig loose feeding wetted micro pellet with the same on the hook. This resulted in a run of small hybrid’s and Ronnie’s. With two hours to go I went back on the caster and had a few Ronnie’s – but the going was hard. With one hour to go the Ronnie’s suddenly stopped feeding. I thought it was because of the general poor fishing and miss read that the Carp had moved in. I went out on the 7 metre line and messed about catching the odd Ronnie on various baits. With fifteen minutes to go came back in on the caster and wham one lost carp. Tied a new hook and wham another lost Carp. With five minutes to go I plopped the paste in and wham a seven pounder in the net. Bugger, I wish I changed to the paste with one hour to go – all the signs were there!! I weighed 14lb 14oz which included 7lb 3oz of Silvers which put me third in the Silvers and a pick up of £25.

The match was won by Bob Warren (pictured right with runner up Kevin Dicks) with 49lb 12oz from peg 43. Bob fished paste all match at 7 metres, landing eight Carp.
In third place was Steve “The Skud” Jefferies with 40-12-0 which included a 17 lb Mirror Carp (pictured bottom right) - (which apparently shrank by 3lb whilst in Steve’s keep net). I don't think that today's Carp beats the one Steve caught at Sangria-La last year - Either way Stevee looks just as cold! (see picture bottom right).
The Silvers was won by Mr Pastry from peg 49 with a lowly 8lb 15oz.

Full Result:
1. Bob Warren 49-12-0 peg 43
2. Kevin Dicks 46-12-0 peg 54
3. Steve Jefferies 40-12-0 peg 57
4. Terry Bruton 40 -0-0 peg 74
5. Tom Thick 38-08-0 peg 48
6. Charlie Barnes 25-13-0 peg 69
Top Silvers:
1. Colin Golding 8-15-0 peg 49
2. Tom Thick 7-14-0 peg 48