Saturday, 23 December 2023

HELP Request

Fellow South West Anglers could please have a look at the following pictures to see if you can help me find the location of three venues. They all show my Granddad. My reasoning is I would like to fish in the very spot if possible. Please feel free to share around as possibly travelled by coach so might be further a field.

Pic 1: I initially thought it was below the original Keynsham bridge which was washed away in the late 60's floods, but have my doubt's now as the one photo on google doesn't show the parapets. Whats annoying I can remember standing in one of the parapet to let traffic pass.

Pic 2 and 3 (back of pic 2) : What puzzling me is the far bank line of trees and the embankment and possible road. Could it be the Huntspill around Gold Corner?

Pic 3: Probably the hardest to locate. It looks like it might be tidal or sluice gate controlled. Thinking Brue or somewhere on the Somerset levels?

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