Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Review of 2014

January: The year started for me, thinking Ivy House as Andy Lloyd had taken over the Fishery with his wife Karen (pictured right) who both put in lots of hard work to get it up and running, which included some serious restocking of Carp to 2lb. Bela and I decided to make regular trips through out the year because it was an easy drive plus there were rumours of plenty of Silvers (Bream, Skimmers and Ronnie’s). I soon learnt that you had to choose the pegs to fish for Silvers and which pegs to target Carp. Over the year I managed to pick up in 54% of the matches mostly with Silvers catches.

February: I fished the Viaduct winter league again for the Silverfox team. To say we had some bad draws is an understatement, well that’s the usual excuse used for finishing last in the league. As for me I felt as if I spent most of the league watching Lee Werret (pictured right) catch Carp from opposite pegs - on Campbell  - Lee peg 110 me 132 and Spring - Lee on 15 and me on 13 (unlucky for most who draw here). The team are currently looking forward to fishing the league again in 2015, but will have sadly lost the team we usually could beat Avon Angling.

March: The Bathampton/Veals Individual Silvers League was a reasonable success. I had some not so good draws but I felt I made the most of them spending most matches down in the thirties. I even managed to frame off of 32 which was pleasing. I think on the drive home, come win or lose, if you feel you got the most from the peg then you have had a good day out – that is not having that “If only doubt”. It was also satisfying to sneak in to the overall league frame. Mike Jones is considering changing the pegging for next year to avoid the bottom end pegs. It was also particularly pleasing to see Dave Gillard (pictured right with a match win with two stalwarts with joint “Accidental Carp” wins - Umm) have a few successful matches sitting out for one or two Bream.

April: Emerald Fishery was rediscovered this year. However, the first match was abandoned after the German Sheppard dog attack on a poor lad and his Granddad. It is something that I will never forget. We were soon back there with Avon Angling and Coffin Dodgers matches. It was on a dower, dark and wet April day during a Coffin Dodgers match where I drew a peg on Emerald Pool just over the bridge on the left, where I fished caster all match and became bored and fatigued up to the last hour catching 4 to 10oz Silvers when it dawned on me I might just be able cross off “To catch 100lb of Silvers” off my Bucket List. I did get close enough for me to do just that with 99lb 2oz –consisting of all true Silver fish i.e. no Carp of any description (weigh sheet pictured right), I did take into account that the match was disrupted with a phone call from Glenn Bailey and one piss. Mike Jones is running four matches in the New Year which is open to anyone that can fish on Thursdays – a few places left (hope pools fodder Paul Locke can make it). Contact Mike on 07776196040.

May: Chris Fox and Paul Faiers ran the KP Pole only series again at Acorn. I was lucky enough to get some decent draws, doing reasonably well picking up in 50% of the matches, winning one match (pictured right with the organiser and Silvers winner on the day) which was the highest weight of the series up to the last match only to lose out to young Lewis. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make the last match and got Dave Wride to stand in. He fished for Silvers so didn’t help the overall cause that said I did get my £25 pools money back from his Silver win – every cloud and all that. The Dark cloud is that Chris and Paul are not running it next year, shame.

June: Is a great month for me and fishing especially the week’s holiday down at Viaduct – already booked for 2015. I did lose a week due to family holiday which left me with some horrid Spanish virus. The rest of the month was getting battered by Carp on the flavour of the month hook bait - paste. At last Glenn Bailey managed to beat me at Acorn on the paste with me finish runner up to him (us pictured right). I understand I will be travelling to a lot more mid-week matches with Glenn in 2015! The Amalgamation Thursday series started with the first match at Sabre Lake – It felt like I was fishing in a oven, it was that hot. I finished second in the Silver pool to Doug Sutton. I didn’t know at the time that this would be the last match of the series for me.

July: Was a hot month which was good as I had planned to have the outside of the house completely refurbished by a great team of builders, roofers and renderers and all good anglers– Paul Haines, Bela Bakos and Rich Lacey (pictured right) – All come highly recommended. I didn’t do much fishing as when helping Bela I damaged my left shoulder and couldn’t drive far as it meant changing gear with my right hand (I have now switched to an automatic in case this happens again). So I cancelled the Amalgamation League. It was good that it happened when it did as many of the fisheries suffered from KHV – the hot weather probably contributing to these out breaks. Most of the fisheries managed it well. I am certain that closing a club fishery to keep nets for four years is not going to help with already struggling club membership. Because of this ban the Amalgamation are running their league at the Sedges Fishery Tile Lake and top Canal – All ready sold I understand.

August: Tony Rixon’s Float only series was again a sell out and success - mainly for him (pictured right winning at Viaduct). I had a reasonable series but had to miss one but my substitute Martin Lenaghan did well for me winning the match. I flunked on the last match on peg 95 it was my fault I could have done much better.

September: With a few matches under the belt at Ivy House I at last worked out the Silver fishing (well I hope I have). Picking up regularly in matches. However, the high light of the year for me was the match at Ivy House where I won the Silvers with 44lb 2oz and Bela won the overall match (our Selfie right). There was a few Pinky Ponks drank in Bar Gar-age afterwards.

October: With KHV all but over the Coffin Dodgers were back to Huntstrete. The attendances have been growing year on year and it was nice to see Jimmy Norris (pictured right) out on the bank this year after a 14 year lay off. I will always remember Jim catching 22lb of Bream on the K&A canal at Honeystreet with double Squatt hook bait, a bait that was to help me to a very success run on the K&A at Semmington/Three Magpies. It’s interesting that the Coffin Dodgers (over 55’s) match attendance is growing yet the open matches aren’t. Apparently the average age of the match angler is 55, so match match fishing in the UK in the present formatt to last only another 15-20 years?

November: It was sad news for many to hear that Avon Angling shop was to close. The end of an era (last days pictured right). The shop provided all sorts of products from social care, help the aged (Bob “Medium Sliced” Price spent up to 20 hours a week sat in the shop), Loans, café and citizen advice to name but a few. Oh, yes some fishing tackle. Thankfully Tony has found himself a job at Veals – just hope his new work mates got a sense of humour, I hope to keep in contact with the Gimp through the match scene. I was initially concerned about where I would get some decent casters. I need not have worried at Matt at Scott’s tackle – Soundwell Road has been sorting me out.

December: Definitely a lack of proper Christmas matches I like them to be run such that there are only prizes with a reduced pool payout. Typically as Mike Jones ran this year Coffin Dodger match (attendees pictured right). Not sure Andy at Ivy house got the payout right but Karen certainly made it up with her Christmas Roast after match dinner – 30 clean plates.

2014 - End of Year Summary:

Total Number of Matches Fished
Total Number of Anglers fished the Matches
Average Number of Anglers per Match
Number of Different Fisheries Fished
Total Carp Weight
3249 lb 1oz
3,098lb 6oz
3,377lb 11oz
3,246lb 2oz
2,470lb 15oz
Total Silvers Weight
871lb 7oz
1,634lb 7oz
1,506lb 7oz
1,1601lb 3oz
Overall Weight
4120 lb 8oz
4,732lb 13oz
5,320lb 11oz
4,752lb 9oz
3,632lb 2oz
Highest Overall Weight
191lb 15oz
158lb 10oz
177lb 10oz
193lb 12oz
201lb 10oz
210lb 14oz
Highest Silvers Weight
99lb 15oz
34lb 11oz
58lb 11oz
44lb 10oz
44lb 7oz
Heaviest Carp
19lb 10oz
17lb 2oz
19lb 12oz
18lb 10oz
18lb 14oz
Average Weight per Match
45lb 4oz
51lb 7oz
47lb 8oz
43lb 9oz
36lb 11oz
Number of Times in top 6 Overall
Number of Times in top 3 Silvers
Number of Times won Both
Number of Pick-ups
Strike Rate
Peg Fees

Pools Entry

Travel Costs

Bait Costs (excludes bulk pellet)

Capital Expenditure (spread over 3 years eg. £500/3)

Total Cost

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Sunday 21/12/2014 - Todber Manor Autumn League - Final Round - Park Lake

With Bela having to finish a roof before Christmas and not sure it would be finished before Sunday he cancelled. As it worked out he did finish and could have fished especially as there were more no-shows.

I had breakfast at home and followed Jane on the sat-nav and first to arrive, a short head from Mark Poppleton.

I was chatting so didn’t hear my section called when I finally got to the draw, there was two tickets left between Tim Clarke and me. I picked up peg 38 – Yippee. This and peg 7 has been the best pegs all series.

For company I had Ash on peg 37 who was lying second in the league (I think). I set up two rigs both 4x12 Jolly’s one for out at 6 metres and the other for the RH margin. I started at 6 metres on the favoured 4mm soft pellet fished over potted micro. It wasn’t long before I was playing my first 4lb Carp. I quickly followed this with another – winning the match then. It all then went quite whilst Ash started to bag at 16 metres fishing 18 inches deep with the bait pictured opposite over no feed. Ash kept them coming whilst I struggled. A switch to maggot produced a five more Carp over the next three hours, It was all a struggle. In the final ¾ of an hour I switched o the margin and had a 8 pounder on pellet a switch to the Dendrabena quickly produce a 10 pounder and that was it.

I weighed 44lb for 7th overall and a section third which was a tad disappointing from this peg. But interesting enough peg 7 didn’t really fish either. I got the feeling the fish really does move around this venue in winter.

The match was won by Alan Oram (pictured right) who took advantage of his end peg landing a better stamp of fish than Ashley for 111lb 9oz. Alan Fished at 10 metres using maggot over maggot./caster feed.

Ashley (pictured right) fished impressive match to win our section and thus winning the league – well done matey.

Full Result:

  1. Alan Oram 111-09-0 peg 5
  2. Ashley  Tomkins 99-0-0 peg 37
  3. Mark W 61-06-0 peg 35
  4. Gary O’Shea 50-10-0 peg 13
  5. Dan White 47-14-0 peg 22
  6. Roland Lucas 47-0-0 peg 14
  7. Mike Nicholls 44-0-0 peg 38

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Thursday 18/12/2014 - Bathampton AA - Over 55's and Disabled - Xmas Match - Bridge Pool

That time of year again – humbug for most Dodgers.

First thanks to Mike Jones and Chris Rolfe for organising a traditional Xmas match. It isn’t easy for the aging and great to participate in.

It’s a pity the Pensioner match is no longer – change is not necessary better.

It was nice to see the club secretary out today. Dave Crookes has an impossible job trying to satisfy all club members that said he has to be careful not to listen to the minority. With the forth coming fish transfer between Lakes there has been a lot of comment from all the interested (and non- interested) bodies. Talking to Dave he does have the interest of all members at heart and will restock if there are real issues – good enough for me.

You would expect that the Coffin Dodgers attendance would gradually decline – alas not Mike had 33 booked in. Apparently the average age of regular match anglers is now 55, so some time to go!

The annual picture of attendees (except John Fry who was …) is pictured below.

I was too busy chatting and ended up middle for diddle in the draw bag. Shame as I was put back in my end of the Pool – peg 33 – Ugh. Draw a line across the Pool from peg 4 and 32 and below this there is a significant absent of fish. So having had the piss taken by Mike Jones I left the car park despondent especially as matey Pete Greenslade blanked there last match. However, when Mike Jones sleepily arrived at opposite peg 2 I had a right laugh – I won’t be last in the match then (peg also blanked last match)!!

The only positive was that the peg has some shelter from the gusting winds – but the weather is still mild at 13 degrees. Two rigs – a 4x16 Jolly to be fished down wind at 2 o clock at 5 metres and a 4x12 Jolly which suited both margins.

A negative approach I think. So a small ball of GB laced with Pinkies was fed through the kinder pot on the long line. A few chopped worms and caster went in the up wind margin (LH) and a few dead maggots down wind.

I started on the long line and after a long wait I had a ½ Ronnie. I had a few more when I hooked a 1lb plus Perch which when played near the bank dived for the inside reed cover and on persuading it to change course the hook pulled  - bugger. The swim all but died. So I went in with a piece of worm over the CW&C and was soon playing another good Perch only to pull out again. A few sear words followed. I was hoping Mike Jones would give me a red card. I did have a run of tiny Perch. Over to the maggot margin and a few more small Ronnie’s and Perch were swung on to the bank then fetched in to the keep net!

I ended with 20 fish for 1lb 6oz for nearly last, except for pegs 34, 1, 2, and 3.

The match was won again by Dave Bacon (pictured upper right with his first weigh) with 7 Carp for 62lb 15oz from peg 28. Dave caught on his current favourite the “Pooper Scooper” fished over to the opposite island.

The Silvers was won by Terry Church (pictured right). Terry caught on the method feeder casting it blind folded around his peg and his neighbours.

Everyone had a prize except Paul Dicks who had two, breaking his first bottle (pictured right).

Full Result:

  1. Dave Bacon 62-15-0 peg 28
  2. John Fry 31-0-0 peg 27
  3. Dave Gillard 30-05-0 peg 18
  4. Terry Church 25-12-0 peg 7
  5. Paul Haines 15-08-0 peg 16
  6. Pete Turner 13-02-0 peg 15
Top Silvers:

  1. Terry Church 11-10-0 peg 7
  2. Paul Dicks 10-0-0 peg 8
  3. Dave Wride 9-13-0 peg 6

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Sunday 07/12/2014 - Ivy House Christmas Match - Match Lake and New Canal

It now official that Tony Rixon will be starting at Veals Tackle shop in the New Year, apparently as Tim Pallant’s Gimp!!

Bela was out on his “Office Christmas do” yesterday so I fetched his van round my house and picked (sorry scraped) him up this morning. Unbelievably he still managed one of Karen’s big breakfasts.

It was a Christmas Match today with a £25 price tag. However; the price did include a meal after the match.

When Andy announced that he was paying one in each section of 4 or 5 peg sections i.e. no Silvers I was a tad disappointed as I had come set to fish for them. My fault I should check before I book in.

In to the draw coffee tin and out comes peg 37 which is facing east on the end of the island. It was a reasonable draw as at the start I had the wind and rain off my back. The venue had been fishing very hard so I stuck by my guns and fished for Silvers as I usually get disrupted by the Carp on most days fishing this way. So it was just the one rig a 4x14 jolly to be fished at 11 o clock.

At the off I started on single dead fluro maggot over kindered micro/Pinkie. It took half hour to get my first bite a 3lb Skimmers. I had two more Skimmers over the next hour. The wind picked up and swung round slightly increasing the steady tow against significantly, making the jolly not man enough for a while. We are always looking for reasons why things change but after this I didn’t get another bite even though the wind subsided - that was my lot even though in the last hour I increased the feeding hoping for a Carp or two. My Silvers weighed 7lb 6oz which happened to be the best Silvers weight on the day.
The match was won by Dick Young (pictured right with his Grandson Josh who came third on the next peg to Gramps – using identical tactics) with 8 Carp for 51lb 14oz from peg 22. Dick caught a Carp first put in on the pole using maggot over some GB. Dick then switched to maggot on the straight lead to add another seven Carp.

I must say credit today goes to Karen for providing a great roast dinner with a delicious Chicken and Leak pie with five veg plus a first for me - Mulled Cider. The tables were all set out with flowers and candles giving a certain ambiance – pictured lower right.

Full Result:

  1. Dick Young 51-14-0 peg 22
  2. Chris Cottrell 46-04-0 peg 11 (New Canal)
  3. Josh Clarke 42-10-0 peg 20
  4. Mr. Magoo 33-11-0 peg 33
  5. Si Davis 33-11-0 peg 29
  6. Paul Dressler 30-0-0 peg 31
Weigh Sheet:

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Thursday 04/12/2014 - Bathampton AA Over 55's and Disabled - Bridge Pool

Winter is now with us after a mild autumn the temperature has fallen to 4 degrees, very overcast and especially dark. Nevertheless a good turn out with 30 fishing leaving Mike Jones the difficult task of deciding which 4 pegs to leave out.

In to the draw and out comes peg 26, normally an excellent peg as pegs 27 and peg 25 are usually left out, only being pegged when essential. I can understand leaving out peg 25 but never peg 27. Mike tends to leaves out 27 because of the closeness of the platforms you can hold hands, plus the potential of pole clashing. However, peg 27 faces North and peg 26 faces East with plenty of water to go at in both pegs which is the most important aspect.

For company on peg 25 was wind breaker Rich Coles and on peg 27 was Paul Dicks who needs to visit a tackle shop to replenish some of his small tackle! Both good Silvers anglers, which most of those present would be going after today for two reasons, one practice for the forth coming Silvers league and the fact that the Lake had gone clear so Carp not expected to be active.

I set up the one rig a 4x16 Jolly. This peg has plenty of depth which is maximised at 5 metres. However, in anticipation I set up 6 metres of pole with depth fairly consistent between the two lengths. I started by feeding GB laced with maggots at 5 metres ay 12 o clock and 20 or so casters at 6 metres at 10 o clock. Starting on single maggot I was soon netting a decent Skimmer followed by three smaller versions. I don’t know what happen next but the Skimmers disappeared to be replaced by 1 oz Ronnie’s. I went over the caster line and had another Ronnie on single caster. It transpired that where ever I fished I caught a 1 - 2oz Ronnie. And that’s how the match developed and finished with the last 10 minutes being disrupted by neighbour Paul Dicks when I found a Maver pole 4 inches above my head with Preston number six elastic stretched from peg 27 to nearly peg 24!! As it was near the close of the match I let Paul play it out, otherwise either me or Rich Coles would have snaffled it!

I weighed 9lb 6oz for second in the Silvers.

The match was won by Paul Dicks with 18lb of Silvers and 31pb of Carp for a total weight of 49lb 10oz (pictured below with his Skimmers and Carp nets). Paul caught on dead reds over GB laced with a few casters and maggots.

Full Result:

  1. Paul Dicks 49-10-0 peg 27
  2. Bob “Medium Slice” Price 43-12-0 peg 30
  3. Terry Bruton 30-02-0 peg 6
  4. Mike Key 26-14-0 peg 23
  5. Harry Muir 18-10-0 peg 10
  6. Charlie Barnes 17-05-0 peg 11
 Top Silvers:

  1. Paul Dicks 18-04-0 peg 27
  2. Mike Nicholls 9-06-0 peg 26
  3. Martin Alexander 9-0-0 peg 31