Monday, 27 November 2023
Sunday 26/11/2023 - Westerleigh Winter League - Practice Match - Taylor's and Shipp's
Friday, 24 November 2023
Thursday 23/11/2023 - Bathampton AA - Over 55's and Short Walks - Withy Pool
I walked up behind the island to check the leaf situation - pegs 47,48 and 49 were iffy so these were left out. Peg 50 would be OK if the leaves stayed put!! Didn't want to draw there again at the moment.
Chatting with Barny he was spot on with his prediction of only 7 lb needed to frame.
Into the draw bag and couldn't believe to see peg 50 staring back at me - bugger, just recovered from fishing peg 49 Saturday. For company I had Mick Gale the 0.08 specialist on peg 51 - one of my favourite pegs.
Peg 50 is a peg you really need to fish long but is hampered by the Otter fence - you either go over the fence, break down or as I did ship along the bank. Choose the latter because from experience Saturday expected to catch small fish the other options were more likely to cause pull- outs.
Did set up the waggler and on hindsight should have initially fished the feeder - expect another bollocking from Rich Coles - next time! By time we started the waggler line was leaved out. So spent the whole match on the 4x14 Winter switching between 0.1 with 22 - 808 and 0.08 and a 22 green GP04 Kamasan - the lighter rig made no difference to my catch rate. The wind did change pushing the leaves up and down my peg. Overcame this by having two lines left and right using the clearest line as and when, bit of a pain. Fished Pinkie and GB on both lines for about 30 Ronnie's. Hooked what initially behaved like a big Skimmer until lifting the top set and could see it was a big Perch at the same time it ran towards the bank and broke 0.1! There is a lot of snags close in, which probably helped cause the break. This was to cost me second section. Hooked just the one Carp. With 30 minutes to go a dew started falling making shipping the pole sticky. Think we were all glad to hear the all out.Weighed 3 lb 4 oz which was disappointing didn't have a sign of any Skimmers I caught Saturday. This was about halfway - it fished awful. Most of the framing weights came by early fishing of the feeder.
The match was won by Tony Ponting (pictured supping a well earned pint) with 7 lb 3 oz from peg 63. Tony had 50/50 feeder and pole, with his catch being bolstered by a 3 lb Bream. Mostly caught on maggot and GB. Well done matey.
Back to the Compton with a full house of suspects.
Weigh Sheets:
Monday, 20 November 2023
Monday - 20/11/2023 - Rig Connection
Having tried the latter I've decided to change to this method as and when the current elastics require replacing for the following reasons:
1. Reduction in the number of "links in the chain".
2. Less harsh on the elastic - a top-set may not be used for some time, so with my original method the elastic is continuously under compressive stress, hence causing potential damage to the elastic knot, compared with the new method, which is in a relaxed state.
3. Reduces risk of the Dacron (Fly line backing in my case) going over the toss pot.4. much easier to set up.My existing Drennan connectors are easily utilised.
Sunday, 19 November 2023
Saturday 18/11/2023 - Bathampton AA - Open - Silvers Only - Withy Pool
Travelled with Kev Winstone today - thanks matey. So much better travelling with someone as it can be lonely.
Nowhere's fishing well for silvers at the moment so expected low weights - still no wind to get the fish moving.
Drew peg 49 behind the island in the gap peg for me today. Jason was on next peg 50 so good company - But company we both could do without - leaves in both our pegs stagnating due to lack of wind.
Waggler and 4x14 Winter Titan. However, waggler produce one indication which was a bit disappointing as it could be fished in a area leave free. Fished two lines both at 10 metres with GB and Pinkie picking off the odd hand size skimmers, 1-2 oz Ronnie's and tiny Perch from both lines, the leaves dictating when to switch. As expected it was hard. At least only the one Carp to contend with.
Whilst packing up matey Layton Palmer came round and offered to push my kit back to the van. However, I was able to do it until, unknowingly, Kev had the call of nature and had moved his van. On my return unloaded my kit next to the wrong van - twat. But a double bubble van.
I weighed 6 lb 2 oz which got me the section by triple default - who don't like a triple😁.
Aaron (pictured with the runner up's) won the match from peg 46 with a decent weight of 12 lb 3 oz. Aaron caught at 13 metres initially with caster taking 6 lb, later switched to maggot for the remainder of his catch. Well done matey well deserved.
Back to the Compton which was rammed so off to the Mughal Palace for a drink or two and a takeaway - love draft Cobra.
Weigh Sheet:
Friday, 17 November 2023
Thursday 16/11/2023 - Ray's Rip Off - Windmill Fishery - Match Lake
Peg 22 again for me - when are we going to get some steps for pegs 2 to 11?
Great company today with Rip Off on 23 and Geoff on 21. Some colour in the lake but with the shortage of wind it was going to be hard for most.
Had a phone call from various family member's - the St Brendan's bus had broken down (again) so delayed setting up in case I was summon to the rescue. All OK in the end.
Set up just the short Ronnie rig and a 4 x16 Winter Titan in 8 foot of water at 10 metres both to target silvers.
Fished pinkie and GB on both lines. Caught small fish short for about 1 hour, then went out long but was loosing small fish, reduced the size of elastic but still enough power to get the Common Carp out. Had one Ronnie and one decent Skimmer, followed by a near 10 lb Common and one about 6 lb both on 0.1 bottom!. Sat on this line for far too long in search of more skimmers. Spent last 15 minutes back short and had a run of Ronnie's and Rudd. Should have spent longer on it.
The two Common's weighed 15 lb 10 oz plus 3 lb 9 oz of silvers which I didn't think would come anywhere as I could see Haydn Withers catching better fish on peg 25. So was amazed to find it enough for second silvers.
The match was on by Leyton Palmer (pictured with the silvers winner) with 92 lb 13 oz from peg 9. Leyton caught 50 % of his carp initially on the straight lead over to the island with double corn. The other 50 % came from fishing meat on the pole. Well done matey.
As I thought the silvers was won by Haydn with 6 lb 15 oz from peg 25. He caught on the pole at 10 metres fishing maggot hook bait.
Geoff and me rounded off a good day out by another visit to the Indian. The Manager has named us Chasni and Ramo after the meals we usually order 😄.
Weigh Sheet:
Friday, 10 November 2023
Thursday 09/11/2023 - Bathampton AA - Over 55's and Short Walks - Withy Pool
Seventeen fishing today so easier to peg three sections. The pool has gone clear due to the recent rain. No signs of feeding fish.
Peg 54 for me today. Thought I had an empty peg next door which would be desirable today, however, Mick Gale arrived next door and it was he that had the empty peg.
The North bank pegs - low 60's to the low 50's are all South facing and would have serious issues with the Sun today. Brought my old Sun glasses which helped with the Sun but could only see about 5 metres with them.
Set up allsorts except the feeder which on hindsight should have been the only thing I could use sensibly - stubbornness.
Started short on caster hoping for some decent perch - just indications so switch to LR's on the hook and caught about 12 small Perch which more or less cleaned out the line. When out 3 metres with GB and Pinkie and had a couple of small Ronnie's and a few more tiny Perch. The Sun combining with the wind caused silver ripple making visibility near impossible. Out to 5 metres with a very light rig had a couple more small Perch and a Ronnie. It was almost impossible to fish. Most of the bank was on the tip, where I should have been. Chucked the waggler out to 20 metres but it was a strain seeing it. I decided to pack up early to get on with the weigh in just as the heavens opened up.
I weighed 1 lb 12 oz for last but one.
The match was won by Andy Greenham from peg 42 (pictured with his catch) with 7 lb 6 oz. Andy had a few of decent Perch on caster and some small skimmers on Pinkie and GB. Well dome matey.
As anticipated it fished hard and if it wasn't for some decent Perch showing in most nets the weights would have been a lot lower. BAA netted out the small silvers last year which are just the fish to feed under todays conditions giving bites throughout the match.
Back to the Compton with a few of the usual suspects missing. However, we did get our spot by the wood fire.
Pick up my prescription glasses Monday so won't bother fishing until then.
Weigh Sheets: