Monday 20 November 2023

Monday - 20/11/2023 - Rig Connection

I have been using the rig connection as per picture top right. However, I recently purchase some top sets pre-elasticated as the picture bottom right.

Having tried the latter I've decided to change to this method as and when the current elastics require replacing for the following reasons:

1. Reduction in the number of "links in the chain".

2. Less harsh on the elastic - a top-set may not be used for some time, so with my original method the elastic is continuously under compressive stress, hence causing potential damage to the elastic knot, compared with the new method, which is in a relaxed state.

3. Reduces risk of the Dacron (Fly line backing in my case) going over the toss pot.

4. much easier to set up.

My existing Drennan connectors are easily utilised.


Paul R said...

Hi Mike, how do you attach the line using the new method?
I assume it's "inward looped" around the elastic, but I'm always a bit worried about finer lines cutting into/thru the elastic?
I agree what you say about the knot being under constant tension with your "old" method, but can't you alleviate this by pulling the plastic "trapper" loose at the end of the session?

Silverfox Match Angling said...

The elastic is under tension and may pull the bead off over the small connection knot.