Sunday, 26 June 2016

Sunday - 26/06/2016 - Ivy House Open - Match Lake

With Bela being away sunny himself in Spain last week (strange he had no suntan I thought) he was eager for a match so we decided on another venture to Ivy House – we have not been there for quite a while. I had been playing football with my football mad Granddaughter Lily; unfortunately I injured my knee again so it was hop-a-long today. We had the usual steady drive up and after one big breakfast and one small devoured it was time for a dip in the draw bag and out comes peg 11. Can you believe it the longest limp, but happy with the peg, expectation was for Carp rather than the usual Silvers. For company I had Alan Oram opposite on peg 10. The water colour was spot on for the time of year and all the crap weather we have had during June.

Peg 11 is a corner peg against the new spit. So as I said Carp up to the end margin was the killer plan. So I set up a Barnett 0.3 gram paste float for this swim. Plumbing around I had to go to 11.5 metres to find a flattish spot, even so the bottom was up and down. I also set up a 4x16 Jolly to fish at both 9 and 10 metres where I found 7 foot of water with semi-hards over micro.

The other Lake was occupied by a Carp match with all the regalia goes with it – Bivvies, Ganga loads of walking around with food bags and socialising especially along the spit, which pissed me off some which I think effected my fishing.

After feeding a pot of wetted 4’s into the end margin swim I started with kindering a few wetted micros in at both 9 and 10 metres and started to catch 2lb Skimmers on the semis. I had a good two hours by switching and feeding and resting between the two lines catching about 20 lb of quality Silvers until I had a Carp which disrupted the Skimmers. Time to try the margin with paste and I was surprised to quickly add another 10 lb of Skimmers. I wished it would have lasted longer, but the Carp arrived and over the last three hours I landed thirteen Carp, losing two – one in a snag loosing the whole rig and another which I managed to get out the snag only to loose at the net. The Carp really fought hard today.

My Silvers weighed 31lb and my Carp 59lb 10oz for an overall weight of 90lb 10oz for second in the match.

Bela on peg 8, late on in the match introduced GB in his margin and was unlucky to finish second in the Silvers with 34lb of margin dwelling Bream.

The match was won by Anton Page with 98lb 12oz from peg 5. Anton explains in the short video below how he caught. Likewise Mike Etheridge who won the Silvers with 40lb on peg 17 also explains how he caught – well nearly!

Full Result:

  1. Anton Page 98-12-0 peg 5
  2. Mike Nicholls 90-10-0 peg 11
  3. Alan Oram 81-06-0 peg 10
Top Silvers:

  1. Mike Etheridge 40-0-0 peg 17
  2. Bela Bakos 34-02-0 peg 8
Weigh Sheet:

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Thursday 23/06/2016 - Bathampton AA Over 55's and Disabled - Dave Crookes Fishery - Bridge Pool

Thought I would try the Coffin Dodgers at the Dave Crookes Fishery on Bridge Pool again to see how its fishing. It looks as if June is going to pass without giving us any blazing summer. Overcast but no rain today.

A reasonable turn out with 23 fishing with a few new faces – Hubert Evans, Chris Ollis and Ken Morgan.

In to the draw bag and out comes peg 17. I had to stop and think for moment thinking I was at the back of the island on peg 22. Haven’t drawn this peg for a few years, it has always been a reasonable peg for both Carp and Silvers so happy with this.

Arriving at the peg I found myself in a good company
sandwich with Ken Morgan (upper pictured right) on peg 16 and Chris Ollis (right lower) on peg 18.

Before the draw I asked around as to how the Silvers were being caught with the consensus being maggot as best bait with pellet not working so well. So the bait tray consisted of half pint of red maggot and half pint casters all to be fished over neat GB. The pellet stayed in the bag and was given to Chris Ollis later who was down Landsend next Sunday.

I set up the Ronnie rig for down the RH side for caster over caster. The LH side was ignored as an overhanging tree would hinder casting. The last rig a 4x16 Jolly with a blacken tip to fish at top-set plus one which took me 3 inches up the inside shelf in 7 foot of water and at top-set plus two. However, I wasn’t that confident on catching at the longer line because the few Carp that are left in the Pool were very active due to finishing spawning and were blowing on this line (see picture right). I fed both the short and long lines with neat GB, also started to loose feed caster on the Ronnie line. Starting on the close line with double red hook bait (would have preferred single but the maggot this week were more like Pinkies). I had bites straight away netting a few small Skimmers and Ronnie’s. It soon went iffy but didn’t go long as I thought I might hook a Carp, so after re-feeding both lines with neat GB I went on the Ronnie rig with single caster and caught a few Ronnie up to 8oz. I missed four times as many bites as I connected with. A few Perch to 4oz helped out by hanging their selves. The long line stopped fizzing so had a look over it with double red to no avail – nothing. So in on the shorter line had I had a run of five decent Skimmers. I thought I might catch shallow over the shorter line so started to loose feed maggot and using the Ronnie rig set a 30 inches deep I had a few more Skimmers and Ronnie’s, that was until I hooked and landed my first Carp.  Few more Silvers followed until – yep – another Carp. I decided to give up on the shallow rig and by swapping between the long and short lines I managed to keep a variety of Silvers coming until the last 45 minutes when I hooked another Carp which I landed to the detriment of the Silvers as I only had one Perch and Skimmer afterwards.

I weighed 22lb 3oz for second overall. I must say I did enjoy the day especially the company.

The match was won by Steve Dawson with 26lb 9oz from peg 27. Steve explains how he caught in the short video below (double click to get full screen)

Full Result: (Silvers Only)

  1. Steve Dawson 26-09-0 peg 27
  2. Mike Nicholls 22-03-0 peg 17
  3. Chris Rolfe 21-12-0 peg 6
  4. Chris Ollis 17-12-0 peg 18
  5. Dave Wride 15-08-0 peg 15
  6. Ray Bazeley 14-04-0 peg 30
Weigh Sheets:

Friday, 17 June 2016

Thursday 16/06/2016 - Viaduct Cost Cutter - Campbell and Carey Lakes

Our last competitive match of our holiday week was the Thursday Viaduct cost cutter. The match was split between Campbell and Carey with top individual overall and Silvers winners form each Lake. Obviously hoping for a peg on Campbell but if I drew Carey the plan was to fish for Silvers.

First in to the coffee tin and out comes Carey peg 97. Silvers it was then, so I procured a pint of casters from the Viaduct shop. For company I had matey Gordon Cannings on peg 95 which left peg 96 empty for me to fish towards with the Ronnie rig and caster. I set up a 4x12 Jolly to fish 4 and 6mm semi-hards over potted hard 4’s at top-set plus three sections of pole for the Skimmers.

I started after the Skimmers and after kindering a few 4’s the swim started to fizz and I was soon playing a Carey Carp. Two more Carp followed into the keep net through kindering the 4’s between each fish. Umm! Next Carp I foul hooked luckily I got the rig back intact. The problem was if I didn’t feed I didn’t get bites. So I continued with the feed and fouled another Carp. That’s enough of this, I set up a paste rig but wasn’t hopeful as I could see “Two Pots” fishing the lead on peg 88 so paste wasn’t working for him. I was right nothing on the paste, not even any nibblers. I started to sparingly introduce some wetted micro and had about 10lb of Skimmers before they were driven off by the Carp.  It was time to try the caster on the Ronnie rig. I had a few but they wouldn’t settle and the reason was soon apparent – Carp - which had arrived, taking the caster up in the water. However, once I had foul hooked one the Ronnie’s would return and this scenario followed another five times before one large Carp was too quick for me to ship on resulting in the float flying back at a rate of knots hitting my hand with only ten minutes to go I threw in the towel.

My Silvers weighed 18lb 4oz and the three Carp 28lb 12oz for a total of 47lb. This holiday was certainly turning in as a “one out of” as once again I was one out of the Silvers – bugger.

Some say Carey is fishing hard I’m not sure that’s the case from what I learnt today I think they are too crafty and we are unable to catch them.

The match was won by Steve Shaw (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 222lb 4oz from peg 110. Steve fished the straight lead all through catching on hair rigged 8mm pellet fished around over the odd loose fed 8 mm pellet. Steve fed just over one pint throughout the match.

The Silvers was won by Scott Russell from peg 111 next to the match winner with 52lb 1oz. Scoot caught on 8mm hard pellet fished over 8mm at 13 metres.

Full Result:

  1. Steve Shaw 222-04-0 peg 110
  2. Tim Ford 209-03-0 peg 132
  3. Alex Randell 167-08-0 peg 123
  4. Scott Someone 157-0-0 peg 118
  5. Scott Russell 152-12-0 peg 111
  6. David Simpkiss 133-11-0 peg 102 Joint. Tony Rixon 133-11-0 peg 12
Top Silvers:

  1. Scott Russell 52-01-0 peg 111
  2. Colin Dyer 28-06-0 peg 129
Weigh Sheets:

Wednesday 15/06/2016 - Mike Nicholls Short Pole Open - Viaduct Fishery - Campbell Lake

Today was the second of my short pole matches on Campbell again limited to twenty anglers which sold out early. We all had a delightful breakfast at the Savannah Café served and cooked by the affiable Joan who kindly opens early for us.

Gabe Skarba won the Silvers last short pole match and offered to help me with his secret potions and lotions. I agreed to try his Silvers method out. So this morning I met up with Gabe and handed over two pints of soaked 6mm pellet which he placed in his cauldron adding in various potions all of which I was made to smell. Gabe gave me half a Sensas bucket of the stuff. I asked how many matches this would last he said just the one today (more than I use all year)! He gave me two pints of 6mm and 4mm expander hook bait which I was also to feed. Gabe guaranteed I would win the Silvers with this mix, but would not catch Carp or Tench with it. Umm.

Being a gentleman I let ladies draw first with Ms Drysdale picking peg 135 I let her pull mine and ended up on peg 127 next to matey “Two Pots” Glenn Bailey. Gabe drew peg 30.

So I set up one 0.12 Jolly and a paste float in the unlikely event that the Silvers potions didn’t do it.

The thunder then started and it rained persistently fell all day and didn’t stop until after the weigh-in. Emma Drysdale fished all through the rain in shorts and tea shirt (or is it a blouse for ladies).

I fed the prescribed three large balls of the potion at top-set plus three with some expanders. First put in I hooked and landed a small Carp (I could still hear Gabe saying “noo-Carp”). I had another three before I caught my first Silver – a Tench (I could still hear Gabe saying “noo Tench”). I followed this with a couple of big Skimmers and two foul hooked Skimmers and two off-the-hook flyers. I kept up the prescripted feed which resulted in a mass influx of Carp gill feeding on the GB up in the water. I tested the GB down the edge and it appeared to be suspending off bottom.  I changed to paste but the damage was done as throughout the remainder of the match I foul hooked 15 Carp, landing a total of thirteen I did have another Tench and a few decent Skimmers.

My Silvers weighed 21lb 11oz making my total 93lb 10oz for 7th overall. Once again “one out” of the section by default.

I came away thinking I was glad I tried Gabe’s method out which probably works on the right day. Interestingly Gabe also foul hooked lots of Carp. But I think I wasted a good Carp peg, especially as the match was won from next door spit peg 128.

The match was won by Glenn Bailey with 229lb 15oz from peg 128. Glenn explains how he caught in the post a match video interview.

The Silvers was won by Steve Kedge with 46lb 14oz form peg 116. Steve explains how he caught in the video below.

Full Result:

  1. Glenn Bailey 229-15-0 peg 128
  2. Tim Ford 173-08-0 peg 112
  3. Craig Edmonds 173-03-0 peg 132
  4. Paul Blake 166-05-0 peg 111
  5. Emma Drysdale 115-02-0 peg 135
  6. Martyn Woodington 93-12-0 peg 110
Top Silvers:

  1. Steve Kedge 46-14-0 peg 116
  2. Stuart Graham 29-09-0 peg 124
Weigh Sheet:

Tuesday 14/06/2016 - Acorn Fishery Open - Paddocks

Acorn fishery no longer does breakfasts so we all risked going to the road side van on the industrial Estate. I must say my bacon sandwich was very tasty and I didn’t get food poisoning. The weather had turned in very windy, raining and cold which didn’t look good for me as I had travelled with Geoff Francis and left most of my warm clothes in my car. Geoff came to the rescue with a warm top. I needn’t had worried because by the time we started the rain had stopped and it had warmed up some what but as per usual on the venue the wind was still with us.

I wanted a peg out of the wind and got one with ping-pong ball 37. The Sunday match was won from it on the paste fishing top-set plus one down to the right, so I set up a 0.4 gram paste float for the same and found I could hold up the plummet in about three foot of water. In case I set up a 4x10 Yoof for over at 12 metres and a 4x12 Jolly for short down the edge for caster over caster. I hadn’t been to the venue since this time last year and hadn’t realised there was no Silvers payout which is what I started out to catch on the caster, initially catching a small Carp. I then had a run of two Crucian’s and some small Perch. However, this soon dried up, so time to try the paste over kindered hard 4’s and …nothing and nothing. I couldn’t help noticing that the water colour around my swim was black; all I could think of it must be some sort of Algae but was for some reason limited to the few pegs around me – possibly due to influx of cold water and no wind – be careful what you wish for! I decided to go through the pain barrier and try across at 12 metres with maggot over maggot. The water looked a bit clearer there. After feeding a big pot of maggot the Carp were straight on it with tails flashing around. However, all I could do was foul hook them and soon after they would disappear. Re-feeding brought on the same performance.  After managing only to hook three Carp nearly in the mouth I retried the paste again to no avail. So back on the long pole where at least I was getting some sort of sport!! I finished the match in the margin and in the dying minutes managed just one foul hooker.

I finished the match with a meagre 19lb. It didn’t make any difference to me today, but always check if there is a Silvers pool.

The match was won by fellow holiday maker Martyn Woodington (pictured upper right with his catch) all the way up from Haywards Heath with 71lb 11oz from peg 1. In the short video below Martyn explains how he caught today.

Full Result:

  1. Martyn Woodington 71-11-0 peg 1
  2. Ryan Jordan 68-10-0 peg 5
  3. Tim Ford 59-10-0 peg 31
  4. Gabe Skarba 59-04-0 peg 34
  5. Eddie Wynne 52-12-0 peg 40
  6. Ray Beazley 52-04-0 peg 19
Weigh Sheets:

Monday 13/06/2016 - Residents Match - Viaduct Fishery - Lodge Lake

We got together with the other Lodge residents and had a ten pegger on Lodge Lake, which included regular angler Colin Dyer. I drew a first timer peg 73. We were later joined by resident Heron – pictured right fishing from the aerator.

I set up just the two paste floats a 0.3 gram PC paste float and a 0.15 PC paste float for the LH margin to fish the top-set up to the brambles.

I started out in front at top-set plus two and was soon catching decent sized Carp netting six very quickly before if went iffy. I then switched to the LH margin where I had been feeding some GB given to me by Nick Chedzoy at yesterdays match. I could see the small fish feeding over it then scurry out once the carp arrived which they did by working their way down behind the brambles (sneaky blighters). They were big fish judging by the size of their tails. I thought the GB was a little too fine for what I was trying to do so I started to feed some left over damp micro pellet. This worked much better; bring in more Carp and with it plenty of float swirling, patients was the key and to only strike at the slam-dunk bites. I did hook a very large Carp which pulled the knot through the bead of the side pull-a-bung ripping out the inter-costal PTFE bush and the tip bush so I lost the lot. A new 0.15 rig from the winder was soon set up. From this margin I caught I further seven carp up to 18 lb.

I know is usual for anglers to fish down the RH margin down to the tree which is about 12 metres but it all looked like hard work for a holidaymaker.

I weighed 6lb of accidental Silvers and 111lb 2oz of Carp for a second overall of 117lb 12oz.

The match was won by Tim Ford who had a late run down his LH edge fishing meat over GB. Tim weighed 124lb 4oz which included 18lb 7oz of silvers. Tim explains his match in the short video below.

Gordon Cannings won the Silvers with 25lb from peg 68, Gordon caught Skimmers on 8mm meat fished at 13 metres.

Full Result:

  1. Tim Ford 124-04-0 peg 53
  2. Mike Nicholls 117-12-0 peg 73
  3. Glenn Bailey 111- 02-0 peg 59
  4. Martyn Woodington 109-13-0 peg 56
  5. Gordon Cannings 107-14-0 peg 68
Top Silver:

  1. Gordon Canning 25-0-0 peg 68
Weigh Sheet:

Sunday 12/06/2016 - Tony Rixon's Float Only - Round Two - Landsend Fishery - Specimen, Match and John Walters Lakes

Bit of a keep net shortage this morning because matey Martyn Woodington backed over them whilst laid out to dry. The first time he did it there wasn’t much damage, so after a quick inspection and moving them Martyn only went end did it again doing a proper job this time!! Fair play he did buy me two new once later in the week. Picture of the weeks disasters right.

Me and Gordon went off to Landsend Fishery for the Tony Rixon’s float only league where we met up with Tim Ford. Whilst Glenn, Geoff and Martyn went off to try their luck on the Summerhayes Open.

I must say the breakfast is very good at this fishery probably because it’s cooked by proper housewives. Trigger was in the café but was suffering after a late night out, not returning home until 5am (pictured right in recovery mode). The question was had we handicapped Trig enough for him not to win again?

As per usual I was hoping to avoid Specimen Lake, preferring John Walters Lake. In to the draw tin and out comes peg 19 on Match Lake. No emotions here, that said it has a reputation as a long pole slayers peg. I had a chat with Tom Thick (it’s amazing what a good woman can do to a man). Tom has just taken over as Manager at Thatcher’s Tackle in Wells. Tom thought I might catch some Silvers down the LH side by the tree and some F1’s (which count as Silvers on this venue) at 13 metres and Carp down the RH side.

For company I had Gary O’Shea on peg 18 and Nick Chedzoy on peg 21 so a Thatcher sandwich.

I erected a 4x14 Jolly to fish semi-hards and 6mm meat and a Barnett 0.3 gram paste float for the RH side and finally a 4x12 Jolly for caster down to the tree – 12 inches form the platform!!

I started and continued to loose feed caster down the left fed some meat at top-set plus two and 10 micro at 10 metres which is where I started with semi-hards. I caught a few small Carp fairly quickly but this soon slowed and it was soon apparent that my section (pegs 24 to 20) was fishing hard. Subsequently a few Skimmers arrived but for some unknown reason I was missing bites – suspected liners. It was time to try the caster which had an instant response from Perch from 2oz to 12oz. I did hook one between 2 and 3lb which I pinged out of – bugger. I did have a 2lb Skimmer there but interestingly no Ronnie’s which I was expecting. Out went the 13 metre pole to torture my lower back but hopefully catch some F1’s, so kindering 10 grains of micro with semi-hards I hooked a small Carp followed by an F1. Again I was missing bites so switched to 6mm hook bait but still feeding small amounts of micro. This worked well for the F1’s adding six on the trot before I had another small Carp (the Carp normally average 6-7 lbs on this Lake). I reckon it was between me and Gary O’Shea for the section until Nick had six decent carp on the bounce, but I thought it would be close because I hooked and landed (eventually) a 14 pound Carp on paste over the caster line. I switch sides because the RH produced nothing over the paste. I needed some hindsight about now because I stayed on the paste for the last half hour adding just one more Skimmer whereby it might had been better if I tried for some more F1’s.

My Silvers weighed 20lb and my Carp 39lb 15oz for a total of 59lb 15oz. This put me second in section behind Nick and one out of the Silvers by 3lb. So a double “One Out” today!

The question was answered we hadn’t handicapped trig nearly enough drawing peg 34 on Specimen Lake he smashed the match with another near triple ton. Remarkable. Trig explains how he caught in the short video below.

The Silvers was won by John Fuidge with 26lb 8oz from Match Lake peg 1. John caught on caster.

After he match Bela Bakos and Shaun Townsend went on Duck rescue. A Mallard had got caught in the brambles on the far bank of empty peg 14, so Shaun got the fishery boat and you can see what happen next in the video below – following on from Trigger.

And the Summerhayes group faired well today:
Martyn Woodington – 3rd – 69lb 1oz
Glenn Bailey – 4th – 66lb 9oz
Geoff Francis – 38lb 8oz

Full Result:

Weigh Sheets:

Saturday 11/06/2016 - Mike Nicholls Short Pole Open - Viaduct Fishery - Campbell Lake

And so it begins…. Today see the start of our annual match fishing holiday at the Viaduct Fishery where the usual suspects of me, Tim Ford, Geoff Francis, Glenn Bailey, Martyn Woodington and Gordon Cannings will share the excellent Lavender Lodge for the forth coming week.

I am running two short pole (top-set plus 3 sections of pole and no shipping on extras) matches on Campbell Lake which I limited to twenty anglers and both sold out with a waiting list. I chose short pole matches to prove that there is absolutely no need to break your back to catch the same amount of weight on this venue, which the two matches proved once again.

The near end of the Lake is favoured at the moment because the aerator located at this end is now running 24/7 attracting more fish than would normally be the case. In to the draw tin and out comes peg 124. No emotions as although it’s at the far end I was assured a great days fishing.

For company I had Gordon Cannings on peg 123 and Bob Gullick on peg 125.

Two rigs set up a Barnett 0.4 gram paste float and a 4x12 Roob for the meat which was pinched from Bob Gullick. I fed two lines both at top-set plus two, one for meat and the other paste. The up shot was I had three big carp on the paste over kindered hard 4’s in the first three put-ins followed by a very lean spell, during which I tried the meat line which only produced the odd Skimmer and small Carp. In the mean time both Ben Hagg and Bob Gullick were catching steady on meat. Bob did have a frightful time trying to land a Carp that had broken his top-set. See video below where Bob also explains how he caught his runners up weight of 194lb - we’ve all been there. It was until the last hour that my swim revived and caught well finishing with 14 Carp and a few Silvers.

My meagre Silvers weighed 6lb 4oz and my Carp 105lb 10oz for a grand total of 112lb 8oz for 8th overall! One place out of my defaulted section.

The match was won by Ben Hagg from peg 114 with 197lb 11oz. Ben caught on meat both out in front and down the edge. I couldn’t find Ben after the match for the usual post match interview.

The Silvers was won once again by Gabe Skarba (pictured right with his catch of Skimmers) with 37lb 9oz from peg 126. Gabe caught on his normal GB mix and either 6mm or 8mm expander pellet fish at full permitted length of pole.

The match had 12 tons or near tons so short pole matches proven once again.

Full Result:

  1. Benn Hagg 197-11-0 peg 114
  2. Bob Gullick 194-0-0 peg 125
  3. Norman Sterry 184-12-0 peg 116
  4. Ashley Tompkins 172-02-0 peg 135
  5. Alex Murry 159-04-0 peg 128
  6. Emma Drysdale 143-05-0 peg 111
Top Silvers:

  1. Gabe Skarba 37-09-0 peg 126
  2. Emma Drysdale 28-11-0 peg 111
Weigh Sheet:

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Thursday 09/06/2016 - Harescombe Cost Cutter - Match Lake

Toss up today Landsend or Harescombe. Harescombe won because I will be down at Landsend Sunday and due to committing to the Thursday Amalgamation eight match league I won’t be attending these matches as regular. The early sunrise got me up, so it was also early arrival at the venue in plenty of time, but never first, but I did beat matey Stuart Graham. The usual chit-chat during breakfast followed.

I don’t mind where I draw on this venue as you can get a days fishing from any peg and I mean any peg, Plus the match is rarely won from the same peg. First in to the draw bag and out comes peg 12 – AGAIN. So far this year I have drawn this peg twice, Peg 13 twice and peg 14 once (not the end peg this day)!! A little moan as I would like to draw another part of the Lake, preferably the far side.

Last time on the peg I did manage to sneak in to the coin. However, I have got problems with my knee – over doing the walking during last weeks holiday in Cornwall – Bude. So this time I decided not to set up the 13 metres to fish over as I rest the pole on my knee/leg, incorrectly thinking I could get coin by setting up just the two usual top-set rigs.

The upshot was that I didn’t catch my first F1 until an hour in, instead catching Silvers - Skimmers and Ronnie’s on meat over pellet. The short f1 line just wasn’t doing the business so spent the remainder of the match on the Yoof in the RH margin. I kept having the urge to set up the 13 metres but stuck to my guns. I was having plenty of bites and was sort of enjoying catching the Skimmers. After two hours it was clear that I was fishing for third place and after three hours just pride! It wasn’t until the last hour that a few F1’s put in an appearance, during this time I reckon I doubled my weight, but is was coupled with a bit of bad angling losing five F1’s trying to rush back in during the last twenty minutes. Strangely enough most of the F1’s were hooked well down their throats.

I finished the match with 20lb of Skimmers and 36lb 13oz of F1’s for a fifth overall total of 56lb 13oz. Compared with last match on the peg I fell 20lb short which is accounted for by previously fishing over at 13 meters. Umm.

The match was won by matey Stuart Graham (pictured right with some of his catching, including a 4lb F1) from peg 19. Stuart caught at 5 metres fishing bits of worm over caster, fished 12 inches deep. Stuart fed 3 pints of caster but found this insufficient as he slowed near the end due to lack of caster feed.

There is a very short video showing Stuart landing his 4lb F1.

Full Result:

  1. Stuart Graham 92-02-0 peg 19
  2. Terry Girdlestone 85-11-0 peg 2
  3. John Wood 75-04-0 peg 10
  4. Jock Liddell 64-02-0 peg 21
  5. Mike Nicholls 56-13-0 peg 12
  6. Martin Hook 55-08-0 peg 24
Weigh Sheet: