Thursday, 13 June 2013

Thursday 13/06/2013 - Ray's Rip Off - Rood Ashton

I decided to fish another rip off match at Rood with Mark Tanner. This time we all met the café just behind the K&A Canal at Semmington, a lot of fond memories for me fishing this section on the Canal, which I need to write about.
We had jus done the draw when Pete Philips arrived. Rip-off initially said he couldn’t fish because he said he “might turn up” - duh! Anyway Pete dropped in after end peg 10 – John Smiths peg.
Rip-off had drawn peg 1 – AGAIN, with his personal chauffeur on peg 2 – hence Rip-off match. I had drawn peg 7 which was next to the peg I drew last match. However, the conditions were vastly different with high winds and overcast I expected to catch a few. I set just the two rigs – a paste rig and a maggot rig all to be fished at 10 metres or in the RH margin. Starting on paste I had a 4 lb Carp straight way followed by another two, so things were happening, that was until the wind picked up so bad that the tow was pulling off the paste! I switched to the maggot and had a run of five Ronnie’s, this time of very light elastic which lasted until the next cast where I lost the lot on a foul hooked Carp. A similar pattern was forming similar to the previous match. The wind was getting even worse making it impossible to fish at 10 metres. So it was into the RH margin for the remainder of the match adding another four Carp losing another three – making it 4 to the fish and 7 to me – better – making it a draw over the two matches.
My seven Carp (all Commons) weighed 31lb 6oz and when adding my Silvers it took me to 31lb 4oz (enough to beat John Smith again) for 6th overall.
I am now convinced that the destocking of this fishery has seriously affected the venue.
The match was won by Rip-off (pictured right with his catch) with 55lb 15oz from yes peg 1.
The Silvers was won by the real Pete Philips (pictured right) from end peg 11 with 2lb 12oz. Pete caught on the pole close in with maggot over maggot.
Full Result:
1.      Ray Bazeley 55-15-0 peg 1
2.      Paul Haines 54-04-0 peg 2
3.      Kevin 37-13-0 peg 9
4.      Mark Tanner 35-12-0 peg 5
5.      Pete Greenslade 33-03-0 peg 8
6.      Mike Nicholls 32-04-0 peg 7
Top Silvers:
1. Pete Philips 2-12-0 peg 11
The Weigh Rag Follows (Charlie Barns was on peg 5):


Fishingken said...

Mike, I have it on good authority from those who fish the venue regularly that the lake has NOT been destocked.

Rumours started by those who can catch ;¬)

Silverfox Match Angling said...

We spoke to the owners son John, who confirmed that he has removed a number of fish (sold them) on the recommendations of the EA. Next time you are up there ask him. I wouldn't publish rumours.

allan pike said...

I can quite assure you that the lake has not been destocked at any time.
Allan Pike - Owners son