Wednesday 25 October 2023

Tuesday 24/10/2023 - Acorn Cost Cutter Open - Paddocks

I don't seem to get the time on Tuesdays to get down to Acorn with Gary and Glenn as much as I would like So today would be only the third time this year. The main attraction for me is the amount of quality silvers. However, with the autumn on us plus plenty of rain around didn't expect the Tench to make much of a showing.

Nice steady ride down with Glenn and it looked like it would stay dry for us. Gary was sorting his Colmic pole but still coming to terms how parallel butt sections work 😏

Drew peg 22 same as last time which I was more than pleased with. Found myself drawn next to Eddie on peg 23. Started to set up when Eddie realised he messed up the pegging and moved me to 21 otherwise a gap of 3 pegs. Very unusual for Eddie as he runs a good match, but can be a bit  grumpy if you don't have the right pools money.

Tench rig for the bridge, short 4x12 rig for 3 foot shelf and 4 x14 for full depth down the middle. Thought about the waggler but that was as far as it got.

Fed the Bridge with a smidgen of chopped worm and caster, starting short on single LR over maggot and had  three decent Skimmers and two decent Perch and an unwelcome 9 lb Carp. Time to try the bridge hoping for some Tench. Unusually foul hooked a Tench (slime on the line) and pulled out another. Landed two before it completely died but could still see activity over the feed which kept me trying the line in vain, whatever it was wouldn't pick up the hook bait. Had a few more skimmers short with the long line producing nothing. Added a 2 lb Perch and a few decent Ronnie's. Hour to go started a new line up to the bridge with the short rig with light feeding of maggot and had another Perch and some more Ronnie's. Put a bit of GB in with the hope for a Skimmer or two which brought a sudden unwanted change of small Carp and F1's adding about 25 lb - unfortunately no more silvers.

Silvers weighed 20 lb 10 oz all quality fish - lovely day's fishing plus second silvers pick up, total weight 53 lb 6 oz. Mid match nearly got off my ass to set up the waggler which I'm sure may have produced some Ronnie's, but can't be sure, here's to next time.

The match was won once again by Gareth Boycott (pictured with some of his catch) with 211 lb 8 oz from island peg 4. Gareth initially caught on pellet long over adding the lion's share later down his edge using maggot over kindered GB. Well done matey got it sorted.

The silvers was won by Joanne (pictured with the winner) with 26 lb 1 oz from peg 9. Joanne had a good few small Tench and Skimmers fishing down the middle with maggot and GB. Well done Jo.

Glenn finished 3rd from peg 5 with 149 lb 6 oz so a double bubble van and worthy of a pint on the way home in the Prince of Waterloo with Bob and Gary. End to another memorial day out with great company.

Weigh Sheets:

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