Sunday, 27 May 2012

Sunday 27/05/2012 - Bathampton AA Open - Huntstrete - Bridge Pool

A week ago last Saturday it was off on our holiday to Christchurch, Dorset with son Mark and his wonderful family. Off course we packed for bad weather as we were anticipating days of walking in the rain into the cold North Westerly winds. Arriving Saturday morning it was raining but by the pm it was sunshine and by Monday it was at 29 degrees, the highest temperature recorded in the UK this year, which stayed with us all week. Luckily I took a pair of shorts, which after a few sponging lasted me all week! Our accommodation backed on to the river Stour, so as luck would have it I found a feeder rod in the back pack. Unfortunately I could only manage 30 minutes and fed the swim with dead maggot as if I was on a shed full, which resulted in one missed bite. It was a memorable week for many reasons.

Bela and I booked into the last of Kevin Dicks match on Bridge Pool, Huntstrete. So after a breakfast in the Fountain café it was off to the venue.  I wasn’t surprised to find a low turn out as I suspected that petticoat government ruled and directed some anglers to the beach. So with plenty of room there wasn’t going to be a bad peg in the draw box. Out comes peg 24, about time I was back on this peg.

Having walked the venue I wasn’t sure it was going to fish that well for any species. Although the Carp were spawning on the Main Lake, there were no signs of this on Bridge pool. I suspected that because of the deeper water the temperature hadn’t quite made it to the magical temperature; however sex wasn’t far away as the Carp were up in the water and pairing up.

Peg 24 has been one of the best Silvers peg on the venue, so this was the target species, with CW&C. I set up the preverbal Skimmer rig and a Paste rig for the LH margin. The upshot was that I struggled on the worm, I think because the fish were up in the water and the temperature had increased. I tried soft pellet on another line, which resulted in plenty of fizzing but only a fee ounces. At four hours in I set up a Ronnie rig with caster and managed a few more Silvers, plus one lost foul hooked Carp. To my surprise I weighed in 21lb 12oz for fifth overall and third in the Silvers.

Once again I beat Darren Gillman off the next peg who managed to break his Maver pole twice on Carp – top set shattered and a top four in one place which needed a swim for Darren to recover it with the Carp still on it, but not for long.

The match was won by Terry Bruton (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 31lb 6oz from peg 16. Terry caught two Carp and some quality Skimmers over to the far using 8 mm hair rigged meat over to the island.

The Silvers was won by Mike Jones on peg 10 with 28lb 8oz. Mike caught mainly Roach to 8oz fishing caster over caster fishing 2 foot deep.

Full Result:

1.      Terry Bruton 31-06-0 peg 16
2.      Bela Bakos 30-12-0 peg 7
3.      Mike Jones 28-08-0 peg 10
4.      Kevin Dicks 28-04-0 peg 28
5.      Mike Nicholls 21-12-0 peg 24
6.      Darren Gillman 19-05-0 peg 18

Top Silvers:

1.      Mike Jones 28-08-0 peg 10
2.      Kev Dicks 23-02-0 peg 28
3.      Mike Nicholls 21-12-0 peg 24

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Wednesday 16/05/2012 - Avon Angling Open - Match Lake and part Specimen Lake

I had planned to pick up Ray Bazeley, but Paul Haines decided to go too, so it was a re-run of Sunday. Paul and his van arrived dead on time, but I couldn’t help noticing how sad (miserable might be a better description) the baby Seal looked on the side of his van (pictured right). They say you get to look like your pet, as witnessed here – Paul’s look- a-like.

As I said it was a re-run of Sunday breakfast in Hanham Wetherspoons and Paul on Match peg 7, Ray ditto on peg 15 and me Specimen peg 35. For company I had Tony Rixon on peg 36 and Adrian Jefferies (again) on corner peg 33. Des Shipp was on peg 40 and came up before the all in and said it would fish crap – Tony disagreed – as it happened both were wrong!!
I set up the usual two rigs one to be fished at 11.5 metres for the Silvers and a 4 metres meat rig to the left for anything else. After feeding the short line I kindered in some micro and with the usual soft pellet on the hook proceeded to catch nothing, not even a Ronnie. It was going to be hard. Tony was suffering similarly. I then had a sudden rush of Ronnie’s and Skimmers before the line completely died, even though I kept trying it, there wasn’t any sign of a fish in the peg. Coming in on the meat line I had two big Skimmers, a F1 and some Ronnie’s which persuaded me to set up a Ronnie caster rig. But as soon as I started to loose feed the caster the swim died, resulting in one bite – cripes. Back on the meat and a few more Ronnie’s gave themselves up, plus on 10lb and a 3lb Carp. I then hooked another double Carp, however, I had the Sensas side pull-a-top-kit on and unknowingly pulled the protector sleeve away from the top set and when pulling the elastic found it jammed in the unprotected carbon slot, resulting in the elastic cutting through half the thickness. So I was buggered I couldn’t let the elastic go neither could I add a section if the Carp made a dash for it, which it did, resulting in a lost hook. That was it I didn’t add anything else to the net for the last 3 hours. It was nice in the sun though. Even though Tony was struggling he did have a bonus Grass Carp that weighed 11lb 1oz (pictured right – what lovely fish, it’s a pity they are banned from being imported in to the UK).

My silvers weighed in at 13lb 9oz and my two Carp 12lb 13oz for a not so grand total of 26lb 6oz. very disappointing off this usually good Silvers peg.

The match was won by Eddie Wynne (picture right landing his last Carp – why is he re-feeding then – habit) with 112lb 4oz from peg 31. Eddie caught all his fish on banded pellet fishing either 18 or 30 inches deep at 16 metres (Eddie is also picture lower right with some of his winning catch)

The Silvers was won by Tom Thick with 25lb 12oz from peg 19.
Full Result:

1.      Eddie Wynne 112-04-0 peg 31
2.      Adrian Jefferies 93-13-0 peg 33
3.      Des Shipp 91-15-0 peg 40
4.      Chris Davis 87-08-0 peg 22
5.      Andy Curry 85-0-0 peg 1
6.      Tom Thick 79-04-0 peg 19

Top Silvers:
1.      Tom Thick 25-12-0 peg 19
2.      Eddie Wynne 22-02-0 peg 31
3.      John Bradford 19-04-0 peg 24

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sunday 13/05/2012 - Avon Angling Opem - Landsend Fishery - Match and Specimen Lakes.

With Bela still out with the Pensioners bug, Paul Haines stepped in and kindly gave me a lift down with Ray Bazeley. It was breakfast at the Hanham Wetherspoons. I must say Ray and Paul got it right when they substitute the sausage for the lashings of extra bacon – good one Ray.

With 32 fishing all the pegs on Specimen Lake were in the draw box – so a Lake to avoid me thinks. However, it wasn’t going to much better on Match Lake albeit there would be a few empty pegs. With only paying three in the Silvers and three in the overall weight, we were left four sections of eight, which made it more important to draw Match Lake to get in the coin. With Ray and Paul drawing on Match Lake it was odds on where I would be – peg 30 on Specimen. For me it was the wrong side of the Lake for the Silvers and not a peg I would expect to win the section side from – but you never know though.

Arriving at the peg it was soon obvious that the Silvers were spawning all round the Lake. John Bradford said it was just the F1’s - I thought they didn’t breed!! There was no way I was going to fish 16.5 metre over to the far bank, 13 metres was going to be the maximum, but decided on 11.5 with the 13 metre butt acting as ballast. For this line I set up my 4 x14 Jolly for the 3mm expander over micro for the Silvers – converting it later to paste once I had emptied it! I also set up a 4 x 14 Jolly to fish meat at 7 metres to the right. For some reason I set up a Ronnie rig for the caster – which, as expected was a complete waste of time. For company I was sandwiched between the two Adrian’s – Adrian Clarke on peg 31 and Adrian Jefferies peg 29, which made conversation interesting and in stereo.

Starting on the 3 mm expander over the kindered micro resulted in a decent half hour or so, landing some Skimmers, one F1 and a 10 lb Carp and some Ronnie’s. Over the next hour all I could catch was the odd small Ronnie. So it was a far too early entry for the paste, which resulted in one 8lb Carp. That was it for the next hour. Time to switch to the meat line which resulted in one lost foul hooked Carp. I had kept feeding it but because I had got some meat slime by the Kinder pot it started to slip round the pole top and I accidentally started to feed the 4 metre line to my left. After finally feeding the 7 metres line I had no further indications. So I switched to the CW&C at 9 metres which was a waste on money - not one indication! By now Adrian Clarke had been catching really well as was Shane Caswell on end peg 32. I was well behind and with 2 hours left I was thinking of a tactical walk, when I noticed a little blow over the 4metre meat line. So I quickly adjust the 9 metre line rig and had a 10 lb Carp first put in. I decided to stay on this line until the end landing another four big Carp before the end, losing one foul hooker. My few Silvers weighed in at 7lb 8oz and my seven Carp 68lb 11oz for a total of 76lb 3oz.

Adrian Clark (pictured right with his section winning catch) had fished a decent match, catching shallow and at depth over to the corner green tree at 16 metres landing fifteen Carp. I must admit I thought he had well beaten me for the section but as it proved he was only on lump ahead of me picking up the section leaving me 2nd in section and 11th overall. Happy with this from where I was at half stage.

The match was won by Anton Page (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 188lb 8oz from peg 22. Anton caught most of his fish fishing pellet long and shallow.

The Silvers was won by Jerry Pocock with 28lb 4oz (weight reflects that the Silvers had other things on their minds) from peg 9. Jerry caught all his fish (mainly Skimmers) down the far shelf using CW&C with worm on the hook.

Full Result:

1.      Anton Page 188-08-0 peg 22
2.      Tom Mangnel 112-15-0 peg 21
3.      Tony Rixon 112-03-0 peg 15
4.      Craig Edmonds 107-04-0 peg 13
5.      Adrian Clarke 88-12-0 peg 31
6.      Jason Radford 85-02-0 peg 36

Top Silvers:

1.      Jerry Pocock 28-04-0 peg 9
2.      Paul Elmes 26-01-0 peg 3
3.      John Bradford 24-12-0 peg 27

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Thursday 10/05/2012 - Batchampton AA - Over 55's and Disabled - Bridge Pool

We were all expecting a better day, weather wise, but not. Although it has warmed up a bit the wind was gusting (as it happens in to my peg again), with rain on and off all day – bloody weather.
It was all change again for the draw method with Ray Bazeley providing balls in place of the floppy tickets. We all visualised ping pong ball size with big numbers on them. However, that isn’t what we got. The balls were so small that 25% of the Dodgers couldn’t pick them up, 25% couldn’t read the number and 50% forgot what peg they had drawn as we had to hand the balls back!! See picture right of Rich Coles modelling ball number 3. I predict these will be short lived – hopefully.

In to the ball bag and out comes peg 10 (it’s still written on the back of my hand). I was happy with this draw for both Carp and Silvers. Two rigs, a paste rig for the LH  margin under a bush  (no more on this as I had only a few short looks on it, missing one bite), and a 4 x 16 Jolly to be fished just down the inside shelf at 6 metres. I started as usual by potting in 50/50 casters and micro, starting on the 6 mm expander. It was slow so I switched to double caster and did have two quality Roach to 1lb. I then started to get ragged on the drop from small Ronnie’s. I switched to worm and started to catch some Skimmers when Leyton Palmer arrived on my peg and watched me until the rain started and scared him off home. I then had another visitor – Tim Ford. It was nice to see him out and about again, but still a way to go before he out fishing again. Tim stayed with me for most of the match. When Tim did go for a walk the swim died for me, only to catch one Carp on the drop. After removing the said Carp I had a long run of Skimmers up to 3lb, luckily they stayed until the last hour when both the Skimmers and Tim left me. I did manage three more Carp on the drop though. After landing the second Carp I re-baited and because the elastic had stretched I had to use some persuasion to scrunge it back into the top set, having completed this I thought I had hook the keep net – but no it was a 3lb Tench – it takes years of practice to achieve this feat!!

The upshot was I had a great day’s fishing, not losing one fish, landing 43lb of Silvers for a Silvers win, adding my four Carp which weighed 35lb, bringing the grand total to 78lb for second overall – a match I will remember for a number of reasons.

The match was won by Bob “the bread” Price (pictured right with the Silvers winner) with 85lb 7oz from peg 30. Bob caught on – you guessed it, bread on the lead over to his opposite island.

Full Result:

1.      Bob Price 85-07-0 peg 30
2.      Mike Nicholls 78-0-0 peg 10
3.      Ray Bazeley 59-14-0 peg 18
4.      Harry Muir 59-06-0 peg 4
5.      Terry Bruton 59-0-0 peg 17
6.      Martin Alexander 35-0-0 peg 5

Top Silvers:

1.      Mike Nicholls 43-0-0 peg 10
2.      Rich Coles 24-05-0 peg 7
3.      Mike Jones 17-02-0 peg 33
4.      John Bradford 15-07-0 peg 14

Monday, 7 May 2012

Sunday 06/05/2012 - Avon Angling Float Only - Viaduct Campbell and Carey - Round One

“Sick Note” Bakos needed a bit of persuasion to fish today because of his Pensioners cough – he was glad he did because he ate all Breakfast at Canards Well and won his section from un-fancied peg 74 with 78lb.

I couldn’t help thinking about matey Glenn Bailey who cancelled his series – tormented if he does and tormented if he doesn’t. We need anglers of Glenn’s quality fishing this very strong league.

With fourty anglers fishing the league (twenty on each lake) a number of pegs that arn't normally pegged that I fancied would be in today, such as 135, 131, 121. In to the coffee draw tin and out comes peg 119. Don’t you hate it when you’re told it won the match the day before with 100 lb – didn’t fish well then.

We all know the peg is normally fished at 16/17 metres to the end bank. However, I have always managed ton plus weights fishing a maximum of 13 metres. That said I was slightly concerned as the wind was now blowing in to peg 123 – surface scum being its witness.

I set up three rigs all 4x13 Jolly’s all identical except the depth. One for the RH margin at 5 metres, one for 9 o clock at 10 metres and the final one, 10 metres at 2 o clock. All to be fished with 6mm Spam, all I started with on the bait table. First four put in at 2 o clock I hooked and landed three Carp the fourth breaking me by diving in to my keep nets, my fault as it had me thinking it was going to be a fish race. The bites were so positive I thought I was on for a monster weight. But that was it for the next hour catching only one 4 oz Skimmer. The swim was completely dead. In to the short margin where I had fed a pot of meat and I couldn’t believe I when I couldn’t get a bite not even from a Silver fish (you are normally bitted out here until the bigger fish move in). The meat wasn’t working. So out comes the soft pellet and I opened up the 10 metre 2 o clock swim with a few hard 4’s and had a run of small Skimmers up to 8oz. I then had another welcome Carp until the swim died – it appeared that the fish were backing off of the feed. With half the match gone I was really struggling, so in desperation I chopped up some worms and fed a big pot out at 10 metres at 12 o clock, hoping for some Tench/Skimmers. Believe it or not I couldn’t get a bite over it. With an hour to go (the golden hour I hope) I decided to put on the full 13 metres on the 9 o clock swim and set up a paste rig to sit on it until the end of the match. My bait table had gone from one neat bait box to a complete clutter. Luckily by feeding nothing over the paste I had six good Carp before the final whistle. It was clear that Shaun Townsend had won the section and would probably frame in the top four leaving a section default up for grabs. Neil Mercer on end peg 121 had caught more fish than me (twice as many) but I was suspicious by how quick he was landing them taking half the time I was, so hopefully mine were twice the size! Neil weighed 71lb 14oz with my ten Carp and few Silvers weighing 75lb 2oz for a section default pick up – 2 section points and 14th overall (sounds a bit like Ken Rayner). So the van again had a double pick up and we coughed about it all the way home!!

The match was won by Tom Mangnall with 159lb 12oz from peg 98. Tom “I’m going to fish for Silvers today” caught on banded 10 mm pellet fished on the waggler at various depths.

The Silvers was won by Nigel Bartlett (pictured right with his Silvers net) with a fantastic weight of 73lb 14oz from peg 80. Nigel caught up to the spit using CW&C, catching hybrids to 3lb, Bream and Tench.

It’s clear where the Silvers are “balled up” as Tom Thick on peg 81, the other side of the Spit was the only other angler to break 20lb – interesting. The top Silvers weight on Campbell was 20lb.

Full Result (tons):

1.      Tom Mangnall 159-12-0 peg 98
2.      Shaun Townsend 153-13-0 peg 123
3.      Anton Page 152-15-0 peg 125
4.      Clayton Hudson 156-13-0 peg 95
5.      Gary Etheridge 126-08-0 peg 114
6.      Craig Edmonds  117-14-0 peg 110
7.      Eddie Wynne 116-13-0 peg 135
8.      Phil Harding 108-15-0 peg 131

Top Silvers:

1.      Nigel Bartlett 73-14-0 peg 80
2.      Tom Thick 53-03-0 peg 81

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Thursday 03/05/2012 - Viaduct Cost Cutter - Campbell and Carey

Down again for the Skivers match, this time with matey Glenn Bailey and a barking dog (me with Roofers cough). Glenn appears to have an endless amount of holidays. After a breakfast at Canards Well (the water table is up), it was a tour around the new Viaduct Woody’s café (pictured right – opening Monday 07/05/2012).

In to the draw bag and out comes peg 80 – again. I have a hate – hate relationship with this peg as it tends to be a Carp Slayers peg on the lead or Waggler – not for me. That said I decoded to fish a tight match at 11.5 metres at 12-o clock with 6 mm Spam hook and feed bait. So it was the one rig a 4x13 Jolly with a compromise (Carp/Silvers) 0.16 hook length. I started reasonably well with my first eight fish being all different species (unfortunately I didn’t catch a Ruffe for a full house). I caught well both Silvers and Carp losing four Carp and three Silvers with one Tench untying my hook! I had a spell catching Hybrids to 2lb, but as soon as I put in a bit too much feed the Carp would come in and disrupt the swim. Fifteen minutes to go I hooked and landed an 18lb Common thinking I could get away with in just the one net which now held 7 Carp. With 5 minutes to go I hooked and landed a 15lb Mirror. So I had to get the third net, which I wish I had got one fish earlier, as my nine Carp weighed in at 93lb, unfortunately due to my lack of concentration I had over the 70lb limit in the first net getting docked 8 lb (first time ever). So my official Carp weight was 84lb 14oz. I was surprised when my Silvers weighed in at 40lb, giving a total of 124lb 14oz – an excellent days fishing using only 50p worth of bait – ½ pint of Spam. This put me 5th in the Silvers and 7th overall. Peg 80 is now a love – love story – I wonder for how long? Whatever, I was really chuffed to have got a good days fishng from the peg.
The match was won by Tony Gilbert (pictured right) with 232lb 11oz from peg 126. Tony caught shallow from the off using 10 mm banded pellet over loose fed 8’s. Tony fed four pints through out.

The Silvers was won by Kev Newman with 54lb 10oz from peg 127. Kev caught on meat down and out from each of his margins.

Paul Greenwoood (pictured right with his bank runner) was third in the Silvers from peg 100 with 45lb 2oz fishing soft pellet at 13 metres.

Full Result:

1.      Tony Gilbert 232-11- 0 peg 126
2.      Craig Edmonds 186-01-0 peg 118
3.      Scott Russell 177-06-0 peg 119
4.      Paul Blake 159-03-0 peg 85
5.      Steve Jackson 135-13-0 peg 132
6.      Dan White 125-0-0 peg 114
7.      Mike Nicholls 124-14-0 peg 80

12. Glenn Bailey 96-12-0 peg 102 (No Silvers)

Top Silvers:

1.      Kev Newman 54-10-0 peg 127
2.      Dave Romaine 46-11-0 peg 125
3.      Paul Green wood 45-02-0 peg 100
4.      Nick Ewers 43-14-0 peg 116
5.      Mike Nicholls 40-0-0 peg 80